Urine of a healthy person immediately after urination is almost no smell or has a very weak “urine” smell. It should be transparent, yellow color, does not have any impurities or flakes.
After a while, standing in the vessel, the urine acquires the smell of ammonia, or of ammonia, which gradually increases. This is because the chemicals contained in the urine begins to oxidize in air.
With the strengthening of or change in smell of urine can be encountered at any age, and not so rare. The sharp smell of urine may occur from time to time or to prosecute a man for a long time, sometimes strong unusual shade of urine appears in newborn babies.
The causes of this phenomenon are very diverse; they can have as natural, or physiological, nature, and serve as a symptom of any disease.
Physiological causes
The number and properties of urine produced depend on such factors as the total volume of blood sufficient intake of fluids, as kidney filtration systems and tubular reabsorption, the presence of congenital or acquired diseases of the urinary system and other internal organs.
If a person gets a little of the liquid due, for example, the intense heat, the urine becomes more concentrated, its density increases and the colour becomes bright yellow. Naturally, the smell intensifies, but is characteristic of uric. In other cases, this indicator can be influenced by the characteristics of human nutrition, introduction to menu any new and unusual food, and also taking some medicines that affect all parameters of urine, including smell.
Dehydration is one of the physiological causes of a strong urine odor
Therefore, if there are unusual or strong smell of urine, you must first eliminate natural reasons.
In General they can be represented as follows:
- dehydration (but not in cases when it is a symptom of pathology);
- eating large quantities of food with a sharp specific smell (garlic, onion or green onion, some varieties of fish or seafood, smoked meat);
- the use of alcoholic beverages, including large amounts of beer;
- medication (for example, nitrofuranov antimicrobials, which give the urine a strong “medicinal” smell and almost orange color hue);
- pregnancy and immediately after birth, when a sharp “flavor” of urine due to changes in hormonal levels women, especially those different morning urine.
In cases where to explain the change in smell of urine these physiological factors cannot or it remains after excluding the impact of these reasons, you should think about the possibility of a person of any disease.
Pathology may not be as serious, not threatening health or life of the patient and is easily amenable to therapy. But there are more dangerous diseases that need urgent treatment, often leading the patient to the supine state. In these cases, the appearance of a sharp or unpleasant smell of urine can be one of the earliest signs that will help the doctor in diagnosis. Therefore, if the background of apparent health urine suddenly began to smell something unusual, too sharp or very unpleasant, you should immediately consult a specialist.
Most often, the change of the odor is accompanied by other symptoms. So, the urine may change color to a pinkish hue from the admixture of blood, to become too dark in diseases of the liver, of losing transparency because of the admixture of pus or epithelium. In addition, changes in indicators of urine may be combined with pain syndrome of various localization and intensity, with signs of intoxication or dysuria, abnormal phenomena from other internal organs.
In what diseases the urine has a strong odor
The formation of urine and its indicators are influenced as urinary system and other organs or the metabolism.
Therefore, we can mention the following diseases, occurring most frequently in which urination is allocated a liquid with a pungent or unpleasant odor, and he felt immediately after the excretion of urine:
- inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract;
- sexual infections;
- pathology of the endocrine glands;
- fermentopathy and metabolic disorders.
To inflammatory processes localized in the urinary system and affect the smell of urine, can be attributed pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The main cause of these diseases is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. In most cases it is non-specific (E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas or Haemophilus influenzae), but are frequent and specific etiology urethritis caused by chlamydia, Trichomonas, Mycoplasma, the causative agents of gonorrhea.
The infectious process initiated by the microflora, almost always proceeds with the formation of pus which consists of dead immune cells, bacteria and their fragments of the destroyed cells of its own tissue. Produced urine washes away all of that content out of the urinary tract, it is not surprising that it is a huge amount of impurities. First of all, it refers to the pus that is released in the form of flakes or homogenized, which gives the urine a greater or less degree of turbidity. With him in the urine is slomannye with the walls of the ducts the epithelium, mucus, bacteria, red blood cells often causing pink or reddish color urine.
The admixture of pus causes and turbidity of the urine and its odor
In infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract very characteristic and becomes the smell of the secreted fluid. From the admixture of pus, mucus, blood, decay products of organic substances, and also because of their further oxidation in air smells like urine or ammonia, and very strong, or gets an unpleasant shade of putrid (smell of “meat slops”). Along with other clinical signs (abdominal pain or lower back, fever, dysuric disorders), a specific “flavor” is very important for diagnostics of inflammatory pathologies of the urinary sphere.
In the result of anatomical proximity to the mouth of the urethra and vagina in women cause changes in urine odor may become a sexual infection.
When urinating the contents of the vagina mixed with urine, which causes the presence in it of bacteria and pus, and a huge number of epithelial cells. In addition, the parameters of urine can be affected by phenomena of vaginal dysbiosis, or bacterial vaginosis. If the urine is pus or putrid microflora, trapped from the genital tract, its smell is strong, reminiscent of rotten eggs. In bacterial vaginosis, is caused by an imbalance of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, urine is a strong smell of garlic or stale fish.
Of endocrine pathologies, first of all, to note diabetes mellitus, and insulin-dependent type. It is this frequent pathology greatly affects the smell of urine, and the nature and severity of the symptoms plays an important diagnostic role. The failure of the pancreas and lack of insulin produced by it are the basis of the mechanism of the disease. Insulin, which needs to metabolize the glucose that enters the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines during the digestion of food, can not cope with this task, as it produced very little.
As a result of sharply increased levels of sugar in the blood that when filtering the kidney is the primary the urine. The back suction does not occur, and molecules of glucose in full force excreted in the urine. Urine in normal condition do not contains sugars, it becomes literally sweet. It can not affect her smell, why do patients with diabetes the urine and has a sweet or sugary smell that persists even after some time, not salesas ammonium shade.
In situations when there is decompensation of diabetes when there is insufficient insulin dose or missing his regular introduction, may develop a condition that threatens the life, which is called ketoacidosis. In these cases, glucose metabolism ends with the formation of ketone bodies, have a very negative impact on the entire body.
Along with loss of consciousness, dehydration, violation of all types of metabolism, changes in acid-base balance, when the ketoacidosis is changed and urine. It appears the acetone, which gives the urine a very distinctive and pungent smell. Acetone shade comes from literally the entire body of the patient when he falls into a state of diabetic coma, so this symptom is very important when supporting the person in a timely and competent medical care.
Urine, unusual, and unpleasant smelling, distinctive and in certain enzymopathies and metabolic disorders. So, trimethylaminuria, one of enzymopathies caused by deficiency of enzymatic activity of the liver, gives urine is very off-putting smell of stale fish. And it is very stable and “follows” the patient constantly, extremely complicating his life.
Another enzyme defect called phenylketonuria, is expressed as a complex of clinical symptoms literally from birth, as is a hereditary disease. Neurological disorders and mental deficiency are the main components of the syndrome, are complemented by a very specific smell of urine, which can be described as musty or “mousy”. Another fermentopathy, Latinos, also called maple syrup disease, is characterized by a sharp smell of urine, like burnt sugar.
Attentive attitude to your own health and his family as always will help to notice changes in the colour or smell of urine. Detect unusual symptoms will be the key to early diagnosis of diseases and their effective treatment.
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