
The ideal man myth or reality?

Human nature and the pursuit of the ideal. This can be expressed in the desire to create house comfort and a cosiness, to find a job that will give you both a decent income and give moral satisfaction, to bring to perfection their appearance, etc.

All these aspirations is certainly worthy of encouragement as bring a lot of benefits, even if the result is not achieved. But there are misguided and even dangerous dreams about the ideal. This applies to women desire to find the perfect man, and be waiting for “Prince charming”.

Dreams of the perfect man the fair sex were peculiar at all times. Perceptions of the satellites change with time under the influence of social trends, and there are certain personal requirements each lady, all this forms such an image.

A virtual image of an ideal does not rest, makes to compare them with the real contenders. Undoubtedly, men who are trying to get the attention and favor women lose invented standard. At least simply because there are no people without disadvantages. They simply may not exist in nature.

Nothing to lose ladies, who, having in his view the perfect partner, you know that the future husband must meet all the qualities. They wisely allocate priorities, traits that should be mandatory. This gives you the opportunity to make a choice that allows you to build a good, comfortable and strong relationship. The woman focuses on the qualities that it believes should be in her man. For non-standard secondary traits she closes her eyes, taking his chosen one as he is.

Much more difficult and dangerous is the situation when a beautiful girl, who knows the price of its appeal, deems that you are worthy only of the perfect man. In this case, it appears a real chance to find a partner at all. The number of applicants will decrease rapidly with age. The older a man is, the less his desire to prove to this woman that he is worthy of the title of the standard, the woman becomes more attractive with the same trend.

The fair sex should take into account that an important role in the formation of the perfect companion they play themselves. Even “Prince charming” in the end, will turn into a dishonest, irresponsible man, if there goes a woman is too domineering, capricious or nothing to represent. So, before you throw in the pursuit of the ideal, is itself at least close to this way, then maybe the image will come near to you.

expert commentary Family psychologist Irina Rakhimova

– What features are truly male? Here, for example, there is the image of a man-macho. How close is this image to real manhood?

– Such men are too emphatic masculinity. In fact, for the macho image may disappear people dependent, weak. Paraphernalia macho purely external. Features a strong man somewhere deep inside and not exposed. They are not striking, but Mature people can recognize them. These traits can be determined by the actions, behavior.

Yesterday, for me to the consultation came a man. Outwardly he is an ordinary, average. Manhood it not written on the face and not outwardly expressed. But what attracts him is his responsibility. He has three children. He built a huge house, working, improving their social and professional status…

That’s pronounced traits of men’s character: the man cares about family, is reliable. If the woman we say that she must be gentle, meek, internally thin and sensitive to others and to his elect, that man should differ in a pronounced responsibility, maturity.

This man often says: “For me the important things.” I mean, he’s a man of action. He said he did. His position is: “love is manifested in actions”. His manhood does not diminish the misunderstanding of his wife, who requires love, knocks him words and feelings, because he is restrained in emotions.

On a similar issue, wrote in his famous book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” John gray. He talked about the fact that a man considers his actions an act of love. And more important than the act he commits, the greater the manifestation of love he believes. And the woman why-that does not distinguish between the magnitude of the actions: it is equally happily accepts a gift of flowers and a gift in the form of the house.

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