Not everyone knows how long in the presence of the hepatitis C incubation period. From the moment of infection until the first symptoms may take six months or a few weeks.
The disease has great social significance due to the fact that the treatment is effective only in 15-25% of cases.
Hepatitis C is a formidable disease, which often leads to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, and premature death of patients. What are the causes of development, symptoms, and treatment of hepatitis C?
What is a disease
Hepatitis is a group of diseases mainly infectious (viral) etiology in which there is inflammation of the liver. According to the method of infection there may be 2 groups of hepatitis:
- oral mechanism of infection through water or food;
- with parenteral spreading through contact with infected blood or other body fluids.
The latter group includes hepatitis C, B and D. Common hepatitis A refers to the first group, it’s less dangerous form of inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis C – viral anthroponoses disease with predominantly artificial mechanism of transmission and affects the liver. Many patients seek medical attention only when the tissues of the body begins necrosis.
Hepatitis B has many similarities with hepatitis C. the Latter in most cases is chronic and progressively leads to liver failure, which is the leading cause of death in patients. Each year reveals more than 3 million new cases of this disease. Worldwide hepatitis C virus infected about 150 million people. Often the disease develops in adults. The source of infection are patients and carriers. Less epidemiological significance patients with an acute form of hepatitis.
Why inflammation develops
The disease has a viral etiology.
The pathogen has the following properties:
- contains RNA;
- able to change;
- may for 4 days to live in an environment at room temperature;
- has a size of from 30 to 70 nm.
If the hepatitis develops due to consumption of contaminated water, fruits and vegetables, in the case of hepatitis C infection is different. Distinguish natural and artificial transmission of viral particles. Natural ways of infection: sexual, domestic, and transmission of the virus from mother to child. The disease is Multisystem, so dangerous contact with any biological fluids (semen, blood, saliva). Sexual route of infection is implemented during unprotected sexual intercourse. Application of barrier method of contraception greatly reduces the risk of infection.
Infection can occur when making tattoos or piercings either during medical procedures (tooth extraction, diagnostic procedures).
The duration of the incubation period
If the incubation period of hepatitis A ranges from 2 to 6 weeks, in hepatitis C, this value can reach 6 months. Patients often seek medical attention only after several months after infection. An experienced doctor needs to know the minimum and maximum incubation period for hepatitis C. the Minimum incubation period is 2 weeks and a maximum of 180 days.
Sometimes it gives the possibility to determine the moment of infection, determine the source of infection and mechanism of introduction of the virus into the body. Most often the first symptoms appear 1-2 months after infection.
The incubation period of hepatitis B is from 2 to 6 months. At this time, the virus actively multiplies. Having entered the blood, it penetrates the liver cells (hepatocytes). Suffer and Kupffer cells. In the human body formed the so-called pseudovirus. They are practically not recognized by cells of the immune system, and this contributes to the long asymptomatic course of the disease.
Signs and treatment of this disease
The symptoms of hepatitis C are often non-specific.
In the acute form may exhibit the following signs:
- pain in upper quadrant right;
- lack of appetite;
- nausea;
- General malaise;
- weakness.
It bestellung period. In some patients, the early symptoms are runny nose, sore throat and cough. In icteric period can change the color of the urine (it gets dark), discolored feces. The skin acquires a yellow tinge. In the period of jaundice feel better. Icteric period can last up to 4 months. In the chronic form of the disease the symptoms are less pronounced, jaundice is rare. Possible nausea, vomiting, bloating, appetite loss.
Not everyone knows when to donate blood for the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus. this is Done after six months from the time of infection. The survey to exclude other forms (hepatitis B, A and E). Hepatitis C treatment involves a diet №5 by Pevsner, abstinence from alcohol, the use of Interferon and Ribavirin. Therapy in chronic hepatitis depends on the type of virus. Self-treatment in the presence of viral hepatitis is unacceptable.
Hepatitis C is a dangerous disease. Timely and proper treatment can lead to recovery or suspension of the inflammatory process in the liver.