Specific experience of a particular patient depend on the method of cleaning stone on the teeth and individual sensitivity of the person. Pain threshold are different, so you should not rely on reviews from other people.
The fact that someone may seem unbearable, you will resemble a mosquito bite and Vice versa.
Important. Choosing a way to remove the stones from the teeth, listen to the doctor’s recommendations. The dentist decides on the basis of the results of the inspection of the condition of the enamel, amount of deposits, predisposition or presence of such diseases as periodontosis and periodontitis.
Ultrasonic cleaning
Solid dental deposits can be removed with an ultrasonic scaler. Under the action of ULTRASONIC waves, the stones crumble, while the enamel remains intact. The procedure is virtually painless, but in case of hypersensitivity may experience discomfort. In this case, the doctor uses special anesthetic.
A sense of mild pain may occur during handling of the gingival pockets. But the sensation is quite bearable and lasts just fractions of seconds. Ultrasonic cleaning is the only possible way to remove the solid stones from the pockets, and to refuse its carrying out is not worth it. Better tell the doctor before procedure that you have tooth sensitivity.
When processing areas with enamel, the teeth, the pain usually does not occur.
The main advantages of the method are:
- the perfect quality of cleaning enamel becomes smooth and even;
- the ability to remove solid build-up from interdental spaces and hard to reach places;
- the bactericidal effect of pathogenic microflora under the action of ultrasonic waves are killed, which reduces the risk of caries;
- optical effect – after the removal of brown spots and stripes enamel visually gets lighter.
The procedure for removing Tartar is prescribed in the mandatory before prosthesis implantation, before installing the braces and other orthopedic procedures. Hygienic cleaning of the scaler is also indicated in cases of periodontal disease and periodontitis with a frequency of two times per year. In other cases, remove Tartar with ultrasound is recommended once in 12 months.
The duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the teeth of the patient, but usually does not exceed 40-60 minutes. In severe cases, a doctor’s cleaning a few visits.
There are contraindications:
- severe heart disease, pacemakers, ultrasonic wave can break the rhythm of the heart or of the device;
- pregnancy – ULTRASONIC cleaning may have an adverse impact on fetal development and lead to miscarriage or premature delivery;
- abnormal increased sensitivity of the enamel – here we are talking not so much about pain syndrome, how much reaction of organism as a whole;
- the period of rehabilitation after surgeries, infectious diseases.
Another risk factor is childhood. Remove the stones from the teeth can be no earlier than two years after the eruption of the last tooth.
Important. Plaque hard to remove at home will not work. In fact, the stone grows into the pores of the enamel, and even the hard toothbrush is unable to clean it up.
Laser removal
From the point of view of the pain syndrome is recognized as the procedure is completely painless. The laser beam destroys the hard and soft deposits without affecting the enamel. Dentists recommend to remove Tartar laser in cases when not needed-cleaning of gingival pockets. Perhaps this is the only drawback of the procedure.
After laser cleaning the enamel smoother, improves its resistance to external influences, reduces the risk of tooth decay, gingivitis, stomatitis. The procedure takes less than an hour. The main indication for laser removal of the stone – the presence of teeth and hard dental deposits.
There are a number of contraindications – pregnancy, postoperative period, reduced immunity, infectious diseases. Also these include untreated tooth decay, a large number of seals, increased sensitivity of the tooth enamel.
Laser removal of stones refers to expensive procedures.
The procedure is the teeth cleaning of stone using water-dispersed mixture coming under pressure. Fine crystals remove the soft plaque from the enamel, while it is polished. The main advantage of this methodology is the high degree cleaning teeth even in the most remote places, including gingival pockets.
Air-Flow is traditionally used in combination as a subsequent step after ultrasonic cleaning. The result is a complete cleansing of the teeth from hard and soft deposits. The teeth become smooth, as if polished.
The special advantages of the method include:
- painless – the patient feels no discomfort even with very sensitive enamel;
- great result – perfectly clean the interdental spaces, gingival pockets, eliminates pigmentation;
- natural whitening by removing stains the teeth become lighter by one to two tones;
- hypoallergenic – the mixture includes water, crystalline soda, citrus scent.
