
What is God like?

What is God like? The answer to this question, as scientists have found, depends on the age of the person and his political views. Employees of the University of North Carolina at chapel hill (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) asked more than 500 Christians, as they think, who is like their God.

These people showed hundreds of pairs of images with human faces, of which participants had to choose someone who, in their opinion, more likely representative of a higher power. Also, the survey involved 400 users online platform that evaluated image, nine parameters such as age, gender and intelligence.

On average, God appeared rather young, with Caucasoid facial features, its main feature was an expression of love towards others. Liberals are more inclined towards femininity, love and African roots conservatives preferred a more Mature, intelligent and reliable person.

The researchers explained that perception may depend on the type of society to which people wish to belong – conservatives dream of a well-ordered society managed by a powerful leader, and the liberals – about tolerance and love.

At the same time people were choosing the images, somehow similar to them: young pointed to the young, and the elderly – those pictures where they were sealed for older people. To gender this, however, is not treated, both men and women were more likely to choose men.

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