
Modern methods of teeth treatment

Dentistry is one area of medicine where modern scientific technologies are being implemented most actively. The first drill, with which attempts were made to drill the patients teeth, appeared in the Roman Empire.

Since that time, progress has stepped far forward, and now to treat teeth quickly, painlessly and efficiently.

The dentist office is no longer supposed to cast horror, and modern dental clinic although a medical facility, but treatment it is a procedure is painless, regardless of the volume of interference.

Dental treatment with laser, without pain

Dental treatment with laser is one of the modern dental treatments that can solve almost any problem in the mouth.

The procedure boils down to the following steps:

  • The doctor performs the scanning laser beam of each tooth, identifying all carious areas. Thanks to laser diagnostics to detect and repair even the smallest damage.
  • After defining the scope of work, the doctor directs the laser beam at the damaged area. He works gently, so as to enable access to the tooth passes through the air-water jet. The risk of bleeding during such treatment, such as laser instantly cauterizes the blood vessels (if required an incision in the gums).
  • The tooth cavity 100% cleaned of pathogenic bacteria using a laser beam.
  • The seal is fixed almost instantly, in just 20 seconds.
  • The laser beam can be used for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, gingival inflammation, periodontal disease.

Using a laser beam to solve the following problems:

  • Cure tooth decay the healthy tissue.
  • To get rid of bleeding gums.
  • To get rid of unpleasant smell from the mouth due to the destruction of all harmful bacteria.
  • To cure the pulpitis and periodontitis.
  • Painless cure ulcer, fibroid and other tumors.
  • To get rid of sensitive teeth.
  • To carry out the implantation, during which the laser beam will be used as a scalpel.

The benefits of dental treatment with a laser:

  • Painless procedure;
  • No risk of infection, as direct contact of tool and tissue does not occur;
  • 100% disinfection of the treated area;
  • No risk of bleeding;
  • Rapid regeneration of tissues;
  • High accuracy of execution of all manipulations;
  • The lack of exposure to the noise, smell, heat or at least stressful stimuli.

Disadvantages of dental treatment with a laser:

  • The high cost of the procedure;
  • The lack of trained personnel work with laser equipment in the municipal clinics.
Dental treatment by ICON (icon)

Dental treatment by aykon boils down to the fact that dental caries will be removed in one visit to the dentist, if we are talking about an early stage of its development. It does not require the use of the drill. Abbreviation ICON means the concept of infiltration, that is the concept of gentle treatment of teeth.

The therapy is based upon the fact that in the porous structure of the tooth penetrates svetotonalnyh material, which seals its open surface.

This material is also called the liquid seal. The procedure is performed in several stages:

  • The tooth to be treated, is isolated using a thin latex film.
  • The tooth is applied special gel that allows you to open the pores in the area of caries lesion.
  • The tooth is dried with warm air.
  • To the damaged area to apply the infiltration twice.
  • Caused infiltration is lighted, the liquid is hardened.
  • The latex film is removed.
  • The tooth is polished to achieve smoothness and gloss of the enamel.

The advantages of dental treatment method aykon:

  • Caries in the tooth is no longer there;
  • Live tissues of the tooth remains intact;
  • No sedation is required;
  • The method is suitable for the treatment of primary teeth;
  • There is a possibility of the treatment for patients with braces;
  • There is a possibility of using the method during pregnancy.

The disadvantage of this method is that there is a possibility of therapy of caries is only at the initial stage of its development, i.e. at the stage of surface stains.

Treatment of teeth with ozone

Treatment of teeth with ozone is not based on removing the affected tissue and to disinfect them, ozone is the strongest oxidizer. Of penetrating into the tooth, the smallest molecules of ozone destroys up to 99% of all pathogens. After treatment with ozone of the tooth enamel on top covered with special remineralizing composition.

