
Lubricants: types, purpose, efficiency

Intimacy is associated exclusively with pleasure. But there are situations when sexual intercourse accompanied by pain. One of the most common reasons is the lack of lubrication in the vagina. This problem occurs for several reasons: gynecological diseases, physiological characteristics of the organism, insufficient arousal, menopause in women etc.

For lubrication it is recommended to use only quality products designed especially for intimate contacts. Lubricants creating organic based, as a rule, this is done using wax.

Lubricate moisturize mucous membranes, preventing the appearance of microcracks and reducing pain. Due to the special structure they have virtually no contraindications and is suitable for all.

Why use lubricants

Women often use as a lubricant of questionable components. For example, vaseline, different creams and even soap. But not everyone knows what consequences it may lead:

  • the mucosa can be easily damaged, and not only because of the unsuccessful sexual intercourse. The vagina is always maintained acidic environment, which protects the body from bacteria and viruses. Ointments and creams are not designed for these purposes, significantly reduce the level of acidity, allowing harmful bacteria begin to develop rapidly;
  • the impact of such funds can lead to inflammation which spreads to the uterus and appendages. This leads to constant recurrence of yeast infection and other pathologies.

The principle of operation of lubricants:

  • increase and long time to maintain lubrication of the genital organs, facilitating the process of sexual intercourse;
  • stimulate blood flow that enhances erection;
  • moisturize, soften the mucous membranes and skin, caring for them;
  • spermicidal prevent unwanted pregnancy, but they can not be washed off for six hours;
  • improve glide of the condom;
  • affect a sedative effect on the mucous membranes, reducing irritation and heals cracks;
  • definitely needed during anal sex;
  • the gels of the extenders reduce the sensitivity of the head and are used to prolong sexual intercourse;
  • the introduction of the penis with a weak erection becomes much easier;
  • eliminate discomfort in case of hypersensitivity of the mucosa and dryness of the vagina.

Varieties of lubricants

Faced with inadequate lubrication, the woman thinks about what lubricant to choose.

The properties of the lubricant depend on the basis on which they made:

  • silicone lubricants. To good effect quite a few. The longest to dry, but can leave marks on the fabric;
  • cream. Gentle sensations, but not always compatible with condoms;
  • lubricants water-based. Compatible with condoms, cheaper counterparts, do not leave marks on the fabric, but dry quickly;
  • gel. Easily washed off with water, hygienic, do not leave marks on clothing, compatible with all contraceptives.

Attention! Lubricants with essential oils can cause allergies. At the first sign of an allergic reaction, use other types of lubricants.

Before oil was a popular lubricant, but now they are practically not produced, as they are quite strongly affected by the latex and almost satisfied with this content.

Method and application of lubricants

Used lubricants in accordance with the accompanying user manual.

General application rules:

  • a small amount of gel applied to the genitals prior to or during intercourse;
  • after the intimacy is recommended to wash the genitals with warm water and soap;
  • for oral sex use only special lubricants.

When you use the gel as a contraceptive, they liberally lubricate the vagina ten minutes before sexual intercourse. After that, it does not wash off for another six hours.

Lubricants used to protect from bacteria, applied before and after intimacy.

Special types of lubricants
  1. Anesthetics. Reduce pain and relax the muscles of the anus. Have a thick consistency. The composition of the lubricants include benzocaine or lidocaine, which have a local anesthetic effect.
  2. Antiseptic. Have a good degree of density and slip. Part of Miramistin or chlorhexidine, which additionally protect against some infections. Reduce irritation and promote healing of microcracks and wounds.
  3. Flavored. Gels with a strong aroma of fruit and herbs.
  4. Taste. Jelly-like gels, lotions and lubricant with taste and flavor of fruits and other plants. Used for oral sex.
  5. Of the extenders. Prevent premature ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse. The principle of operation is to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings of the glans penis, the thrill is not reduced. Available in spray, gel or cream. The composition may be birth control the components of different fragrances, and antiseptics.
  6. Birth control. Grease contain antiseptic and spermicidal substances. Provide a gentle and smooth sliding, allowing you to keep mucous membranes of the genital organs healthy. You can apply with a condom.
  7. Lubricants containing herbal extracts and vitamins. Promote rapid healing rubs and crazing.
Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits include:

  • to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions to condoms or falloimmitatory;
  • prevents chafing, pain and discomfort during intimacy;
  • some lubricants protect against infections or pregnancy, is capable to prolong sexual intercourse;
  • moisture organs, reducing friction and easing penetration.

Of the shortcomings can be identified the fact that the drugs reduce the activity of sperm, therefore they are not recommended to use for couples that wish to have a baby.

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