Particularly notable effect for those who have mouth have orthopedic designs – crowns, braces, veneers, implants. The procedure is also recommended to conduct regular smokers and lovers of strong tea and coffee.
Remove the stones from the teeth by this method is contraindicated:
- patients with respiratory illnesses to avoid a possible attack;
- if thin enamel and pathological tooth sensitivity;
- with caution during pregnancy.
The procedure is carried out for 30-40 minutes while the patient experiences a feeling of comfort, aided by a gentle massage of the gums.
Complete cleaning of teeth and interdental pockets reduces the risk of tooth decay to a minimum.
Chemical removal
Clean off chronic plaque can be chemically – this method is now used very rarely, only in cases when ultrasound and air-flow are powerless. To apply the enamel composition, containing chemically active substances. Under their action, the stone softens and is removed manually.
The method relates to a pain-free, but not recommended for thin enamel, tooth sensitivity and presence of open carious cavities.
The second name is a chemical bleaching. The enamel becomes lighter by 3-4 shades.
Mechanical cleaning
The procedure is extremely unpleasant and is now practically never used. Hard plaque and soft plaque are scraped off with a special metal blades. During manipulation is a risk that the doctor’s hand could slip off and the tool to damage the gums. The performance of the method is in question, so as to clean the deposits is not possible.
Does it hurt to remove Podlesniy stone
When cleaning the stone in subgingival pockets in most cases, there is a slight pain. The reason is that the stone is mounted directly on the periodontium. Even a thin enamel layer significantly reduces tooth sensitivity in the subgingival area, it is not there. So the discomfort during the procedure – it is a valid and expected phenomenon.
Podlesniy the stone should clean up required, as it causes the development of putrefactive bacteria and contributes to the development of caries and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
It hurts whether to remove dental calculus with periodontitis
The disease is characterized by the fact that laid bare the cervical region. The stones thus formed on the entire free surface. In areas with enamel sensitivity reduced, but processing of the root zone, not protected by the enamel, cause minor discomfort.
Whether a toothache for field procedures
After stone won’t hurt. On the contrary, appeared a feeling of freshness in your mouth contributes to the overall comfortable feel. Your doctor may recommend some time after brushing, use a mouthwash.
Important. After the procedure is recommended for a couple of hours not to eat and to smoke.
What is dangerous Tartar
Solid dental deposits are a conglomerate of complex composition, formed from microscopic food particles and iron compounds and phosphorus contained in the saliva. In fact, the stone grows into a periodontal, and remove it yourself is not possible. First, the teeth formed a dense plaque that gradually hardens and turns to stone.
Dental plaque promotes the growth of pathogenic flora, which will be a consequence arising caries, gingivitis, periodontitis. Positive environment leads to quick growth of pathogenic bacteria and further damage to the periodontium.
The main signs of the emergence of dental calculus are:
- noticeable stripes, dots, spots of brown (shades of) colors on the enamel;
- unpleasant, heavy odor in the mouth
- the inner feeling of roughness of the enamel.
The smile becomes unsightly, and the smell makes the interlocutor to stay away.
It is especially important to monitor the condition of the teeth and time to carry out scienee Tartar Smoking and consuming strong tea and coffee. In this case, the formation of stone come in nicotine and tannins – deposits develop much faster and acquire a characteristic dark brown color.
Important. The end result of irresponsible use of Tartar – tooth loss.
Prevention of Tartar
To avoid the appearance of Tartar is impossible – every day we eat different foods counteract the remains of which contribute to the formation of plaque on enamel. But to reduce the risk of its occurrence is quite possible.
What you’ll need:
- regular preventive cleaning (1-2 times per year), especially when the tendency or the presence of periodontitis and parodontosis;
- daily oral hygiene – brushing teeth, rinsing;
- timely treatment of caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases.
Well-cleaned and polished enamel has a low porosity, the remnants of food on it is not delayed, thus reducing the risk of Tartar.
Remove the stones with teeth is a must. Want to have a beautiful smile, visit the dentist regularly. Moreover, the procedure is virtually no discomfort.
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