The progress of the procedure:

  • To the damaged tooth, attach a special cap.
  • From the cap to pump out air, creating an environment similar to the vacuum.
  • For 30 seconds the tooth is served ozone, which destroys all pathogenic bacteria.

The benefits of dental treatment with ozone:

  • The ability to perform treatment without the use of a drill;
  • The absence of allergic reactions;
  • Complete sterilization of the tooth;
  • The speed of the procedure, for the treatment of one tooth is enough 30 seconds.

Disadvantages of dental treatment by ozone:

  • More often still have to drill the tooth to remove tissue that cannot be sanitized;
  • Advantageously, the ozone treatment used in pediatric dentistry.
Dental implants

Dental implantation is the replacement of lost roots for one reason or another tooth with the installation of the specialized structure, which is embedded in the bone of the jaw. The implant gives the ability to restore the dentition with the subsequent prosthetics.

Modern dentistry for dental implantation uses materials such as titanium and alloys of it.

Implanted teeth look quite natural, and not an expert in dental practice will never understand that the tooth is artificial. The service life of implants is 10 to 20 years.

Veneers on teeth

Veneers for teeth are installed to improve the appearance of the dentition. Veneers are a porcelain or composite plates that attach the outer layer of tooth enamel. Eventually the teeth become the perfect shape, be durable and impossible to distinguish from natural.

Veneers help to correct existing irregularities, spots and chipped enamel, to clean the interdental spaces and to solve a number of aesthetic problems.

Veneers are custom made for each patient on the basis of the impression of his own teeth. After their creation, the doctor attaches the veneers to the special cement, which hardens instantly under the influence of the special light.


Prosthetics is a process that allows to restore the structure of the tooth after its removal. With the help of prosthetics to restore the teeth upper and lower jaw.

There are the following types of dentures:

  • Dental crowns;
  • Bridge;
  • Implants;
  • Veneers;
  • Fixed prosthesis;
  • Removable prostheses.

Depending on what type of prosthesis the patient chooses will be different features of the procedure.


Fotoproba is the type of filling, which consists of a composite mixture. It is composed of pasta, which contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Fotoproba hardens in the tooth under the influence of ultraviolet light.

Use photoplay allows layers to restore the tooth, giving it the necessary shape and color. After solidification, the material becomes hard and durable, it is resistant to cracks and has a strong bond with the enamel. If the seal formed by the cleavage or stratification occurs, complete replacement is not required, it is enough adhesive to perform the correction in the dentist’s office.

Traditional medicine offers its own methods to restore tooth enamel. These methods are quite simple and available for use to almost everyone. However, to get the result, you must perform the procedure regularly.

The most common methods of restoration of enamel are:

  • The use of activated charcoal. For this two tablets should in any capacity be crushed, mixed with water to such a state, to make a thick slurry. This mixture should brush your teeth for 30 days once in 3 days.
  • Lemon peel. Need the lemon peel with a knife and wipe the surface of the teeth with the side cover, where is located the white flesh. To perform the procedure once a day during the week.
  • Milk. One of the available methods to restore the enamel and saturating it with calcium are dairy gadgets. For their implementation it is necessary to moisten in the milk with a cotton swab, apply it on the teeth and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Carnation in the fight with blackened enamel. For teeth whitening you need to chop the dried flowers of the plant and to apply them on the surface of the bison. After 10 minutes, the mouth must be rinsed.
  • The use of essential oils. Optimal for restoring tooth enamel is tea tree oil. Necessary in a glass of water add a few drops of this tool. After every meal you should rinse your mouth with the resulting solution. Letting the product take effect for 10 minutes after the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking.
  • Strawberry. You need to take some grapes, crush them and apply this slurry on the surface of the teeth, for convenience, you can use a toothbrush. After 5 minutes, the mouth should be well rinsed.

Methods of dental treatment, modern dentistry offers many, most of them are practically painless. The sooner the patient to contact the clinic for help, the more likely it will be that you will be able to keep your own teeth which is always a priority.

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