Yellowing of the skin or mucous membranes of the cornea, called obstructive jaundice, is a sign of anxiety for absolutely everyone. If a person or being around people notice the symptom, in this case, it is simply impossible to pull.
You should immediately go to the doctor. As yellowing of the skin manifests itself only if this person has a serious disease that can be cured with timely treatment and professional treatment.
Obstructive jaundice – pathologic syndrome defined by pathology of the output of bile from the bile ducts, the presence of obstacles to the excretion of bilirubin with bile into the intestinal tract.
What is obstructive jaundice
Therefore, yellow bile pigments appear in the blood of the patient and he has a yellow face and a slimy skin.
Jaundice mechanical CODE IN ICD-10 К83.1. Blockage of the bile duct. (ICD-10 – international classification of diseases 10th revision). Such professionals jaundice is called obstructive and obstructive.
Cholelithiasis is the most frequent factor of occurrence of such species as the mechanical jaundice. The elderly people find gall-stones in approximately 25% of the relapses. From among the representatives of the stronger sex, the prevalence of cholelithiasis is 2-3 times lower. Choledocholithiasis appears in 8-20% of patients of cholelithiasis. At 65-75% of patients diagnosed with choledocholithiasis obstructive jaundice is formed of different kinds of degree.
Causes blockage of the bile ducts (ICD-10 К83.1) may be different.
Benign disease (80%):
- choledocholithiasis;
- cholangitis;
- stenosis of major duodenal papilla;
- acute papillitis;
- tumors of major duodenal papilla;
- pancreatitis;
- cicatricial stricture of the main bile duct;
- okaloacoochee diverticula;
- infrequent causes (congenital bile duct obstruction, pericholedochal lymphadenitis, parasitic lesions, etc.).
Cancer tumors (20%):
- pancreas;
- major duodenal papilla;
- the bile ducts;
- liver (primary or metastatic lesion).
Clinical manifestations
The mechanical zheltushki symptoms often associated with its cause. In the presence of tumors and cicatricial changes they are able to speak and increase over time.
In the case of the stones (especially the gate that periodically closes the duct hole, then re-open) symptoms such as yellowing can occur and develop, and then decrease in saturation. It happens that a person acquires normal color however, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The stool is light or grayish. The tone of urine similar to the color of the brew. Skin color changes, and coloration of the visible mucous membranes, cases of tortures dermatological irritation. May experience symptoms such as pain under the right ribs, weight loss, growth, high temperature, reducing disability, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
Methods of diagnostics. After an initial examination of the patient the doctor will prescribe a medical examination in order to continue the dynamic treatment. Need to donate blood biochemistry, urinalysis, complete blood count, immunological study, ultrasound of internal organs (liver, pancreas, gall bladder). Tested on histology and Cytology, fibrogastroduodenoscopy radionuclide studies of the liver and biliary system.
Undoubtedly, without exception, these methods do not prescribe all sick. It all depends on the clinical disease and course of disease, as well as research opportunities at the hospital.
Sometimes to verify jaundice the doctors enough ultrasound and normal laboratory tests. However, in difficult cases it is necessary to apply all without exception valid high-tech methods.
How to treat the disease
Most of the patients diagnosed with jaundice mechanical, just need to do the surgery. Only a small number of human cases is effectively the purpose of pharmacotherapy. Depending on the disease the medicine will be given only under strict medical supervision, antispasmodics – Nospanum, Spazgan, etc. (to increase flow, and decrease pain). As well as anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiparasitic drugs, polyferment – Pancreatin, Mikrozim, Polysorbate, join detoxification solutions intravenously.
As with other liver diseases diet appointed for 5 table. It is necessary to restrict intake of spicy, fatty, fried foods to reduce liver congestion and podjeludochnoi cancer. Meal take small portions 5 times a day. When complete blockage of the ducts appoint a hunger for a short period of time. Then again on the diet.
This method of treatment as surgery is considered a direct method in which obstructive jaundice did not resist. With timely intervention it is possible to resume normal flow of bile in the short-term and eliminate the root cause of the blockage.
Surgery as a cure is a constructive (absolute prevention of the circumstances of the blockage) and fragile (the renewal of the bile flow to facilitate the life of the patient with incomplete removal of the blockage). Endoscopic surgery through the study of the intestinal tract is also indicated for a disease like GSD (endoscopic cholecystectomy, removal of stones from common bile duct and gallbladder), incurable neoplasm of head of pancreas with compression of the sphincter of Oddi (sphincterotomy fragile), unresectable tumor Klatskin (study of snide ducts). Healing laparoscopy is used often in the presence of the GSD to retrieve the stones.
No doubt, medication can help to cure the disease, but if the drugs of classical medicine will be perceived in combination with traditional medicines, healing will come much faster.
Medicinal plants and spoil a perfectly safe and effective, and are much cheaper. Useful substances of medicinal plants contribute to the resumption of power and strengthen the immune system. Treatment of folk remedies of medicine effectively, but it can not be abused.
Don’t forget, treatment of folk remedies is only possible in conjunction with conventional medicine, to take them only after consulting a specialist. The choice of how to treat mechanical jaundice, is only for the ill person. It is important to realize that not all the herbs and fees are suitable all the same, someone in this case, the drug can help, and someone, on the contrary, will cause complication.
Sometimes occurs jaundice in infants. The condition, which can be improved only surgery by surgery (the procedure for the renewal of the bile duct), and it must be done 2 months after the birth of a baby.
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So well said, but a little PC. How come?