Urinalysis is a mandatory diagnostic tests that are assigned for all diseases and pathological conditions. The results allow not only to determine the diseases associated with the organs of the urinary tract, but also to find out about the presence in the body inflammation and pathogenic microflora.
The results affect various changes, it could be urine white and other color change, the manifestation in it of different kinds of impurities and components.
But is the white color of urine indicates the disease and can it be like without the influence of diseases?
What determines the color of your urine?
The color of urine determines the number of blood pigment – urochrome (a yellow substance, a derivative of bile pigment), urolithin, uroerythrin and hematoporphyrin (give the urine a reddish tint). The higher the level of these substances, the more intense the color of the urine, and high water content reduces their concentration, making the tone weaker.
Which leads to transparency of urine?
If the urine is white, transparent due to excessive intake of fluids, in this case, frequent urination and urine does not have time to concentrate. It turns out that the body excretes almost pure water. For example, in summer in the diet increases the amount of plant food, he often uses fruits, vegetables and berries and drink more fluids.
If a transparent urine is associated with a diuretic effect of food, drink, worry no reason
However, some diseases cause the kidneys lose the concentration function and the urine acquires a permanent transparency regardless of the amount of fluids and food. The causes of changes in urine, its lightness, can be associated with the development of diabetes insipidus and renal failure in the chronic form.
Such diseases are severe symptoms, in addition to transparent urine.
Table 1. Associated symptoms of diabetes insipidus and renal failure
Disease | Symptoms | The act of urination |
The syndrome of diabetes insipidus | Constant feeling of thirst, so the patient often drinks a lot. | The number of daytime and nighttime urination increased. |
The chronic form of kidney failure | Increased thirst;
dryness in the mouth; appears the darkening of the eyes with a sharp movement; muscle paralysis; respiratory failure; slow heartbeat; heart block, until it stops. |
At the initial stage the level of daily urine increases, and often the urination occurs at night.
Then there is reducing the volume of urine, until its complete disappearance. |
Why the urine becomes cloudy?
If the urine becomes white turbid, then it is a bad sign that the body develops some disease.
Turbidity and whitish urine becomes, when it gets pathological admixture, which normally it does not contain
Urine color becomes white because of:
- leukocytes;
- mucosa impurities;
- protein components;
- crystals and salts;
- pus;
- lipids.
Table No. 2 Under what ailments and conditions most often has one or another impurity in urine
Impurity | Pathology |
Leukocytes |
Proteins | Glamurama.
Renal insufficient. |
Mucus | A sign of the inflammatory process in organs of genitourinary system. |
The salt crystals | Symptom of kidney stones.
Also their appearance can be due to the excessive use of salt and saline drinks, after the considerable physical loadings or on the background of dehydration. |
Pus | Infection caused by a bacterial pathogen:
Lipids and the lymphatic cells | In urine fall in the decay of tumor formation at later stages of kidney cancer or urinary bladder. |
Women’s issues that affect urine color
Look urine as the milk can in the background of strictly female diseases:
- thrush (candidiasis);
- vaginitis;
- vulvovaginitis;
- cervicitis (inflammation of cervix);
- tuberculosis of the female genital organs.
Pathological purulent, mucous admixture, leukocytes can penetrate into the urine from the vagina at the end of urination.
If a woman is suffering from vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, the vagina, the accumulation of large amounts of mucus, which can get into the urine during collection analysis.
With the development of candidiasis in the vaginal environment, you experience a white discharge cheesy texture, which can also affect the color of urine.
Women experience the following effects:
- intermittent pain in the lower abdomen;
- dryness, burning, discomfort in the vagina;
- pain during sex, urination.
Similar signs of disease and change the color of urine is sufficient reason for prenatal visits.
Urine may become cloudy and whitish in pregnancy and ovulation, as at this time in the female tract accumulates more mucosal secretions than usual. When the woman collects urine for analysis, the mucus falls into the container. To avoid this, experts recommend to pre-wash shower intimate area, and then use a swab of cotton wool. This will allow to obtain more accurate analysis results.
In some cases, the urine in men becomes white?
Male urogenital system is arranged any other way, and quite often the colour of urine changes due to the physiological characteristics not associated with pathological changes. For example, turbidity or white clots in urine is often found in the morning or after the sexual contact. This is due to the fact that a little semen can get into the urine.
Also in men, the quality of urine may change due to the following phenomena:
- uncontrolled sexual energy;
- physical or emotional stress.
However, after some time the urine becomes normal yellow color and transparency.
But sometimes turbid, white urine is a sign of illness, and it can contain a large number of leukocytes, bacteria, mucus, or salts which form a white precipitate.
If the urine for several days does not acquire a normal tone, then we are talking about the development of the disease
The most common cause changes in the color of urine are disorders of the prostate and mostly its inflammation – prostatitis.
In addition, the appearance of white urine can be associated with infectious pathogens: gonococcus, chlamydia, Trichomonas, etc.
With advanced forms of the disease, in addition to changes in the composition of urine, patients have a number of unpleasant symptoms:
- increased diuresis;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- the fever, chills;
- false urge to empty the bladder;
- from the urethra produces mucus;
- pain in the lower abdomen that occurs during urination;
- intermittence jet;
- the allocation of the residues of urine after urination.
If the men appeared similar symptoms, then he should ask for help to the urologist.
When urine in children is of white color?
Usually parents pay attention to various changes in the condition of the child, including the color of urine. When this phenomenon should not cause alarm?
In the first case, clarification of urine is due to consumption of food containing large amounts of water, for example watermelon. It happens when children drink a lot. Kidneys start to excrete excess fluid in large amounts and is the reason that the urine is almost colorless.
In the second case we are talking about breast babies who have pale white urine is normal.
The white color of the urine in infants is related to the fact that a few months after the birth of the baby there is a complete formation of the kidneys, and the quality of food he receives only breast milk or a mixture
Also discoloration of urine in children occurs when funds in a diuretic effect. Since urine is fairly rapidly excreted from the body, it is the saturation of the pigment occurs.
But there are situations where the paleness, transparency urine the child may be associated with serious diseases. It can be a symptom of diabetes or diabetes insipidus, renal failure.
In some cases, to treat children for medical care? Doctors do not recommend to wait for the symptoms that will signal the extent of the disease.
An appointment to the pediatrician you can apply if:
- the urine became transparent, like water, and its amount has increased regardless of fluid intake;
- urine, yellow became white;
- out with urine, any admixture – light residue, white flakes, mucus, pus, etc.
In most cases, the specialist assigns a number of tests and above all the General analysis of urine and blood. And if the results are cause for alarm, the patient referred to a nephrologist or endocrinologist.
White urine can be a common phenomenon, not associated with diseases. But often it is a sign of severe ailments, this means that to ignore such symptom is not necessary. It is crucial to be diagnosed and find out why urine changed color.