
A whopping 80% of women are ‘unprepared’ for menopause

Eight in ten women feel ‘unprepared’ for experiencing perimenopause and menopause, researchers have found. And 56 per cent say they are ‘fearful’ about what to expect – rising to 71 per cent among 18 to 39-year-olds.

The survey also found that 63 per cent of women yet to experience the menopause did not realise symptoms can appear up to ten years before their last period.

Of the 2,069 UK women aged 18 to 74 questioned, 80 per cent felt unprepared and only 17 per cent said they would know how to prevent the signs and symptoms on their bodies.

Eight in ten women feel ‘unprepared’ for experiencing perimenopause and menopause, researchers have found

As to what treatments they would consider, HRT gel or tablets were the most popular (38 per cent), followed by skin booster treatments to improve hydration and anti-wrinkle injections.

Harley Street aesthetics consultant Dr Yusra Al-Mukhtar, who commissioned the study ahead of World Menopause Day tomorrow, said: ‘It’s clear that there is a gap between knowledge and awareness of what signs can be prevented on the skin and body. Awareness needs to make way for empowered preventative action.’

According to the survey, the symptoms women were most keen to prevent were increased sweating (51pc), sagging of facial contours (38pc), increased wrinkles (33pc) and acne (32pc).

They were also concerned about dark circles around the eyes, dry, itchy or puffy skin, or dulled complexion.

As to what treatments they would consider, HRT gel or tablets were the most popular (38 per cent), followed by skin booster treatments to improve hydration and anti-wrinkle injections

Other findings of the survey included that perimenopausal women experienced more anxiety and stress about skin and body issues than menopausal women do – 67 per cent compared with 60 per cent.

When asked how the impact of potential skin issues caused by the perimenopause or how menopause might affect them, 57 per cent of the women surveyed said that they feel anxious and stressed, while 48 per cent avoided social events and 45 per cent were even reluctant to have photographs taken.

One woman, 41, who was diagnosed as post-menopausal at 14 and has been undergoing skin treatment with Dr Yusra said: ‘I don’t think women understand enough about the signs of the perimenopause and menopause on the skin, and the affects that hormonal changes can have. If you don’t understand the signs, how can you know how to adapt your skincare regime and better understand treatments available?

‘The menopause can affect every area of a woman’s life. If you lack the confidence in how you look, a considerable knock-on-effect can be felt, especially if employers don’t understand.’

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