
Exercise with varicose veins of the legs.

Varicose vein disease is a vascular pathology, which is one of the signs of chronic venous insufficiency. In this disease the tone of the vascular wall significantly reduced, and suffers valve apparatus veins.

Therefore, like any other organ, the vessels should be strengthened. For training of the cardiovascular system varicose veins there are special exercises.

We all know that a healthy lifestyle: proper diet, exercises and the like, to avoid many health problems, including some of those ugly blue stripes and knots on the legs with varicose veins.

But the vessels also can be trained for this against varicose veins developed special exercises, regular performance of which allows not only to prevent the disease, but also significantly improve circulation in existing varicose changes in the vessels of the lower extremities.

I would like to remind you that symptoms of varicose veins can be detected not only in the leg venous meshes and nodes. The varices are very often localized in the anal canal and is known under the name “hemorrhoids”. In this pathology there are also special exercises.

All exercises varicose veins is aimed at improving vascular tone and strengthening the surrounding muscles, improve blood circulation and prevent the stagnation in a big circle, which is the prevention of thrombosis.

A set of exercises for varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower extremities it is best to do at least two times a day for 10-15 minutes, it is advisable to remove elastic stockings. Be sure to count the pulse, it should not exceed 100-120 beats per minute. Before class it is recommended to sit on his haunches, a little warm-up is also required. Each exercise is repeated 4-8 times.

Preparatory exercise: lie on your back and put your feet on the roller at an angle of 15-20 degrees, relax and breathe deeply and evenly.

You can now go to the main complex.
  • I. P.: Lying on his back. “Bicycle” – leg movements like turning the pedals, while the loin should be firmly pressed to the floor.
  • I. P.: Lying on your back with your legs extended, take a deep breath – exhale. On the inhale pull knee to chest, exhale return to starting position, then repeat for the second leg.
  • I. P.: Lying on back, arms extended to the sides. Alternately raise the right and left feet to breath.
  • I. P.: Lying on his back. Raise straight legs to vertical position on the inhale.
  • I. P.: Lying on your back with your legs raised vertically, roll the feet inward and outward, and then bend the feet and “on”.
  • I. P.: Lying on your back, arms along the body. “Vertical shear” – crossed legs from side to side.
  • I. P.: sit on a chair, legs pressed against each other, raise on toes, omit, repeat 20 times.
  • I. P.: Standing, feet together, hands are freely lowered along the body. On the inhale, rise on toes, exhale down to the full stop.

Walking without departing socks.

  • I. P.: Lying on back, hands on hips, legs bent at the knees. On the exhale, the head and torso lift, hands reaching to the knees, on the exhale return to the starting position.
  • I. P.: Lying on your back, arms stretched along the body, legs bent at the knees, feet off the floor do not tear off. Inflate the belly on the inhale and retract on the exhale.
  • I. P.: Lying on his stomach, hands pressed to the thighs. Raise alternating legs to the maximum upper position.
  • I. P.: Standing, running vibropresarea: raise socks, try and heel off the floor and sharply, thumping his heels and falls to the floor. The exercise is performed effortlessly. It is especially useful for those whose professional activity is related to prolonged standing on his feet. This exercise is useful to perform several times a day: at home and at work, and even in transport. It gives an additional impetus to the flow of blood through the veins.
  • I. P.: Hands rely on special support, on the inhale, rise on socks, breath descend on foot.
  • I. P.: Standing near chair, holding hands behind his back, then squat.
  • I. P.: Standing with his hands down. Swallow: on the inhale, rise on tiptoes and simultaneously raise the hands up, reach, exhale to pose swallows.
  • Walking with very heavy weights.

In the set of exercises with varicose veins, make sure to provide exercise for the prevention of hemorrhoids.

This exercise is useful because it can be performed anywhere: at home and in the bus and even in the store. You should retract and relax the perineum, while training the pelvic floor muscles that support the hemorrhoidal plexus in the proper tone. It should be done up to 60 times a day.

For training the cardiovascular system, it is useful to take a contrast shower, alternating when there is a exposure to cold and moderately hot water for 5-10 minutes.

We often don’t notice how to go. So, it turns out, the correct walk is also to prevent varicose veins. Go from heels to toe, and always be healthy!

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