
Cleaning the surface of the tongue

Today we’ll talk about what devices you can use to make the cleansing process of the language more effective.

For full oral care is necessary to care not only for teeth and gums, and surface of the tongue. Language has a heterogeneous texture, which is subjected to active accumulation of plaque, the emergence and development of germs.

Neglect regular health language can lead to tooth decay and other dental diseases. Can also occur no less serious and unpleasant problems, such as bad breath.

Clean language is required to carry out daily, is confirmed by numerous studies of experts.

Cleaning the surface of the language allows you to:

  • To remove pathogenic microorganisms and plaque, thereby making development and transformation into a more serious disease.
  • To stimulate the whole body through massage of the receptors on the tongue.
  • To carry out prevention against the occurrence of caries, gingivitis, Tartar and stomatitis.

One of the tools used for the purification of the language, is a scraper. Most tools of this type made of plastic. In appearance, the product looks like a head and a tip in the shape of a spoon. With a scraper, you can remove plaque from the surface of the tongue and cheeks.

Replace the fixtures regularly, as a toothbrush, after about 1.5-2 months. Scrapers are available in most pharmacy chains. Dentists suggest to use them in conjunction with antibacterial mouthwash. This symbiosis can significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure.


Also effective tool can be called a spoon. It helps to remove plaque from the surface and to eliminate pockets of odor. In appearance the product looks like an oblong tip with a spoon. From the nozzle is supplied with water, so cleaning is of a gentle nature.


Scraper-brush looks like a symbiosis of a scraper and a brush with soft bristles has an elongated rounded shape. Flat tip helps ease cleaning process – during the procedure does not occur retching.

There are several varieties of this device. The most popular use of scrapers, brushes with bristles, and notched nozzle, plastic, or rubber.


Experts in the field of dentistry suggest to use tools for hygiene language after toothbrush and antibacterial rinse. In the direction from the root to the tip of the “combed” movements should be cleaned first, one part of the language, and then another. Then clean the tongue movements transversely to remove plaque from the hollows. After rinse the mouth with water.

For rinsing you can use antiseptic mouth rinses. But do not abuse them. It is better to consult a dentist. The specialist will help you choose the most suitable tool for hygiene, and establish the frequency of use of the mouthwash.


Experts do not deny the effectiveness of the use of the traditional toothbrush as a tool for tongue cleaning. You should choose a tool with soft bristles to apply a little toothpaste and gently clean the surface. You can select fixtures with raised surface made of plastic or rubber.

After cleansing the teeth need to turn the brush and clean the body movements described above. For cleaning the tongue surface suitable electric and ultrasonic toothbrush and irrigator.


In ancient times people realized that you should clean the tongue. One of the first to clean the tongue recommended that the Uzbek physician Avicenna in his treatise “Canon of medical science”. As a fixture it was proposed to use the cypress cones. Texture bump has a rough surface, medium hardness, so the optimal for purification. Also a lump of cypress tends bactericide, her resin has a disinfecting effect on the mouth.

The representatives of Ancient China was chosen as the fixture for hygiene silver scrapers. This technique is also used on the territory of Ancient Russia. People from the upper classes believed that the cleansing of the body allows not only to care for him, but also to strengthen the sense of taste. Tools used before a meal to stimulate the taste buds.


Replaced cypress cones and silver scrapers came irrigators, ultrasonic brushes and other modern means. To select the most suitable for yourself, consult with a specialist – he will take into account the condition of your mouth and will help to make the right choice.

Try to conduct regular hygiene of the whole mouth to prevent dental diseases and maintain dental health.

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