
Just to put on a condom is not enough. 7 non-obvious errors protected sex

In 2012 a group of scientists from several institutions in the US, the UK and Canada have done extensive analysis of such errors. The study covered English-language publications in peer-reviewed journals from 1995 to 2011: this 50 articles with data from 14 countries.

Due to the fact that the texts relate to different categories of people and belong to different periods, a single statistics, but it is possible to identify the average percentage of errors.

On average, scientists estimate the effectiveness of condoms is high – 98%. However, this figure rapidly coming down, if you wear them incorrectly or at the wrong time. Very often exactly what we do.

1. To wear not on time

After penetration, the potential of infection, put a condom 25% of surveyed couples. Removed the condom before ejaculation and continued to have sex with 17%. Formally, the people, the condom is still used, but protected them from sex.

2. To wear wrong

To properly wear a condom – it means to check the expiration date, to choose the right size, make sure that the material of the condom without damage, need side to attach it to the head of the penis and roll down to the tip was little free space and no air. This should be done smoothly, without touching the surface of the nails. Ideally, if you drop inside a drop of grease, and then top three. Master class, watch the video to BuzzFeed.

The study showed that, on average, 74% of people do not look whether the condom they wear. 18%, nearly one in five, wore the condom inside out and rolled as he could. In such cases there are two dangers: first, a contraceptive can curl and come off in the process, and secondly, a special recess for the seed will not be filled, because it is in tension with the other hand.

Unfortunately, the study does not concern, perhaps the most important problem of the use of condoms, that is still considered sex. Many people think that oral or anal sex not considered to be transmitted through them is impossible. But it’s not.

3. To consider oral and anal sex safe

Renowned gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin explains what sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted via both vaginal and oral and anal sex. For each of them to use a condom. To understand why, look at how generally sexually transmitted disease.

For infection, two conditions are necessary. The first particle of a virus or infection. The second wound, which she gets.

It so happened that the disease-causing agents in people infected with STDs, concentrated in blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. That is why the disease is not transmitted through the saliva, snot or skin cells. Otherwise the diseases themselves would be called something else. Wounds provides friction which cannot be excluded from any kind of sex.

Cracks, invisible to the eye, which are formed on the skin of the partners during anal, vaginal or oral contact, is the way in which viruses and infection patient fall in the healthy body.

To avoid this, you need a barrier. In the role of a barrier for the virus is the condom. If he comes for a Blowjob and anal sex, you need to figure out what to use for cunnilingus, anilingus and petting to penetration, which can leave micro-scratches. For these cases there are latex wipes, they are sold in pharmacies and sex-shops, come in different colors and taste. Replacement can serve as cut condom.

A movie bed scene in which a partner pulls out from the tables is something to meet almost impossible. In many ways, so this approach may seem strange, silly or clumsy. But if you are afraid to show partner a fool, is the game worth the candle?

In any case, it is necessary to consider that the period before the onset of symptoms of many diseases varies from days to months and even years, therefore any person may simply not know what ill. So, any contact without barrier remains frivolous and dangerous, even if porn literature and TV shows no one really thought about it.

4. Forget to wash your hands

Hair – petting fingers with penetration – also requires its own barrier. It may be a latex gloves. But if someone seems excessive caution, it is very important before sex, at least, to wash his hands. We were taught to do it only before eating, but in vain.

5. Do not hold the condom during the Blowjob

Blowjob – sexual practices with high risk of injury. This is especially true of popular porn deep-throat Blowjob. In addition to the risk of damaging the trachea, there is a real danger of suffocation. In January of this year news spread through the article about the woman from St. Petersburg, who died from suffocation after oral sex. Her throat remained the condom to get failed.

If the person choked on a condom, save it on the place without professional help is almost impossible.

The latex sticks to the walls of the trachea and blocks the flow of air. To thin impermeable layer it is impossible to reach, to pierce or pull out. Therefore during oral sex, petting where the host side stands a man, the condom must be held by the hand at the base of the penis.

6. To raise the contraceptives off the floor

People often drop the condoms, it’s not hard to imagine. It’s one thing if he fell to the bedsheets, and absolutely another – if on the floor. Even if it appears clean, to the surface of the latex can adhere bacteria or a speck of dust. The first can lead to inflammation. That is why we are taught from childhood not to eat food that had fallen on the floor, and already we are beginning to understand that and sit on it without underwear is not worth it.

In addition, any dense particles, such as chips, hitting the surface of the condom, while friction will create areas of increased stress. Latex can tear: crumbs in the manufacturing testing not take into account.

7. To wear two condoms

It may seem that, if you wear two condoms at the same time, can achieve double protection. But it’s not. All tests are designed according to the principle of one layer. The second greatly increases the friction, latex bursts.

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