There are a number of folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis. Treatment herbs is recognized by doctors as an effective additional means inflammation of the bronchi. It is recommended to drink the healing herbal infusions in parallel with the prescribed medicines. This will allow faster to achieve clinical recovery.
What is bronchitis
Official medicine differentiates between acute and chronic forms of the disease. When acute varieties revealed extensive inflammation of the entire mucous membrane of the bronchial tree.
In the chronic form, the inflammatory process is characterized by alternating phases of exacerbation and relief of symptoms.
Bronchitis affects all smokers with a solid “experience“. Morning cough is the usual symptom.
Different types of bronchitis may be different clinical manifestations. Common symptoms are shortness of breath and cough with discharge of a greater or smaller volume of sputum. As essential medicines are appointed mucolytics (to facilitate the discharge of phlegm), bronchodilators (dilates the bronchi), and according to the testimony – antibiotics.
How can help phytotherapy with bronchitis?
Natural antibiotics are ginger, turmeric, anise (known as seasoning), mother and stepmother, eucalyptus, and Hypericum perforatum. Experts recommend the use of medicinal plants in milder forms of the disease or at the stage of recovery and only as a Supplement to drug therapy.
Anti-inflammatory effect have available in every kitchen is garlic, parsley, cinnamon, and rosemary, yarrow, licorice, and Boswellia. Spasmolytic activity are characterized by cloudberry, eyebright, Valerian, cat’s foot.
To improve the discharge of phlegm (expectoration) folk medicine recommends decoctions and infusions of calendula, marjoram, chamomile, licorice root and lemon balm. For General strengthening of the immune system it is advisable to drink products aloe Vera, Echinacea, ginseng, ginger, licorice, and celandine.
Due to the fact that herbs act on the body is much softer than synthetic pharmacological agents, the treatment can be continued longer.
Herbs to treat bronchitis in adults
For the relief of certain clinical manifestations of desired plants, which possess certain properties.
2 tbsp of any of these herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water and keep on low heat for about 10 minutes. The decoction should be cooled and carefully drain. Herbal remedies take 100 g 3 times a day.
Take 5 grams of dried rosemary, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist 1 hour. Herbal remedies take ½ Cup 3 times a day. 16 g of the root elecampane pour 250 ml of water, put on stove, bring to boil and simmer at least 15 minutes. Then let it brew broth for 2-3 hours. Take it 1 tbsp on an empty stomach.
The dried rhizome of Angelica pour 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted rubbing alcohol, and steep for two weeks to obtain alcoholic extract. Daily shake the pot. Take the infusion of 1 times a day 20 drops.
Alcoholic extracts is strictly contraindicated in patients with chronic alcoholism, because it can trigger a relapse.
Prepare a collection of pre-crushed root and aerial parts of Angelica, and boil 10 g of a mixture in a thermos overnight (200 g of boiling water). The volume should be divided into 3 equal portions and eat during the day.
For better sputum discharge it is advisable to use inhalation. This is unpleasant but highly effective procedure.
Many of the herbs with antiseptic effect can not be taken orally due to the high concentration of toxic substances.
Take equal amounts of black elderberry flowers, plantain leaves and sage as well as licorice root and pine buds. 20 g of prepared herbal should pour a glass of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then 30 minutes to put in a water bath. The resulting plant should be filled with water up to 200-250 ml. Remedy should be taken every half hour for 1 tbsp
To reduce the inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and make breathing easier there are several effective recipes.
Take 2 parts licorice root 1 part marjoram and mother and stepmother. 30 g collection pour a glass of hot water, put on the stove, and remove the receptacle from the heat as soon as the liquid boils. Herbal remedies need to strain and drink in the form of heat to 10 ml (a dessert spoon) at intervals of one and a half to two hours (not more than 10 times a day).
Mix equal parts of the succession, peppermint, hawthorn fruit, the mother-and-stepmother, licorice and St. John’s wort. 15 g of vegetable substrate pour ½ Cup of boiling water and leave for 1-1,5 hours. Ready herbal remedies recommended hot drink a quarter Cup 3 times a day.
In obstructive form of the disease helps the infusion of elecampane root. Great phytomedicine also is the pine or spruce needles. 5 h. L. young needles pour 0.5 liters of hot water and infuse for at least 3 hours. Then infusion of strain, add 300 g of sugar and cook the resulting paste on a slow fire until thickening. Received the herbal remedies it is recommended to consume 1 tbsp. l 4-5 p/day.
Mix the lungwort, chamomile and oregano, and pour 2 tbsp. l collect two cups of boiling water. The infusion should strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day.
In acute bronchitis of bacterial origin with difficult expectoration of sputum shows antibacterial therapy, in parallel with which you can make a decoction of yarrow, anise, elecampane, and motherwort. You can also use taken in equal volumes of dry raspberries and birch buds. To enhance the effect, you can add natural honey (preferably buckwheat).
To restore weakened against the background of diseases of the immune system a good helping of plants, characterized by a strong antioxidant effect.
Take equal doses of Polygonum pochechuynaya, alder cones, leaves and plantain, and ripe fruit of hawthorn, Helichrysum and violet tricolor. 10 g of the mixture pour 300 ml of boiling water and put on low heat for 15 minutes. The broth should be cool, strain and consume on an empty stomach half a Cup.
Advantages and disadvantages of herbal remedies
The undoubted advantage of herbs is their low cost. Packaging of practically any plant is in the pharmacy network literally pennies. Plant can on its own, but only if it is good to understand them.
The disadvantages of medicinal plants are:
- not all herbal remedies you can take along with pharmaceutical drugs;
- some plants can cause allergies;
- it is not always possible to calculate the exact dose of the decoction or infusion;
- herbal drugs absolutely contraindicated in children;
- plants not purchased at the pharmacy, can be collected in areas with poor environmental conditions.