
What is he, your leader?

Often, the productivity of labor depends on the atmosphere in the team. And understanding to complete tasks set by the leader.

All of this can make your work easier and effective, or add to the working load and emotional stress.

If you want to work is not complicated by a misunderstanding with the boss, pay attention to what he is, your head.

Determine what type of leaders is your head:

  • Intellectual
  • This head for logic and common sense. Just to get his location, get him to agree with you. Because his actions are based on the theory, then you should learn to identify the main thing in this theory and give him the idea that he will totally agree.
  • King
  • Such a leader treats his subordinates as subjects: he likes to go to him for advice (in any case not Vice versa). As any ruler is close (he trusts them and considered their opinions), then you should get into the narrow circle of people. How to do it? Have to sing this supervisor praises and fawn in front of him.
  • Workaholic
  • It literally lives at work, and requires the same dedication from his subordinates. As a rule, it only builds business relationships with people. To “catch” such a leader is to show him that you are also a workaholic (which you should stay after labor day at least for half an hour?).When once again go to the head of a report to Express to him my admiration for his work (and say you’ll accept him as an example). No doubt, the workaholic will appreciate your gesture.
  • Energetic
  • Such head in anger can throw things on the floor, and, being in a good mood, to treat everyone to ice cream…Since energy likes to be the center of attention, your task is to take the initiative and to plant the idea so he thought it belonged to him, not you. So you can manipulate and handle your boss.
  • The official
  • This head does not like to show initiative and to solve something (it is easier to wait for instructions from above).Because he is interested only his well-being to get through to him, I can hint to him that the decision he makes will allow him to move up the career ladder and make an excellent impression on senior management. You will just have to give him a good idea…
  • Despot
  • Such a leader is able to lead from a very balanced person (it can be compared to a prison guard), God forbid someone breaks discipline or not to obey him – to this man will apply the most strict educational measures.

Calm and patience. Be prepared that the leader is a despot not Pat you on the head even for the most brilliant work. But know that sooner or later, showing himself, you’ll be able to win the trust and, accordingly, the location.Individual and positive approach to each person, including your supervisor, will help you to understand colleagues and therefore work more efficiently.


The survey was conducted by the research Service HeadHunter 14 – 18 Nov 2014, 3087 among employees of Russian companies.

The survey found that more than half of Russians (62%) became involved in the conflict with his boss. While 16% of respondents admitted that once the misunderstanding at all turned into a big scandal with insults and mutual claims.

Slightly less than half (42%) noted that conflict in any way did not affect neither the work process nor on their career. Sometimes, however, such a quarrel with the guide still lead to unpleasant consequences: 6% conflicting was dismissed by the employer, 17% took a similar decision independently.

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