
Funny instagram where parents publish photos of “before” and “after”

Parenthood is a wonderful thing, but nothing is given for nothing. Once, the blogger Mike Giulianel, the father of two young children, published two of his pictures next to him – before and after the birth of the children.

Since then, he has been running another blog – on Instagram, where parents send their versions of “before and after.”

“Of course, all this is not serious, and no one blames their children for the deplorable state of their faces or lives. Except me: I constantly blame my children, I do it on my blog, on Facebook and on Twitter, ”Mike told HuffPost.

According to him, the main message of the Got Toddlered blog (“kidding”) is a call to be honest and talk about the difficulties of parenthood. “Children are the worst thing that has happened to us in our lives, and if we don’t laugh at the turmoil they bring, we will have to cry. And I’m not one of those who weep, ”comments Mike.

In 2012, the future was bright. But @ladybrett7 isn’t wearing shades anymore! Damn kids…. #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 18, 2017 at 5:31pm PDT

It didn’t take @kristinleafarmer long to feel the burn. Chin up, Kristin, you only have THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to go!… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 18, 2017 at 11:21am PDT

Like the rest of us, Storm here has accepted her fate. Because what else can you do? Besides drink a lot and create social media accounts dedicated to moving your kids? But that might be just me…. #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 17, 2017 at 8:26am PDT

I don’t know what you’re talking about, parenting doesn’t change a th- never mind. Carry on! (via @being_a_bailey)… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 17, 2017 at 3:47pm PDT

Kids can even drain the joy out of drinking. Just ask @l_ndafrz!… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 14, 2017 at 10:34am PDT

This submission from @ericawboss shows her post-parenting progression from glamorous to grumpy. God kids are the worst!… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 13, 2017 at 9:47am PDT

I love this one from @mrstooman because it looks EXACTLY LIKE MINE. All bright-eyed and youthful on the left, and just straight DONE on the right. Haha. Hahahaha. Condolences all around! #BeforeAndAfterKids… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 13, 2017 at 11:43am PDT

Wanna see something REALLY scary? Here’s me, before and after I had kids! Want to play along? This October, I’m opening up @gottoddlered to your submissions of your scariest “Before and After Kids” pics! If you’re not afraid, send your photos – and your IG name if you want me to share it – to gottoddlered@gmail.com and let the nightmares begin!… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 12, 2017 at 10:46am PDT

She went from easy breezy to Patient Zero, because kids are disgusting! At least she’s doing her best to protect the rest of us from the Toddler Scourge. WE APPRECIATE YOU!… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 19, 2017 at 5:00am PDT

Oh I know that faceplant well, @mrsdangerdietz! Also, thank you for putting a bow-tie on your dog!… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 18, 2017 at 7:10am PDT

What a difference a kid makes… (via @lethompson0418)… #gottoddlered #parenting #beforeandafter #kids #moms #dads #momlife #dadlife #parenthood #halloween #life #parenthood

A post shared by Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) on Oct 15, 2017 at 6:20pm PDT

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