Up to 2-3 years, children usually obediently agree to everything their parents tell them. But then the real battle of wills between child and parents and, as a rule, in this fight you don’t win the parents and the child.
When you say to him to do what he wants, he can just ignore you. And when he is forbidden to do what he wants, he can throw a tantrum.
Many parents think that with time it will pass when the child grows up. But this is a misconception. What should parents do if their child is naughty? How to teach a child obedience? First, parents need to think about why the child is naughty, what caused his disobedience.
Why the child is naughty?
When your child was born, the main task was to take care of him. At his Beck and call, you ran to him. And if he whimpered, you were in a hurry to do for him what he needed. Such a reaction of parents is justified, since the baby requires constant attention.
This continues month after month, it is not surprising that the child begins to behave as the most important person, and parents, according to him, must obey his every whim. But around 2 years of his “throne” nisprovergatelya and he is facing a harsh reality. Now parents do not fulfill his orders, and require from him obedience. For a child it is a real shock. It can answer just throwing tantrums or refuses to obey, testing the strength of the authority of parents.
In this difficult period should change the role of parents: now the instructions they give, and the child must obey them. But what if the children reject or ignore the requirements their parents?
A naughty child. What to do?
What can be done to teach the child obedience? To do this, parents need to follow some rules.
- To take power into their own hands. The child will not accept your parental authority until, until you begin to exercise. Only you can strengthen your credibility, but it does not go to extremes. Recently, some experts have tried to avoid the words authority and obedience. And even the very concept of parental authority was called unethical and immoral. But the past decades have shown the opposite side of the coin. Because of the permissiveness of the children have no clear direction in life, they become spoiled and complacent. In the future this will prevent them from becoming responsible people. If the child is not corrected, left to himself he would disgrace their parents.
- To apply educational measures. Educational measures often include rulesthat are set by the parents and the punishment, if the child violates them. The child should know exactly what punishment he will receive for the violation of a rule. But parents should not be harsh, admonishing children. Requirements parents should not be vague and inconsistent, otherwise the child will not understand what is expected of him, and he has no desire to change.
- Their demands to Express clearly. Some parents try to be polite and your child requirements expressed in the request, for example: “could You clean your room?” So the parents put themselves in the position of subordinates, and the child weighs the for and against, and chooses to obey their parents or not. So you need not produce power out of their hands and in the form of statements to clearly Express their demands. For example saying: “put things in order in his room.”
- To act decisively. If you told a child “no”, then don’t change your decisions and go with your spouse “a United front”. If the disobedience you have decided to apply educational measures will do so. And don’t let the child put you in an argument or in an endless discussion about why you do so, and not otherwise. If you follow the advice: “Your Yes may mean Yes, and your no – no“, then it will be much easier for you and your child.
- To show affection. Family was created by God in order that parents loved their children and raised them responsible people. An integral part of this process is education. Thanks to the consistent parent education, children learn obedience, they will have a sense of security and confidence that they are loved.