To communicate you need to be able. It’s an art in which a large role is played not only words but also facial expression, intonation, tone of voice, gestures. It also has an effect on the interlocutor.
The purpose of art is communication – the ability to control the conversation. Otherwise, you can become a hostage to the circumstances of the conversation. But they are often unpleasant.
For the proper management of the conversation is necessary to learn a practical psychology of communication. It includes some simple concepts that give high effect. They are based on the well – known postulate to talk always so that the interlocutor understood you. This means a calm and confident voice, clarity, clarity, clarity, proper use of emotions and intonations. It is possible and even necessary gesture, but in moderation.
Now let’s look at these components individually. Let’s start with the gestures. They must successfully complement it. Great skill in this reached the inhabitants of southern countries. But the gestures of the Northern peoples much poorer. Gestures well help interlocutors to understand each other in case of poor audibility and visibility. At the same time, they show experience and the true mood of the person. Excitement can give trembling or something pulling fingers. Therefore, the conversation should from time to time to pay attention to your hands and control them.
Facial expressions are also an important part of any conversation. For the flattering words at the curved corners of the lips to notice the contempt, and wide open eyes to identify fear. In facial expressions it is important to control thoughts, as they stimulate feelings and emotions. But to keep the conversation flowing in the right direction, you should catch the emotional state of the interlocutor and try to copy it. Just don’t need to do, since people can notice the tactics of conversation and close.
In the process of communication do not confuse feelings with emotions. The latter is always tied to a specific situation that can not be said about the feelings more durable. If you completely surrender to the emotions, you can make a lot of stupid things. Therefore, it is better for them never be guided, and always listen to persuasion.
Negative emotions can cause the desire to say a categorical “no”. But the categorization has always been considered the first sign of narrow-mindedness. It ignores the individuality of people and different points of view. With this approach, effective communication is impossible.
So “no” it is useful to talk only when you need to instantly and permanently stop any actions suspicious and obsessive people. In all other cases, the need for flexibility, otherwise you can make an opponent on the most trifling matter.
For example, instead of the phrase “I understand what you mean, but I strongly disagree with this“, – we should say: “Well, I understand what you’re saying, but you need to clarify some of the details“. Should not be in the conversation to use the word “no” and the prefix “not”, as in this case, all that said, negates. And this leads to confusion, causes rejection and undermines the chances for further successful communication.
Any person perceives a categorical refusal as disrespect to his personal point of view. After that, no productive contact already can not be. And respected, on the contrary, is the response of sympathy and strengthens relationships.
Psychology of communication just means effective contacts. Thanks to them, you begin to understand what is meant by the interlocutor, and conversation with different people becomes much easier.
In everyday life it is very important. After all, everyone wants to listen to him carefully, not interrupting and not giving empty advice. And in order to conciliate the people and to pass a pleasant conversationalist, should be proficient in their gestures, voice and facial expressions. All this will help not only to correctly hold a conversation, but end it on a friendly note and discuss next meeting.