
Sore tongue: causes, treatment

Language is a very important organ. He is responsible for the pronunciation of sounds, swallowing, and also for the sense of taste. Its surface is provided with a special papillae, without which any meal would be felt by us fresh.

If there is pain, it is recommended immediately go to the dentist or ENT doctor.

The reason for the pain on the sides of the tongue often become glossalgia, glossitis, stomatitis, and mechanical damage. One of the possible etiological factors is poorly made denture. In the absence of visible reasons, but a permanent pain syndrome, the dentist must suspect neuralgia.

Why can appear pain?

Factors contributing to the emergence of pain in the language (glossalgia) many – from minor injuries to a malignant tumor.

The most common factors include:

  • trauma (acute and chronic, particularly biting);
  • inflammation;
  • allergies;
  • neuralgia;
  • hypovitaminosis and deficiency microelements;
  • blockage of the duct of the salivary gland;
  • some somatic illnesses;
  • benign and malignant tumors.
Injury language

The most common factors causing pain in the area of the tip or the side surfaces become damaged, which are formed in the process of eating. Language is often injured due to improperly installed seals (not enough ground) or chipping of the enamel of the tooth. Even minor, but regular injuries cause tongue hurts like a burn.


If unpleasant sensations in language is accompanied by discomfort in the throat and the sky, and in the process of swallowing, there is pain, it is likely cause discomfort and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (usually viral origin on the background of influenza and SARS etc.). Patients usually complain of a significant increase and (or) seal of the lymph nodes and pain at the base of the body. Severe pain when swallowing can be a clinical symptom of angina. If diagnosed with acute purulent process, the patient requires immediate adequate comprehensive care.

Viral stomatitis

Common etiological factor, a viral stomatitis. It not only hurts the language side and in other areas, but other areas of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

One of the causes of pain in the language, the abuse of nicotine (Smoking a pipe or cigarette), as well as abuse of distilled spirits.

Neurological disorders

Problems in the diagnosis of cause of neurological disease, the most common of which is glossalgia. Among its causes are dysfunction of the endocrine glands, neurogenic pathology, or neuro-emotional overload (stress). Against the background of glossalgia tongue hurts like a burn, and partially numb. There is also a sign of fatigue of the tongue while pronouncing the sounds.


Often a sore tongue due to allergic reactions to certain food products and pharmacological agents.

The patient can present a complaint that my tongue hurts on the side after eating the seeds, though allergic to them.

Allergy is most often manifested in the form of fungal infections (candidiasis), and stomatitis. Cancel the calling of a pathological reaction of the product quickly leads to the disappearance of symptoms.

Blockage of the duct of the salivary gland

The impaired patency or complete blockage of the salivary gland leads to pain in the hyoid region, pain and General discomfort in the mouth.


The most serious factor is the malignant tumor. Patients complain of pain inside the language. The insidiousness of Oncology lies in the fact that in the early stages of discomfort are absent altogether, and the pain only develops in advanced stages. Treatment of tumors – the task of a specialist oncologist.

Common diseases

One of the reasons of the pain – latent (chronic) pathology of various organs and systems. Almost any disease of infectious and non-infectious origin can lead to inflammation of the tongue – glossitis.

Painful feelings often caused by problems with the endocrine glands, digestive disease, and anemia.


Now it became fashionable to pierce the language, and not only in specialized shops but also on their own. In the best case, the pain and swelling disappear only after 2-3 days after surgery, but pain may persist for one and a half to two weeks or more.

This may indicate infection that requires mandatory visits to the dentist to avoid serious complications. If my tongue hurts on the side will certainly need to consult with a specialist – there is no damage to the side of the arteries, and compresses them inserted object.

The most serious consequences

Pain, especially localized in the region of the tongue root, the most serious consequences are an abscess (limited purulent inflammation) and cellulitis (diffuse inflammation of the tissue). Their symptoms be intense pain, inability to close the mouth, problems with diction, shortness of breath, and increased salivation. If swelling of the tongue, you should immediately contact the dental office, as an abscess and cellulitis may require urgent surgical intervention.

How to reduce or stop the pain?

Do not look for a “folk medicine”, and to self-medicate. It can only exacerbate the process. Only a subject matter expert (dentist or audiologist) will be able to conduct a competent diagnosis and to prescribe an appropriate treatment.

If a sore tongue, like after a burn, you need a full examination, including laboratory analysis of blood and a puncture of the language with further study of biological material (BM). If before going to the doctor alone revealed a chip of the enamel, it is recommended that more frequent rinsing with antiseptic solutions and careful during the meal.

When the pain and violation of the sensitivity due to the stress that the patient is advised to take the pills or tincture of motherwort, Valerian, or peony.

To rinse can recommend a solution furatsilina and the infusions and decoctions of sage and chamomile. The herbal products doctors recommend as one of the additional therapies.

Under intense pain, it is advisable to ingest non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketonal, Ketoprofen), or even tranquilizers (Phenazepam) if they are in a home medicine Cabinet.

Local anesthetic action is having the solution of trimecaine and citral (peach).

In most cases, a sore tongue is only a symptom of the disease, so you need to look for the cause of the pathology.

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