Catarrhal stomatitis is a disease of the oral cavity with an inflammatory origin. The disease is not accompanied by the formation of defects of the mucous membrane.
Causes of stomatitis
The main causes pathology dentists believe the low level of hygiene. On its background there is a large amount of soft plaque and form mineralized dental plaque that leads to the development of caries and tooth decay.
Mouth actively propagated pathogenic microflora, and excellent nutrient medium, which becomes plaque on the teeth that contains food residues.
Other factors of disease are:
- mechanical trauma (including biting if improperly made dentures);
- endocrine pathology;
- frequent use of toothpaste with lauryl sulfate (a substance dry mouth);
- emotional or physical stress (stress);
- weakened immunity against a viral disease;
- parasitic pathology;
- hormonal changes;
- allergies;
- the eruption of new teeth (including third molars – wisdom teeth);
- errors in the diet (irregular meals, abuse of junk food);
- heredity;
- diseases of the circulatory system;
- nicotine addiction;
- lack of vitamins;
- diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer and enterocolitis).
In children catarrhal stomatitis is considered by most experts as a “disease of dirty hands”.
Clinical signs include:
- General malaise (weakness, fever);
- hyperemia of the mucosa in the area of inflammation;
- inflammatory swelling;
- the pain, the intensity of which increases with speaking and eating;
- plaque light shade in subject area;
- hypersalivation;
- bad breath of the patient.
- the increase in submandibular lymph nodes;
- poor appetite until its complete disappearance (anorexia).
On the background of the disease increases the risk of bleeding and traumatic injuries of the mucosa.
The diagnosis is made by the dentist based on the General survey. To clarify the origin of catarrhal disease specialist takes a swab for study in the laboratory.
Treatment of stomatitis
For the treatment of the catarrhal form, as well as other varieties of stomatitis in the first place is the elimination of the inflammatory process.
Treatment involves rinsing with antiseptic solutions. Widely used herbal teas and infusions in a base of healing herbs – chamomile, calendula and St. John’s wort. For the manufacture of infusion usually take 1 tbsp of substrate per 200 ml of boiling water. The oral mucosa can also be treated with solution of soda (room temperature) and hydrogen peroxide (3%). Rinsing is recommended 1 every 2-3 hours.
For the relief of pain, it is advisable to use special conditioner on the basis of benzydamine and chlorhexidine – “forest balsam”. It can be purchased in virtually any pharmacy.
For the relief of inflammation of the widely used aloe Vera juice, as well as lidocaine and benzocaine, but a course of treatment, these drugs should not last too long. The duration of treatment determined by the treating physician on the basis of the General picture of the disease and the dynamics of the process.
As in catarrhal stomatitis increased likelihood of bleeding gums, the patient must make adjustments to the diet. It eliminates roughage and spicy foods and too hot or cold food. Necessarily consumption of foods high in fats and proteins (eggs, meat broths, yogurt, vegetable and fruit purees).
An integral part of the treatment is vitamin therapy. Patient must take vitamins a, b, d, E and ascorbic acid in the form of vitamin complexes, and food.
After relief of the acute inflammatory process be sure treatment of dental caries and professional cleaning of the oral cavity, involving the removal of dental plaque and calculus in pricesavvy region.
As a rule, local symptoms are eliminated rather quickly. If to achieve a therapeutic effect in the shortest possible time cannot be a complete examination of the patient on the subject of common diseases and treatment of stomatitis, treatment of the underlying disease.
In that case, if catarrhal stomatitis is not cured completely, it can take a chronic course and the patient would be bothered by periodic relapses. In addition, significantly increases the risk of more dangerous varieties of stomatitis aphthous.
Measures to prevent stomatitis involve regular visits to the dentist (at least 1 time in six months), timely treatment of caries and a high level of personal hygiene of the oral cavity. In addition to toothbrushes and pastes it is advisable to use dental floss (dental floss) and innovative devices – irrigators. It is advisable to eat right, to monitor the overall condition of the body, and in a timely manner to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine glands.
The prognosis of catarrhal stomatitis is favorable. With timely diagnosis and timely start of a comprehensive therapy full clinical recovery can be achieved within a month or even in a shorter time. The treatment is performed in an outpatient setting with regular visits to the dentist. A necessary condition is the strict observance of all recommendations of a physician.
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