An extract from the hospital is the first meeting of the baby with his father and relatives, a small but very important holiday. I would like not only to make it fun and unforgettable, but also to provide for all the necessary little things regarding time, clothes, documents, gifts.
In the joyful bustle, it is important not to forget who the holiday is for – not for the staff of the hospital or relatives, but for the mother and baby.
What comes to mind at the words “discharge from the hospital“? Of course, balloons, flowers, photographs and a general joyful mood. However, a memorable day can be irreparably spoiled by some trifle: forgotten documents, lack of suitable clothes or being late. Someone goes to the other extreme – he brings with him a pile of useless things long before the morning reception of the maternity ward.
The event requires prior preparation. This applies not only to commonplace things – clothes, diapers, gifts to staff. Many people want the day to be unforgettable, amazing, and come up with whole scenarios. What you need to know about the discharge from the hospital so that the event does not bring unexpected grief?
When and how does discharge from the hospital take place?
The worst thing – childbirth – is behind us, but the mother and child from the hospital simply will not be released.
The terms of discharge depend on the following points:
- delivery method (cesarean or natural birth);
- complications after childbirth;
- maternal health problems;
- the condition of the child.
In each case, the decision rests with the doctor and the head of the department. Also, a neonatologist and the head of the children’s department have the right to vote. Any of them may delay the day of discharge.
In the absence of problems for the mother and the child, they are allowed to go home on the third day, however, most often this happens due to a lack of places in the ward or at the request of the woman. For additional diagnostics, an audioscreening (hearing test) is performed on the 3rd or 4th day of the child’s life, and on the 4th – neonatal screening (blood test for congenital disorders). As a result, the mother and the child leave the hospital on the 4th or 5th day.
How is the discharge from the hospital itself? Doctors give medical permission for it during the morning examination, but you can leave only in the afternoon – after the round is over and the obstetrician draws up all the necessary documents. By this time, relatives should transfer things for the mother and the child through the reception center, as reported to the discharge department.
As a rule, separate rooms are allocated for changing a woman’s clothes and child’s fees next to the discharge room. Depending on the internal routine, the mother dresses the newborn on her own or a nurse does it, but the latter is most often found. After the readiness of the woman and the child, a solemn meeting takes place.
It is worth discussing the possibility of shooting an event in advance. Often there is “your” photographer on the spot, who will not only take photos of the discharge from the hospital, but also take a whole video for the parents, which will then process and supplement it with music.
Documents at discharge from the hospital
A woman receives the following documents upon discharge from the hospital:
- Exchange card and statement for antenatal clinic. These documents must be given to the gynecologist who observed the woman before childbirth within three days after discharge.
- Birth certificate. She is needed to register a child in the registry office.
- An extract on the condition of the newborn and 2 coupons of the birth certificate. The local pediatrician will pick them up at the first visit.
List of necessary things for mom and newborn
The most necessary things are undoubtedly clothes for a woman and things for a child. Many experienced mothers advise closer to giving birth to collect two appropriate packages or make a detailed list for who will collect them. It should be borne in mind that the statement is a memorable day, so it is reasonable to put beautiful clothes, shoes and cosmetics.
The list of items needed for a child often raises many questions.
Without fail, it includes:
- a diaper, a baby’s undershirt, overalls and other items of clothing for a newborn, depending on the time of year;
- disposable diapers;
- wet wipes and disposable scarves;
- car seat;
- a bottle of water or a mixture.
Features of discharge from the hospital at different times of the year
If discharge occurs in the summer, it is important not to overheat the baby.
Above 24 ° C, the following clothing is sufficient:
- bottom layer: diaper, thin vest or body;
- thin cotton jumpsuit or diaper;
- light cap;
- a thin envelope, a tight diaper, or another thin jumpsuit.
At temperatures below 24 ° C, you can add a warm diaper or take a fleece instead of a thin top overalls.
If the outdoor temperature is below 18 ° C, it is difficult to overheat the newborn, since his thermoregulation occurs through breathing. In spring and autumn, as well as on cold summer days, you will need a warm jumpsuit or envelope and a warm hat as the top layer. They can be designed for different temperatures, the degree of insulation is selected according to the situation.
In winter, the optimal set consists of four layers: the lower one is of a vest or body, the next is a thin jumpsuit, then a fleece or blouse with romper suits and a warm winter jumpsuit or envelope.
An important point is the suitability of clothes for a car seat. It does not matter whether a limousine or an ordinary taxi is ordered for discharge from the hospital, a car seat is a mandatory requirement of the traffic police. In overalls for newborns, if they do not provide for the separation of legs, there are special slots for belts. An ordinary envelope for a car seat is not suitable, therefore the bundles tied with a blue or pink bow on the extract from the hospital are increasingly used only for photo shoots.
What to present for discharge from the hospital?
It is customary to give gifts for discharge – first of all, of course, to mom, and in many cases to medical personnel.
The most banal and common option in both cases is money in a beautiful envelope, but you can connect imagination and make a memorable and useful gift.
For Mom:
- A baby monitor, sterilizer, toy or other item that is useful to the child.
- For an extract from the hospital, a woman can be presented with something that will please her personally, help her recover and put herself in order after giving birth – a subscription to a beauty salon, a gift certificate, and cosmetics.
- The most common gifts are a diaper cake, baby clothes, certificates for children’s stores.
- Any woman will be glad to receive a gift from her beloved husband jewelry for discharge from the hospital.
Naturally, regardless of the availability of other gifts, the husband should take care of finding a beautiful bouquet.
For staff:
- The standard set is flowers, sweets, quality alcohol.
- Products that are always useful – good coffee, tea, cake.
- A memorable gift – hand-embroidered towels or signed souvenirs.
Ideas for arranging discharge from the hospital
They always make an impression and give a sentimental smile to the efforts of the new father to organize an original idea for discharge from the hospital.
Create a festive mood will help:
- Stickers for car. The inscriptions are varied in color and style, for example, “Thanks for the son / daughter”, “Food for the son / daughter” and so on. They are easy to attach and just as easily removed.
- Air balloons. Dozens of colorful balloons flying into the sky is fun, romantic and suits the general mood of the event.
- Beautiful music, selected specifically for discharge from the hospital is a touching nuance.
- Decoration of the entrance, streets, apartments. These can be balls, including in the form of babies, inscriptions with congratulations, thanks and declarations of love.
- Home holiday with friends and relatives. This should not be just a feast, but fun gatherings with a script, games and interesting ideas. You can ask everyone present to leave a wish to the newborn or a prediction for him.