
What is fabbing and how phones are ruining our relationships

Fabbing (from the English. phone – “phone” and snubbing – “neglect”) – a habit to be distracted by the gadget, often the telephone, during a personal conversation, fun friendly get-togethers or perhaps a business discussion of business issues.

The researchers found that fabbing can adversely affect our sense of belonging, which in turn will lead to dissatisfaction with communication and in General any relations with faberon.

“Put down the phone and look at me.” “Yes, you with their phone more interesting than us.” “So, you or right now take the phone or I’m leaving.” “Why don’t you first answer, and then I’ll finish”. This is just random versions of the phrases that he hears people who are not able to release the phone from his hands for a minute. If you find it annoying when the source and then is distracted by a smartphone, or if you just have the one companion, you need to know how it is called. Meet fabbing!

Of course, there are times when this type of behavior becomes quite successfully to ignore. For example, if fabero need to answer the call of the chief, child, or immediately write to mom so she wouldn’t worry. However, when they have no good reason to be distracted by the phone, is the real rudeness of the 21st century. And this behavior looks much more rough than fabbers usually seems.

But here’s the paradox: despite the fact that we all understand how rude it looks in relation to the interlocutor, fabbing is becoming more and more common among active smartphone users. Research on the topic published in 2016, showed that about 17% of people become farberow at least four times a day. This recent study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, reveals already the feelings of those who are close to fabbiani. And although the results probably point to the obvious, it is in any case quite interesting.

Professor Karen Douglas (Karen Douglas) and Varat, Capitalised (Varoth Chotpitayasunondh), the staff of the School of psychology at the University of Kent (University of Kent), talked with 150 volunteers to find out how they feel in these situations.

In the experiment, the participants watched three animated movie, in one of which fabbing was obvious, in the other, veiled, and in the third none at all. After this, volunteers were asked to watch the videos again, but having in mind that the place of the person who is faced with Fabinho, they are.

Not surprisingly, in this case, respondents indicated less satisfaction with quality of communication and, more importantly, the result of this communication. Data analysis showed that these feelings were due to the negative impact of confusing thoughts of fabber on the effectiveness of the dialogue, no matter what was discussed. Plus, this behavior has consistently reduced the sense of belonging that is associated with the natural human desire to be accepted by others.

Think we’re all guilty of thoughts like: “Why is the phone interests you more than me? What’s wrong with me?” So even despite the fact that technology and social media are important elements of modern life, we must not lose what is clearly a more important factor in our health and well-being. Namely human contact.

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