Urination is a physiological process that normally should not cause any problems or discomfort. The desire to urinate occurs independently from human will, but we are able to control this need as long as not to be able to empty the bladder.
Frequent urination in women are not always a manifestation of the outbreak of the pathological process in the body, there are situations where it is a variant of the physiological norm.
Frequent urination in men, as a rule, indicate the onset of such terrible diseases as prostatitis, which is able to degenerate into malignant neoplasm. According to statistics, after 40 years, every second men have problems with prostate gland, the first manifestation of which is the frequent trips to the toilet.
Despite the fact that the process of emptying the bladder in children occurs much more often than adults, it is necessary to keep track of how much the child drank liquids during the day, and what is the approximate volume of urine is identified. This will allow you to diagnose any disorders of urination.
Unfortunately, if patients do not experience other forms of unpleasant symptoms, they are reluctant to seek help, considering the problem not so dangerous.
Normal levels
There are no strict values for how often a person needs to go to the toilet “small”, since the frequency of urination can affect a variety of factors:
- age;
- floor;
- time of day (night, desire to urinate in a healthy person occurs 1-2 times);
- the land on which man lives and of its climatic conditions;
- the nature of the work, the intensity of daily physical activity and level of physical activity;
- the amount of fluid you drink during the day;
- the nature of power, etc.
Man cannot influence the impulse arising in the Central nervous system, but he is able to control this need until the trip to the toilet
The table below presents the average allocation of urine, the daily amount and the number of episodes of urination
Age | The average number of episodes of urination per day | The average volume of allocated urine in females |
Baby from birth to 28 days of life | 20-25 times | 150-450 ml |
Child 1-12 months | 8-10 times | 350-800 ml |
Child 1-5 years | 6-8 | 500-1000 ml |
Child 5-10 years | 6-7 | 600-1200 ml |
Child 10-14 years | 5-6 | 1000-1500 ml |
Adult women and men | 5-8 | 800-1600 ml |
Physiological causes of frequent urination
Often frequent urination in women without pain or other unpleasant symptoms may be due to the following factors, which are easily amenable to correction and do not require any treatment:
- Drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day, which includes tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, etc. In this case, trips to the bathroom are frequent, plentiful and absolutely painless. If directly ahead of a dream a woman drinks several glasses of water, it will disturb the night with the urge to empty the bladder.
- Eating foods that can have a pronounced diuretic effect (for example, a large number of watermelons or melons, and cranberries, cucumbers, etc.).
- Often girls are toddlers or teenagers say frequent urination due to severe excitement or other emotional situations (older women this occurs less often).
- In General hypothermia, stay in a cool room (activates defense mechanisms that protect vital organs, thus improving blood circulation in the kidneys and filtration processes).
- Early or late stages of pregnancy. In I and III trimester of gestation there is an active growth of the uterus which starts to squeeze the urinary tract and bladder. Woman in this period may present complaints of frequent urination, but she has no other abnormal signs.
- Frequent trips to the toilet “small” are an integral part of treatment with drugs that have a diuretic effect, especially if the therapy is performed when a patient initially suffering from severe swelling. Gradually a number of episodes of urination is reduced as excess fluid is excreted from the body.
Watermelon and melon products, enhancing diuresis in perfectly healthy people
Pathological causes
The following describes the major diseases and pathology, which are accompanied by a constant urge to urinate.
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Pathological processes in the kidney, bladder or urethra is most often accompanied by frequent urination.
These include:
- Inflammatory processes in the tissues of one or both kidneys(acute pyelonephritis or exacerbation of chronic). For the disease characterized by intoxication syndrome and persistent back pain on the side of the affected kidney.
- The inflammatory process in the urinary bladder(acute cystitis or exacerbation of chronic). At the forefront of the disease go dysuric disorders (painful sensations, feeling of cramps, which appear in each act of emptying the bladder). As a rule, the urge to urination urgent, that is, are imperative in nature. They are so sudden, that the woman does not always have time to run to the toilet, despite the fact that the bladder remains almost empty.
- The inflammatory process in the urethra (urethritis acute or exacerbation of chronic). For the disease typically appearance of acute pain during urination (at the beginning, the end, or throughout), and the pathological secretions from the lumen of the urethra.
- Urolithiasis (renal colic attack). Calculus, which is moving along the urinary tract causes severe irritation of mucous membranes, thus they are injured. Women appear strong, sometimes unbearable pain that increases with every trip to the toilet, at the same time released the urine becomes pink or red color (due to the appearance in it of blood).
