Meanwhile, the idea of dependence on pornographic movies is very, very controversial. This disorder at least not yet in the Diagnostic and statistical manual (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) is the “Bible of psychiatry” published by the American psychiatric Association (American Psychiatric Association).
Experts say that the brains of people who watch porn, is not functioning in the same way as the brains of addicts, so they are pointless to compare. Although some evidence on the issue, however, exist.
“Pornography ruined my life in many ways. If the day turns into night and you still see it, obviously you have a problem. And that’s exactly what happened to me” – confessed fans of American actor and former football player Terry crews, who we all know to participate in the commercials of Old Spice.
Crews admitted that dependence on adult films cost him his relationship with his wife (even though wife and not divorced, they moved away from each other) and friends, but because he wanted to warn all those who, like he once does not make a single day without the corresponding sites of potential danger. Fans of the actor immediately responded to his statement by sharing his own experience Hobbies porn. One of them wrote: “I struggled with this for many years. And I thank you for your candor, so I want to state for the record that for more than a year I don’t watch these movies”.
In one study conducted at the University of Cambridge (University of Cambridge), was conducted brain scans on 19 men watching pornographic movies. According to the BBC, scientists have discovered that at this time they have activated the same reward centers that addicts who are faced with a choice of drug.
On the other hand, the experts refer to similar conclusions with skepticism. “In the case of porn addiction the brain behaves similar to drug addiction, but only up to a point. In addition, the response in this case is less strong than if we say, for example, about gambling,” explains Nicole Praus (Nicole Prause), the General Director of research of Liberos and a former employee of the University of California in Los Angeles (University of California Los Angeles).
Preus adds that porn does not cause addiction, in accordance with well-known models, so the comparison of this type of addiction from drug abuse can be counterproductive in the sense of its study.