Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms at any age. A special situation occurs when the throat of a baby hurts. The child can not talk about his complaints, and most drugs are contraindicated for use in children of the first year of life.
Parents face a dilemma on how to recognize a dangerous symptom and what to do to get rid of the disease.
Awareness of the causes, clinical signs of the disease, methods of treating a sore throat is necessary in order to timely identify the pathology, independently help the baby and consult a doctor.
Causes of sore throat
Sore throat occurs due to many reasons, each of which can cause a disease of varying severity. The disease prognosis and treatment tactics depend on the cause. It is difficult for parents to independently determine what caused pain in the nasopharynx in the child. Even a doctor can not always identify the cause of the disease by clinical symptoms and usually prescribes laboratory diagnostic methods.
We list the most common causes of pain in the nasopharynx in a newborn :
- catarrhal disease – occurs due to the multiplication of conditionally pathogenic microflora of the nasopharynx against the background of a decrease in the body’s immune forces;
- ARVI (acute respiratory viral disease) – develops with a viral infection, which occurs mainly with catarrhal syndrome with damage to the nasopharynx;
- rhinitis (runny nose) – inflammation of the nasal mucosa of a viral or bacterial nature with involvement in the pathological process of the pharynx;
- tonsillitis – inflammation of the tonsils of a bacterial nature, which can cause a complication of the cardiovascular system;
- diphtheria – a specific lesion of the tonsils with the formation of white dense films, is rare in unvaccinated children;
- scarlet fever – a childhood infection that occurs with a sore throat and a rash on the body;
- teething – may be accompanied by redness of the pharyngeal mucosa;
- hyperemia – non-infectious origin, appear due to the influence of an irritating factor on the mucous membrane of the pharynx (food, toys, breast milk).
To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. Otherwise, therapy will not be effective, and pathology can progress and cause complications.
Clinical signs
Deterioration in the general condition of the infant should cause concern for parents. Behavioral changes, poor appetite, excessive moodiness indicate the development of the disease. Several clinical signs may indicate a sore throat. But the most reliable way to verify this is to examine the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
When an inflammatory reaction occurs, the mucous membrane swells and has a red color. On the back wall of the pharynx you can see an accumulation of mucus, on the tonsils a white or purulent plaque. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the baby’s condition, in case of severe illness do not hesitate to visit a doctor.
Symptoms of a sore throat in an infant :
- refusal of feeding;
- sleep disturbance, the child falls asleep for a long time, often wakes up;
- moodiness, tearfulness, irritability;
- lethargy, refusal of games, drowsiness;
- mucous or purulent discharge from the nose;
- hoarseness of voice;
- coughing, coughing;
- increase in body temperature in a child;
- chills;
- excessive sweating;
- frequent spitting up.
A distinctive feature of a sore throat from discomfort in the ears and pain of a different origin is that the child calms down after eating, breast milk, and a warm drink. Pain in the throat of a baby with intoxication: high fever, vomiting, muscle pain is an indication of immediate medical attention. For health, diseases such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, purulent tonsillitis, severe acute respiratory viral infections due to low immunity can be dangerous.
Therapeutic tactics
Therapy of the disease, which led to discomfort in the nasopharynx, is prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication, especially in infancy, is dangerous to the health of the child.
To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, instillation of drugs in the nasal passages, inhalation, irrigation, rinse and lozenges (for older children) is used. Children under 6 months old are treated with dummy antiseptic (diluted solution of Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Lugol). In the event that the child is not accustomed to a dummy, the throat is lubricated with a bandage soaked in a medicinal substance, which is wound on a finger.
As prescribed by your doctor, you can use throat sprays for children older than 8 months, such as Oracept, Cameton, Hexoral. You should not use this treatment on your own, sprays are contraindicated for babies up to 2 years old.
At the age of 10-12 months, lozenges for resorption in the oral cavity can be used: Doctor Mom, Doctor Tays, Lizak. Inhalers are used to introduce saline, soda solution, herbal infusions into the respiratory tract. Effective treatment of discomfort in the nasopharynx and respiratory diseases is carried out using a nebulizer – an apparatus through which you can moisten the mucous membrane of the pharynx and inject drugs.
The nasal passages are washed with a physiological raster or saline preparations No-salt, Aquamaris. To reduce the common cold, vasoconstrictor drops are instilled: Vibrocil, Nazivin, Rinazolin, which are used for no more than 5 days.
The complexity of therapy for newborns is considered a small selection of drugs that can be prescribed without the threat of side effects and complications. At the same time, there are several safe methods of treatment in the arsenal of parents to alleviate the suffering of the baby.
Proper care
Feeding on demand. You should not force-feed the baby, after recovery, the child will gain the missing weight. Food should be fresh, liquid consistency, thoroughly wiped, warm. The newborn is shown a plentiful drink: a decoction of raisins, jelly, dried fruit compote, sweet weak tea. Frequent application to the chest soothes the baby, reduces the intensity of pain, increases the protective functions of the immune system.
In the room it is necessary to create a certain temperature and humidity, ventilate the room at least 4 times a day. The temperature regime is maintained within 18-20 ° C, air humidity – 50-70%. It is recommended to use special humidifiers or put water containers in the baby’s room.
Aromatherapy facilitates the breathing process, calms the nervous system, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In the kid’s room, you can install an aroma lamp with the addition of pine essential oil, eucalyptus, juniper.
Home treatment
At home, you can gargle with soda solution (5 grams per glass of warm water) or weak herbal decoctions based on chamomile, calendula, sage. The child is placed on his knees face down and injected the treatment solution into the oral cavity with a syringe. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not swallow the solution and does not choke.
If the throat in an infant is often sore, disease prevention is necessary. Normalization of sleep and wakefulness, proper nutrition, breastfeeding, frequent stay in the fresh air, timely immunization help strengthen immunity and prevent the development of diseases. As prescribed by the doctor, you can conduct hardening of the baby and therapeutic exercises.
In severe illness, which is accompanied by discomfort in the throat, antibiotics and other medications are required. To diagnose the disease and conduct adequate therapy, you need to contact a pediatrician – call a specialist at home or visit a children’s clinic in the community.