An integral part of a healthy lifestyle, which in the modern world attracts all new and new adherents are sports. They improve overall health, maintain your body in good shape and, if necessary, and get rid of extra pounds.
All these advantages of exercise encourage people to write to the clubs that are going through a boom of popularity. However, few people think that with the right approach, learning English at home can be equally and sometimes more effective than in the hall.
The pros and cons of such a choice are very often interchangeable.
Sports home
A serious approach to physical exercises at home has advantages – no need to spend money on a subscription to the gym and travelling there. However, this option is suitable only for serious people with a strong will. Sports home psychologically discourage, because people can defer exercise and then be distracted by things around the house. Consider as an alternative to physical sessions in the gym home fitness is only if you are sure that you will be able to maintain a schedule of workouts and their intensity.
Regular sports activities is one of the key factors in achieving results. Only constant training can affect the physical form and ultimately on the figure. Exercises from case to case will not help neither feel better or to lose weight.
Another disadvantage of the home gym may be the lack of sufficient space and the necessary sports equipment. However, to achieve the result needs not so much. Just select the square two by two meters, to get the dumbbells and bench. It is useful, and a horizontal bar, which is often hanging idle in many homes. For a complete happiness you can buy the neck for the rod and stand under it.
Inexpensive “supplements” can be useful Mat and sports expander or wiring harness. This list might seem impressive, but the spending on the list will be less than the annual subscription to the fitness room. You will be able to save money on gear. If the sports club will need special clothing, the home about appearance can not worry. Importantly, t-shirt and sweatpants or shorts do not restrict movement was not free so that they could be confused.
To the formation of a set of exercises at home should be approached with the utmost seriousness. This may still need to go to a trial lesson in a gym where the instructor will cover the basic techniques of warm up and core exercises. You can also use the training videocourse, which many in the Internet or on digital media. The warm up should be aimed at warming the muscles, the joints and increase heart rate. Usually it is conducted without the use of additional shells, since the rotations of the head and involving all of the key articulation: shoulders, elbows, hands, pelvis, knees, feet.
A set of exercises may vary depending on the set in front of a man purposes, but usually it involves a physical load on the muscles of the arms, back, abdominals, buttocks, thighs and calves. With extreme caution should approach training with a barbell, if such apparatus is used at home. Usually in the hall to perform such exercises is insured second person, and at home usually have to rely only on themselves.
Sports in the hall
Sports training in the gym is better to have lessons and motivate us to succeed. First, gyms and sports clubs equipped with all necessary equipment. Secondly, before the eyes there are always people that can be. Thirdly, sports clubs group exercise classes available that are more effective, as impregnated with the competitive spirit gives the lessons the excitement and allow you to challenge yourself, “If others can, so can I”.
Important factor encouraging the classes in the hall, is the financial component. Access equipment is paid for, usually for several months or even a year in advance and it can stimulate a person not to skip a workout. However, as practice shows, this argument works for long: many people no longer regularly go to the gym after 2-3 months after the first visit. Therefore, at the beginning of classes, you must have a solid attitude and strictly adhere to your promise.
An indisputable advantage of the sports clubs is the availability of specialized machines for different muscle groups. But seeing a variety of treadmills, exercise bikes and other devices, you need to clearly realize that the work on bringing the body into good physical form they have not and yourself. These are just tools that can assist in achieving goals.
An additional advantage of fitness centers may be the presence of a pool, regular classes which allow you to tone all the muscles of the body, and saunas to help you relax after your workouts and making the gym session more enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Comparing home fitness with classes in the hall, it may also be noted that in the case of access to the sports centre man nothing distracts from the main goal of exercise. In the hall is easier to concentrate, to overcome laziness and fatigue, to learn something new. All this gives an extra emotional charge, which is extremely important to achieve the goals.
Sports coach
An important difference between training in the gym from household activities is the presence in the fitness clubs instructors and coaches. This is especially true for people who just join for fitness, and for those applying to physical exercise on prescription.
Both will be useful professionally to be a set of exercises and perform them under the supervision of a specialist. Of course, this is an expensive lesson, but is almost a must condition in order not to harm the mindless exercises their own health. The coach is able to suggest more effective exercise and those who engaged in sports for a long time, but in this case quite a few consultations, not the constant presence of an instructor nearby.
Prices for fitness in Moscow*
Picking out a gym for physical exercise, people usually focus on the location of the fitness center closer to home or work, as well as on prices. Currently in Moscow there are a great many gyms, pricing which varies greatly. Much depends on the level of equipment of the center, the number of prepaid visits and time available for classroom loan.
Trial lesson in all gyms, as a rule, free. In most places you can individually pay a visit to the fitness club. In this case, one class can cost from 200 to 800 rubles. Buying a ticket to a few classes, you can save up to half the cost for each visit. However, even more advantageous is the acquisition card for unlimited visits to the club for one or more months or pass on the year.
The cost of the monthly subscription can vary from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the level of the fitness centre and its location area. Annual card in a normal room on average costs 15,000 rubles, although there are places where prices reach 100,000 and even exceed this amount. Separately will have to pay for a job coach. Almost all the chain fitness centers and brick and mortar gyms offer discounts to its customers when signing long-term contracts, and especially when extending contracts.