
Pulpitis baby tooth: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Pulpitis teeth in children is diagnosed quite often. It occurs even more frequently than in adult patients in connection with the unformed features of the dentition. As a rule, the disease is the result of running or not recognized in time decay.

For this pathology is characterized by rapid development. Just a few weeks can develop complications such as periodontitis or a granuloma, which is a direct indication for tooth extraction.

Causes of pulpitis in children

Pulpitis baby tooth is usually the result of infection, neurovascular bundle from a deep carious cavity. The main infectious agents become staphylo- and streptococci, rarely by other representatives of pathogenic microflora. They penetrate polyarnoy the camera through the thinning of the dentinal layer.

Due to the infection develops an inflammatory process that attacks her coronal part of the pulp and the canals.

Other causes pathology are:

  • traumatic injuries (particularly a fracture of the crown with a strong impact);
  • a chemical burn when exposed to the antiseptic or acid for etching enamel during dental procedures;
  • poorly installed seal (for example – with the obvious overstatement);
  • entry of bacteria through the apical opening of the root (i.e., a retrograde pulpitis).
Specificity of disease in childhood

There are a number of reasons, resulting in pulpitis baby tooth develops very quickly:

  • the dentinal layer is very thin, so quickly subject to destruction;
  • apical openings of relatively greater;
  • the structure of connective tissue characterized by looseness.

Note that the total and local immunity in children is weak, which contributes to a more rapid and vigorous development of the inflammatory process against the background of infection.

The symptoms of pulpitis of deciduous teeth

Special danger of inflammation of the pulp in children is that, according to statistics, about 65%, it is characterized by asymptomatic. In pediatric patients the neurovascular bundle is less (in comparison with older patients) the sensitivity to painful stimuli. The symptoms in each case is individual, and depends on a number of factors. The child may complain of a sharp pain or feel any discomfort.

Main clinical indications:

  • the increased temperature sensitivity (both on cold and hot);
  • pain syndrome of different intensity, developing spontaneously, often at night;
  • tenderness when pressing on the tooth;
  • inflammatory swelling of the mucosa in the area of the causative tooth and the next;
  • temperature rise;
  • inflammation of the regional lymph nodes.

Pulpitis in children can occur acutely and chronically. In acute pulpitis suddenly there is a sharp pain, and the child has a disturbed sleep and diminished or no appetite. In the chronic form of the disease the child usually does not complain of pain. In case of a sharp decline in immunity in the cold time of year, it may present a complaint to a pain pulling character, aggravated by pressure on the aching tooth.

It is also customary to distinguish between 3 forms of pulpitis in children:

  • fibrous;
  • hypertrophic;
  • gangrenous.

For the fibrous forms of typically the growth of connective (polyarnoi) tissue from a carious defect. After the meal begins a sharp pain that lasted up to several hours. This type of disease is characteristic for the transition of acute to the chronic phase.

Hypertrophic pulpitis is diagnosed in babies is extremely rare. It is formed when running chronic inflammation. During the inspection revealed that the coronal part of the tooth is missing almost completely, as destroyed by decay. Hypertrophic pulpitis not be painful, but overgrown connective tissue of the pulp bleeds in the process of sensing.

Gangrenous pulpitis is the most advanced stage of the disease. During the inspection revealed the darkening of the tooth. The pulp is already unsustainable and its collapse causes an unpleasant putrid breath from a baby. On the gums often formed a fistula through which pus. There is no pain in the loss of the neurovascular bundle.

Methods of treatment of pulpitis of a deciduous tooth

If the roots undergo resorption, and tooth is mobile, save it does not make sense. In this case, resorted to removing the source of chronic infection.

When conservative therapy requiring anesthesia, opening of carious cavity and cleansing of already dead tissue. The next stage is treatment with antiseptics and overlap with medicinal paste. Then, the doctor sealing the cavity with the use of innovative and ecological materials, designed specifically for young patients.

If conservative treatment does not bring the desired effect, practiced by vital amputation or extirpation.

Pulpitis baby tooth is dangerous because it can adversely affect the permanent rudiment.


The main measure for the prevention of pulpitis of a deciduous tooth, timely treatment of caries lesion. Routine inspection should be carried out not less often than 1 time in 6 months.

As soon as the child has his first tooth, you need to teach him the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity.

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