- “Stress” urinary incontinenceassociated with stress. The pathological process occurs in the background of weakening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the pelvic the perineum, thus there is a lowering of the bottom of the bladder and vaginal walls. Women don’t feel the need to empty, as urine is allocated independently from the half-empty bladder.
The hallmark of the disease is a constant “leakage” of urine in all types of physical activity, and lack of urination
Another reason is the frequent urge against the background of hyperactivity of the bladder. This disease is characterized by the appearance of uncontrollable urge, despite the fact that the bladder remains incomplete. Irritation of its walls takes place at a minimum concentration of urine.
Cancer processes in the bladder or urethra – variant factor causing the violation of the processes of urination. The tumor can itself does not show. For some time, the woman does not feel any discomfort, or concerned about her symptoms, which she is not paying enough attention (weakness, loss of ability to work, sweating, weight loss, etc.).
It lasts as long as the pathological lesion reaches a large size and begin to compress the surrounding tissues and organs.
Known cause – uterine fibroids (gradual growth of the tumor site in the uterine cavity or outside, which is able to compress the bladder). Women with fibroids complain of periodic abdominal pain of varying intensity, associated with the menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding, disturbance of menstruation, infertility, etc.
Other reasons
If the cause of frequent urination is not connected with diseases of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to look for pathologic processes in other body systems, namely:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (e.g. hypertension, accompanied by adrenal crisis or varying degrees of heart failure);
- diseases of the pancreas (primarily we are talking about diabetes mellitus);
- dystonia (a condition in which disrupted the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system that affects not only the kidneys but other organs), and others.
Dystonia is one of the factors provocateurs constant urge to urinate
Factors contributing to increased frequency of urination
Among the main factors that somehow can affect the frequency of episodes of emptying the bladder, can be identified:
- sharp decline in body weight or, conversely, significant weight gain;
- anatomical defects of the urinary system;
- hormonal changes the woman’s body, the onset of menopause;
- a history of severe or frequent childbirth;
- previous surgery on the pelvic organs;
- connective tissue disease, etc.
A diagnostic algorithm
Any diagnosis starts with the collection of anamnesis of disease, the doctor needs most to learn in detail about when there was this unpleasant symptom that preceded this, what other complaints concerned a woman, etc.
Every woman who complains of frequent urination should be evaluated by a gynecologist. He conducted her inspection in the mirror on the chair and bimanual examination.
Laboratory-instrumental examination includes the following procedures:
- General clinical blood and urine tests (assesses the presence of an inflammatory component or other pathological shifts in cell parameters);
- biochemical analysis of blood and urine (study of urine are required in urolithiasis, since it allows to determine the nature of stones);
- a sample of urine on Nechiporenko (according to indications);
- if you suspect diabetes, carry out glucose tolerance test and examine the glycemic profile of a woman;
- HCG test (performed for all patients of reproductive age who have not previously possible pregnancy is diagnosed);
- x-ray examination (review the and intravenous urography);
- Ultrasound of the urinary tract and the pelvic organs;
- CT and MRI of the genitourinary system and others (as indicated).
Examining the patient the doctor determines the area of the greatest pain (if any), and identify other objective manifestations of a disease
Clinical management of the patients
In order that the doctor might reduce or eliminate unpleasant symptom, it needs to understand the nature of its origin, that is, to identify the root cause of frequent urination.
If eliminating the influence of pathological factors on the occurrence of this complaint, all women are advised to adhere to adequate drinking regime, that is to drink a sufficient volume of fluid, and not elevated (no more than 2.5-3 liters per day), to try to avoid any stressful situations, not SuperCool, to ensure that the room temperature was comfortable, then adjust dose taken diuretics.
If we are talking about women who expect a child, then the best solution for them will be regular and daily exercise knee-elbow posture (it allows to reduce the load on the bladder wall).
Etiological treatment of any disease depends on underlying cause, that is the main etiological factor. When it comes to inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system caused by infectious agents, a treatment with antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents and others.
You need to eliminate from your daily diet a highly drinks, alcohol, coffee and caffeinated drinks
Therapy “stress” urinary incontinence often begins with surgery, which is also indispensable for any tumors or anatomical defects in the urinary tract.
Symptomatic treatment is the appointment to the patient of funds from different pharmacological groups, whose task is the elimination of a symptom disease (for example, pain medications, antispasmodics, etc.).
Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that frequent urination is always alarming, “up”, indicating the disturbance in the body.
It is important that this symptom is not left without proper attention, because timely medical help not only speed up the healing process, but will also reduce the risk of possible complications.
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