
How to become more confident in bed: 6 tips for prudes

The task of becoming more confident seems complicated, but if you divide it into small sub-mission becomes feasible. What this profit? Once you successfully implement the above in the bedroom, confidence will increase and in other areas of your life.

1. Do what you can

Even if you doubt your sexual skills, surely there is at least one thing you’re really good. Let’s say you are the guru of oral sex, but doing a great job with the spanking, or are not confident in your technique of the kiss, but consider yourself a master of foreplay.

Spend a month doing what you do and what you like. Every time you do this, and at the conclusion of the designated period, think “I am on top, because it gave my partner a whole month of great sex”.

2. Try something new

As soon as you feel yourself a master in one area, start to try other things that don’t feel so comfortable. Do not just strive for great results, practice new for entertainment.

It is useful to change your sexual script so that the process has ceased to be of the same type and became interesting.

Colby Mary Tongol

3. Laugh

Skills do not solve everything. What really makes sex good, so is your attitude. If you can have fun and laugh when something went wrong, success is in your hands.

4. Focus on what you do in your body

You can constantly think about their shortcomings, but it is much better to assess the merits. Therefore, in the mirror, focus on what you like in your face and body. And features that do not cause raptures, try to draw less attention.

5. Wear something that boosts your confidence

When you thing that (at least in your opinion) makes you irresistible, you automatically feel more confident. If you think good with the lipstick, paint her lips before heading to bed. I think that the delicious smell after lotion? Put them before sex. No matter what makes you feel great, use it!

6. Repeat the mantra

To really convey to yourself a message about your confidence, arm yourself with a mantra like “I am sexy”. Repeat it while looking in the mirror, write the phrase in the diary, put stickers with these words throughout the apartment. The more you hear something, the more believe in it.

Affirmations reinforce our positive view on themselves.

Colby Mary Tongol

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