
Does it hurt to put dental implants

Contrary to popular belief, to put dental implants is not painful.

Sedation is the reduction irritability, getting rid of feelings of anxiety or fear due to the use of special tools – Psycholeptics.

The patient’s condition with deep sedately and General anesthesia are similar.

The fact that this procedure is carried out with the use of modern local anesthetics, and for the most sensitive patients provides for the use of sedation and even General anesthesia:

  • Local anesthesia. The easiest way to eliminate pain. In the process of implantation used drugs ultrakain, articaine or melajukan – they perfectly block the nerve endings, while the anesthetic effect may persist for 2 hours after the procedure. Injection of anesthetic is made directly into the operated area (infiltration and conduction anesthesia) or in the base of the skull for blocking the trigeminal nerve (stem anesthesia). In the case of correct selection of product and the required dose, the patient is not experiencing pain, however, feels all the manipulations performed by the physician. For this reason, local anesthesia while the implants are complemented by the use of sedatives for particularly sensitive and fear of dental intervention patients.

Sedatives are not anesthetics, so in the process of placing dental implants they are used exclusively in combination with local analgesic drugs.

  • The minimum (surface) sedately (anxiolysis). Used in patients experiencing anxiety during complex dental procedures – as a result of excitement and fear gone, the patient is conscious (it is possible a feeling of sleepiness), performs all the commands of the doctor.
  • The average sedately. If the patient experiences a fear of any medical intervention, it is possible to use the average of sedately – in this case used a bit more of a sedative drug, so that the patient remains conscious, can respond to commands of the doctor, but is half asleep.
  • Corselette. It is also called deep sedately – increasing doses of sedatives introduces the patient to sleep, there is a reaction (sometimes with a slight delay) to a loud hail or other external stimuli. In this state the patient does not feel anything (assuming the use of local anesthetic), he remains virtually no recollection of the dental implants. The awakening occurs within 15 minutes after the termination of the supply of a sedative drug (can be done as an intravenous and inhaled using a mask).

The only difference is that oversedate does not involve anesthetic effect – the pain persisted, and the patient remembers them, which can cause panic and fear of dental treatment in the future.

  • General anesthesia. This method of anesthesia used in patients allergic to any local anesthetics, with increased gag reflex, people experiencing panic and fear of dental treatment (somatotopy) in children. In addition, the dentist will offer you General anesthesia if the operation is planned to install more than 6-10 dental implants in combination with bone grafting. Consciousness is completely disconnected, no response to any external stimuli, pain is not felt, excluded any muscular activity, respiratory function is maintained using a ventilator. The use of General anesthesia requires the presence, during implantation of an experienced anaesthetist. Awakening comes through 20 minutes after anesthetic administration, however, preferably not less than 40 minutes to be under the supervision of a physician.

In the process of selecting a certain type of anesthesia the physician is guided by the following factors:

  • The pain threshold of the patient (low pain threshold often need to be deep sedately or General anesthesia).
  • Experience fear or excitement in the process of performing dental operations.
  • Allergic reactions to certain types of anesthetics and sedatives.
  • Gag reflex. In many patients, it manifests itself while dental instruments in the oral cavity. Strong gag reflex can be a serious obstacle to the quality of work of the doctor.
  • The complexity of the operation.

The answer to the question, does it hurt to put the tooth implant depends on a properly sized type of anesthesia – if during the operation were used suitable drugs, no discomfort, the patient will not experience.

Before the procedure the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the oral cavity, exploring the history and x-rays of the patient on the basis of which is a preliminary plan of operation (one-stage, one-stage, two-stage) and selects the appropriate method of anesthesia.

Feeling every step of implantation

Operation on implantation of teeth implants requires several steps and generally can take several months:

  • Preparation of the mouth (takes about week). During the initial examination, the doctor identify possible foci of infection (dental plaque, stone, dental caries, periodontal disease), then proceeds to treatment. Given that implantation is an operation in which there is a violation of the integrity of soft tissue and bone, any disease of the mouth rug to be eliminated in order to reduce the risk of inflammation.
  • The implantation of the implant. At this stage, the doctor sets in hard tissue (bone) metal pin – directly to the implant itself, which replaces the tooth root. This procedure can be performed in several ways:
      • Classic soft tissue of the gums peel, dice drilled hole in which is screwed into the implant.
      • Minimally invasive. The pins are implanted in the gums, through the implementation of small punctures.
      • In the hole – this method is applicable in the case of implantation immediately after tooth extraction. This method is considered the safest and less traumatic (no need of deformation of a tissue, bone is present in sufficient quantity).

