The birth of a child is a real happiness and a very important event for a young family. With the advent of the baby, everything changes in the house, harmony and love reigns around. For new parents, this is pride and joy.
Congratulations on the newborn should be sincere and heartfelt. Young mom and dad really deserve it. After all, only they know what to wear under the baby’s heart, what kind of torment his birth is worth.
Let us congratulate young parents on the addition to their family, on the birth of a newborn! When a child turns 1 month old, it is worth congratulating parents on this event, focusing on whether the boy was born or the girl. Parents will be pleased to receive gifts and congratulations on the birth of the baby. Read more about what you can buy for a newborn →
How to congratulate a young mother
Everyone knows that being a mother is the most difficult and responsible job in the world. This is daily work, without breaks and days off. Moms, with their infinite love and affection, give their children boundless happiness.
Congratulation for a young mother with the birth of her first child
With all my heart and pure heart, I want to congratulate the young mother on the birth of her first child! Let the baby be healthy, happy and obedient. The first child is a good experience when nothing is yet known how to feed, drink, and educate him. We wish the first year of the baby’s life, the most responsible and difficult, to pass as easily and interestingly as possible. So that every year your child has new achievements that the whole family will be proud of!
How to congratulate parents
Parents are like two wings of an angel, which should be next to each other, help each other, take care of each other, understand and sincerely love. A child without mom or dad is an angel without a wing. Be always together, do not be afraid of temporary difficulties that occur in every family, they will make you stronger, and your feelings stronger.
Congratulations to parents with the birth of a baby
I would like to congratulate the young family on the birth of the baby! Please accept our sincere congratulations on your newborn. Let harmony, tranquility, love and comfort reign in your house from this day on. We are forever happy for you. A clear sky above your head, peace and goodness.
Congratulations to parents with the birth of a daughter
On this beautiful day, congratulations on your newborn! We wish the young mother patience, health, joy, a lot of strength and an optimistic mood, and blessings on the pious upbringing and development of the child. May your daughter please you more and more every day, may your family grow stronger and stronger, despite all the hardships. A young family without quarrels is the same as nature without rain. In disputes, as you know, truth is born. Do not be afraid of temporary difficulties, take care of each other and be happy. True love is when two sincerely love the third.
How to congratulate your wife on the birth of a child
To congratulate the wife, the main thing is to show her your sincere feelings. You need to express them not only with words, but also with real actions, show interest and care for the baby, be reliable support and support for your wife. Nothing decorates a man in the eyes of a woman as tender love and a reverent attitude towards a child.
Congratulations to his wife on the birth of a son
Congratulations to my beloved wife on the appearance of her son! May it grow with us strong, healthy, happy. Let the whole family rejoice with its successes and achievements. The first year of life of a little son is the most responsible and difficult period. I wish you, dear wife, to always remain firm in spirit, soft and flexible in character, persistent and decisive towards the child. Always be able to find a middle ground in the education of your son, clearly know where to apply the whip and where to give the carrot. And I will always and throughout you support and reliable support. Accept my sincere congratulations on the newborn.
Congratulation to a young mother on the birth of her daughter
On this beautiful day, I want to congratulate my dear wife with all my heart! She made a lot of efforts to bring this beautiful baby into the world. Only she knows what it means to bear and have a baby. It is a very responsible and noble cause to give a child life.
Dear, dear, beloved! I wish you patience on this difficult but joyful journey. The birth of a daughter is a real happiness for our family! Let her grow up as a smart and obedient girl, look like a mother, learn from her to be a real mistress, be beautiful and attractive, just like you. Being a mother means learning several professions at once: educator, nanny, cook, massage therapist, doctor, singer, dancer, instructor in sports, music, painting, modeling. I wish you a lot of joy and happiness in our new life, living in the role of Mom and Dad! Please accept my congratulations on your newborn daughter.
What to avoid in congratulations
A single mother should not be congratulated on the replenishment of the family, this can hurt her. If the father does not live with the family, there is no need to focus on how important dad is for the child. Do not cause the mother unnecessary suffering. In congratulations it is better to do with general phrases.
We wish you the ability to choose the right words for congratulations. Indeed, only sincere and warm wishes can cause a smile to people close to you.