
Nemov R. S Psychology

Nemov Robert S. – the doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, member of the APSN, a specialist in social psychology and psychology of personality.

In continuation you can find three books on psychology Nemov R. S..

This series of books recommended by the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions.

Book 1 – Basics of General psychology

Contains General principles of psychological knowledge as well as knowledge from the field of psychophysiology, psychology of human activity and cognitive processes, psychology of personality, interpersonal relations, social psychology, history of psychology.

Book 2 – Psychology of education

The book is a textbook presented in the following sections: age characteristics of children, the child’s personality development, psychological foundations and age peculiarities of training and education, basics of psychodiagnostics, psychological service in education, psychology teaching. The book ends with a dictionary – subject index basic pedagogical concepts.

Book 3 – Psycho

Consists of two parts. The first part contains the fundamentals of psycho-diagnostics and includes more than 120 standardized and validated diagnostic techniques designed to study children from 2-3 to 16-17 years, and also teachers, parents.
In the second part of the book there is information on the organization and conducting of scientific psychological research and describes the methods of mathematical statistics.

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