Many patients are interested in the question does it hurt when drilling the bone during implantation.

When properly selected method of anesthesia pain excluded only feel vibration and easy the impact of the actions of the physician during bone remodeling.

  • Gum formation (2-6 weeks after implantation of the implant). There are two ways: using the healing abutment with the use of the abutment and temporary crown. And in that and in other case means surgical intervention – an incision of the gums, the installation of the forming tool (shaper or abutment) and sutures for accurate tissue healing. Despite the fact that in the process of forming a beautiful hole is not damaged bone, pain there are (incision of the soft tissues, suturing), so this stage also requires the use of anesthesia (in the vast majority of cases, local).
  • Directly prosthetics. At this stage removed the healing abutment, replaced by a permanent abutment. Next, taking an impression of the jaw of a patient for crowns, which are installed as soon as the complete healing of the gums in the area of implantation. Typically, the prosthesis is a painless operation (in this case some discomfort is still present), so you can often do without the use of anesthetics. At the same time, if the patient suffers a strong stomatologia may local anesthesia.

To ensure that all stages of prosthetics was without complications, it is important to follow a strict oral hygiene and visit a dentist at the slightest discomfort or painful sensations.

Will it hurt when bone grafting

Bone grafting – the stage of prosthetics, which is required in the case of severe bone atrophy. The fact is that for the proper implant thickness of the hard tissues must be at least 10 mm, and in its deficit, the need arises to its artificial increase.

Performing this operation with the use of special membranes (collagen camarasaurus and metal detachable), with the simultaneous implantation of the implant of the tooth. The time of the operation is 1-2 hours.

As in the course of bone grafting, deformation of hard and soft tissue, without anesthesia do not succeed. During the procedure, patients may be offered local anesthesia with sedately or General anesthesia (in cases where the plastic will be exposed to a large area of bone tissue).

The process of implantation of teeth implants is quite complex and time consuming. During the operation, any unpleasant sensations are eliminated by using powerful anesthetics, however, after their termination, the patient may experience severe pain.

In order to reduce pain after the procedure is recommended for several days to take painkillers (only in consultation with your doctor).

Complication after surgery

Even the most experienced dentist cannot guarantee the absence of complications after the operation on implantation of teeth implants.

We will discuss the most common ones and give a few tips for their treatment.


Pain after the action of anesthetics is the absolute norm. Violation of the integrity of the gum tissue simply cannot pass completely pain free and discomfort for 2-3 days after surgery is quite admissible.

Depending on the level of the pain threshold of the patient these feelings can be slightly unpleasant and very strong. The choices of anesthesia it is best to discuss with your doctor (anti-inflammatory powder type Nimesil, pain pills Aartal, Ketanov etc.), and in the presence of unbearable pain, you need to go to the clinic – there may be significant inflammation, serious swelling or nerve damage.

Swelling and inflammation

After implantation in the bone tissue of a foreign body (dental implant), the body considers it as a danger and protecting, accumulating in adjacent tissue the fluid that is swelling. This process begins a few hours after surgery and lasts 5-7 days.

To relieve swelling with the gums (and sometimes it swells and cheek), it is recommended to put ice. If the swelling does not descend more than a week, the pain not subsiding, there is a blue or zagnoenie in the field of implanting an implant, the body temperature is kept at 37-38 weeks more, there may be an inflammatory process. It can also occur as a result of insufficient oral hygiene. If in time not to eliminate, the implanted tooth can be fully rejected by the body.


The place was screwed into the implant, may bleed for several days – in the course of deformation of the gum tissue is inevitably damaged and blood vessels. It is important to evaluate the strength of the bleeding – if it does not stop for more than a week, with spotting continually enhanced around the operated region are formed hematoma, it is possible to speak about a serious damage of the capillary network.

Patients with poor blood clotting the doctor will recommend a hemostatic drugs.


In the process of implantation sutures almost inevitably, it is performed after bone grafting, after screwing the implant after installation of the healing abutment. So as to provide complete isolation of the affected areas is impossible (the patient needs to eat, drink, speak, perform daily hygienic procedures), it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the stitches: if they found a discrepancy, you should immediately contact your doctor – you may have mechanical damage (in this case, the dentist will restore the joints) or inflammatory process (may require serious treatment).

Temperature rise

Within 2-3 days after implantation, the body temperature can stay at a level 37-37,5 degrees. If the temperature for 4 days or more displays 38 and above the gum to place the implant pin festers, there is a lot of swelling and unbearable pain – this is cause for concern. In this case we can talk about the inflammation and the subsequent risk of rejection of the implant. Go immediately to the clinic – the dentist will take all necessary measures to eliminate the resulting pathology.


