
How often do Air Flow

Air flow – so with the English translated name of the procedure Air Flow. Designed to cleanse the teeth, it is particularly popular with people who strive to maintain the health and beauty of your smile.

What is the clean Air Flow and how it’s made?

Teeth cleaning Air Flow is an effective dental procedure that allows to remove the tooth surface pigmentation, and bacterial plaque is soft and dense deposits. To achieve the desired result, use a special apparatus of “Air Flow” (production of Sweden), who gave the name of the procedure.

The unit Air Flow creates a directed flow of air, water and fine particles of abrasive. Applied to the surface of the teeth under high pressure, it gently removes (cleans) the surface of teeth visible plaque and deposits. As a rule, an abrasive is used, the sodium bicarbonate – ordinary baking soda.

Cleaning of teeth by the system Air Flow is only in the context of dentistry and includes several stages.

  • Treatment of the lips with vaseline.
  • Location in the patient’s mouth of saliva ejector.
  • Location of the mouth of the apparatus to collect excess flow of water, air, and fine particles.
  • The processing of each tooth by a stream of high pressure angle of 30 – 600.
  • Grinding of the teeth using a leveling paste.
  • Treatment teeth special gel on the basis of fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce its sensitivity.

During the processing of the flow directional, special attention is paid to hard to reach places – the interdental spaces, periodontal pockets. Not available for cleansing during daily hygiene of the oral cavity, they contain a large amount of plaque and deposits. But thanks to the pervasive power of the stream of Air Flow you can remove them without much difficulty.

The total duration is 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the condition of the teeth and the complexity of the problem.

Cleaning with braces

Quite often, treatment by use of braces, makes it difficult for thorough and hygienic cleaning of the teeth. As a result, around orthodontic appliances can accumulate plaque and deposits, the removal of which perfectly fits system Air Flow. Sent to the fine flow gently cleanse the teeth and help to maintain the required oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment.

The appearance of bacterial plaque and pigmented, soft and dense deposits inevitably leads to the development of caries. Its progression provokes the appearance of such serious dental diseases like periodontitis and pulpitis – in this case, tooth loss is inevitable. To stop the development of complications helps professional teeth cleaning with the use of modern apparatus “Air Flow”.

The indications for the procedure

Professional oral hygiene with the use of sandblasting is recommended in the following cases:

  • The apparent darkening of the color of the enamel.
  • The presence on the surface of the pigment of the teeth of plaque and deposits.
  • The plaque smoker.
  • The accumulation of plaque and deposits in Mizuno space and periodontal pockets.
  • The presence of braces, bridges and other dental structures, which impede the hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity.
  • Forthcoming procedure prosthesis or teeth whitening.

It is important to remember! The use of Air Flow it is advisable for aesthetic purposes, therapeutic and preventive. The removal of dental plaque will help restore teeth to an attractive appearance, prevent the development of dental caries and serious dental diseases.


The removal of plaque and deposits with the use of the unit Air Flow refers to minimally invasive procedures that are well tolerated by the human body and not harm his health. And only in rare cases, the procedure is impossible.

These contraindications are the following States and pathology.

  • The patient has not reached the age of 15.
  • Compliance with salt-free diet.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.
  • You have an Allergy to the ongoing manipulation of the composition or abrasive powder for cleaning.
  • The period of pregnancy.

It is important to remember! Professional cleaning of the oral cavity Air Flow is carried out only after prior consultation with the dentist. In the case of chronic diseases it is necessary to consult at the attending physician.

Air Flow differs from ultrasonic cleaning?

The effectiveness of techniques Air Flow based on the abrasive properties of the fine thread that cleans the surface of teeth. While the success of ultrasonic cleaning of teeth built on the ability of ULTRASOUND waves to destroy plaque deposits and Tartar due to a specific frequency. Both methods relates to mechanical tooth brushing and recommended for the health of the oral cavity.

In order to understand what is the difference between Air Flow and ultrasonic cleaning, consider the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.

The Benefits Of Air Flow

  • Maloinvazivnogo.
  • The removal of pigment, bacterial plaque and soft deposits.
  • The ability to clean hard to reach places.
  • Effective cleaning of the teeth with the presence of braces, bridges and implants.


  • The method is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity of the teeth.
  • Air Flow will not remove Tartar.

The benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

  • Maloinvazivnogo.
  • Removal of pigment and bacterial plaque.
  • Remove soft and hard deposits.
  • Removal of Tartar.
  • The ability to clean hard to reach places.
  • Impossibility of the use of ultrasound in the presence of braces, implants etc. dental structures.

Thus, the Air Flow can be compared to a “thorough cleaning”, and the use of ultrasound with the “General cleaning” in the mouth. Both methods differ not only by the impact, but the depth of cleaning.

Which is better?

The ideal is to combine ultrasonic cleaning with Air Flow procedure. The first will destroy the hard deposits and Tartar, which is especially important for hard to reach places, and fine flow gently removes soft deposits and plaque.

Which is better – a difficult question. It all depends on the complexity of the problem, the individual characteristics of the enamel and the presence of contraindications. Therefore, the exact answer can be given only after diagnosis of the General condition of the oral cavity.

Please note! Procedure Air Flow and ultrasonic cleaning is not teeth whitening. In the process of these procedures is possible only a slight whitening of the enamel, 1 – 2 tone, which is achieved due to the removal of visible pigment plaque.

Air Flow during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication for the procedure. The problem is that in this period in a woman’s body is disturbed calcium metabolism. As a result, tooth enamel loses its protective functions, becomes more sensitive and cleaning it can cause thinning that can trigger the development of dental diseases. So, the process Air Flow not recommended for pregnant women.


When breastfeeding, a woman’s body may experience the same problem – violation of calcium metabolism. Therefore, the procedure should be postponed.

Pregnancy and lactation are considered by experts as a relative contraindication to the use of Air Flow. To deny or approve a procedure can only the doctors are obstetrician-gynecologist and a dentist.

Recommendations after the procedure

For the first time after professional cleaning Air Flow should limit the use of excessively cold, hot, sweet, spicy and other irritating food. The positive result was achieved in the course of the procedure will be visible immediately.

To keep it for a long time must adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Use for daily hygiene of the oral cavity healing toothpaste and brush with soft bristles.
  • For a thorough cleansing of the teeth and hard to reach places regularly use mouthwash, dental floss, brushes.
  • Conduct a second procedure at least 1 time per year.

It is necessary regularly, 1 once in 6 months checkups at the dentist.

What not?

After a thorough cleaning of the teeth should reconsider your diet and bad habits.

The ban should get the following list.

  • The use of excessive solids.
  • Misuse of products with a high content of pigments (both natural and artificial).
  • Eating foods with a high acid content.
  • Tea, coffee, chocolate, red wine.
  • Cigarettes.

If we abandon this list is not want, you need to be prepared for the fact that very soon on the surface of tooth enamel formed a new pigmented plaque, and she will become more sensitive.

The first time after the procedure can be unpleasant and painful symptoms, tooth sensitivity and easy bleeding gums. With all the dentist they are tested after 1 – 2 days.

The cost of the procedure

The average cost of the procedure – 5000 rubles the Price of the service depends on the complexity of the problem with which the patient appealed to the dentist, the total amount of dental work and end of the clinic. Very often the procedure Air Flow are hot sales.

Real photos of the condition of the teeth “before” and “after” the procedure Air Flow.

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