Complete loss of sensitivity may occur for several hours after implant implant tooth is due to the action of the anesthetic. In addition, in the case of severe edema accumulated in the region of the implant fluid pressure on nerve endings, causing prolonged numbness, which takes place after the falling of the swelling.

Often the damage to the neuro-vascular bundle (located in the lower jaw) during the operation – in this case the sensitivity will not be back soon.

Rejection of the implant.

This complication is quite rare – according to statistics, only 1% of all installed implants rejected.

Reasons of rejection:

  • Infection (untreated diseases of the mouth, lack of hygiene);
  • The deficit of bone tissue;
  • Smoking immediately after the procedure;
  • Allergic to titanium;
  • An implant in the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

To detect rejection of the implant is easy, because the pin is movable, severe pain and zagnoenie. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the dentist removes the pin that holds the antiseptic treatment, and assigns the complex of vitamins and minerals to restore gums. Re-screwing of the implant is possible after 1-3 months (depending on the condition of the patient’s tissue).

In case of any complications one should not self-medicate or follow the advice of traditional medicine: it is urgent to consult a doctor, timely medical care will help avoid serious problems such as inflammation and rejection of the implant.

Indications and contraindications for implantation

To resort to implantation in the event of partial or complete tooth loss. This operation helps to restore the dentition after losing one or more teeth, and also solves the problem of edentulous.

The use of methods of implantation is not always possible – the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Serious diseases of cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory systems (diabetes, osteoporosis, tuberculosis, cancer, poor blood clotting, mental disorders etc.).
  • Undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplants – in this period there is a violation of the restorative functions of the body, which can lead to rapid rejection of the implant.
  • Allergic to any anesthetics the operation itself is very painful and cannot be performed without anesthesia.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
  • Any disease of the mouth (before to install the implants, they need to be addressed);
  • Lack of hygiene (before installation of implants is necessary to remove Tartar and plaque);
  • Overbite (corrected by braces);
  • Bone loss (eliminated by conducting bone grafting);
  • Beriberi, exhaustion, stress (implantation acceptable after full recovery);
  • Smoking more than 1 pack of cigarettes a day after surgery this leads to rejection of the implant (prior to implantation is necessary to get rid of harmful habits or to minimize the amount of “consumption” of cigarettes);

Also, the dentist will offer to resign from the school is extreme and traumatic sports – to reduce the risk of mechanical damage to the implant.

With regard to age restrictions, they are not (except, of course, childhood and adolescence), the possibility of implantation is not determined by the biological age of the patient, and his General condition (often older people tolerate the procedure much easier than younger patients).

In any case, the ability to carry out the implant surgery determined by the physician.

Recommendations after surgery

Most often, the rejection of the implant is the fault of the patient (failure to comply with the dentist, delayed treatment at the clinic in case of complications, self-medication).

For the implant has taken root, you must perform a number of simple guidelines:

  • For 2 hours;
  • During the healing period do not eat spicy and too solid food, avoid hot or cold foods;
  • Chew only on the opposite side of the joints of the jaw (to avoid discrepancies);
  • Make the doctor recommended anti-inflammatory and pain drugs to do the antiseptic baths and rinse.
  • Daily and regular oral hygiene (brushing toothbrush and toothpaste, rinse, floss, etc.);
  • In case of edema – apply to cheek ice;
  • To exclude any kind of serious physical activity to avoid fatigue;
  • Smoking and taking alcohol, ideally, is allowed only after 1-2 weeks after surgery;
  • Avoid active articulation, sneezing and coughing very carefully;
  • Add to your diet as many vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

In case of compliance with these guidelines exclude the rejection of the implant, as well as any other serious complications.

Reviews about dental implants


“In the beginning I was doubting if I should do the surgery. Still, one day went and did it. You know, I never regretted it. Yes, it was sometimes frustrating and these restrictions, but the result outweighs all the cons”


“A couple of days ago I restored the teeth, inserted 2 implant. Can not get enough of them! I finally have a full smile! One upset in the beginning – pain during and after the operation as well as the fact that I two days passed with a swollen cheek”


“Frankly – it was scary. Me before the operation was plagued with the questions – if I hurt, how painful, will not have any problems when they set me new teeth, but how safe is this dental implant will not fall out if, and suddenly I’ll be look worse, and so on. The procedure itself so in the end don’t remember – gave an injection, fell asleep, woke up with new teeth, like in a fairy tale. Happy. Doctor something said there was, but I was not up to it. Then I realized that I had to listen to, but also cost – Oh, just a couple of days and stopped. And for the sake of such beauty it can bear”

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