
Treated or hepatitis From forever

Is it possible to completely cure hepatitis C? This question, of course, asked all who passed through this disease. To make this possible. For several years a full recovery after treatment of this disease has a probability of 35%.

7 out of 10 people has a chance of recovery with timely and proper treatment. But you need to make great efforts.

Is it possible to cure hepatitis C? To get rid of disease, you must do the first step is to go to the doctor for an examination to determine the type and course of infection to assess the condition of the liver. On this depends the further treatment.

To go to the doctor is when the first signs of disease and changes in the liver. To apply it is best to experienced the doctor-hepatologist, not to spend extra money on additional tests and unnecessary medications.

Treatment of hepatitis C

To date, a complete treatment for hepatitis C can provide two drugs – Interferon-alpha and Ribavirin. Doctors prescribe them for use simultaneously, as together they conducted a combined antiviral therapy. Individually they are ineffective, but there are times when prescribed only one of the drugs hypersensitive to any component. The duration of treatment and the dose appointed by the doctor individually, depending on the nature of the disease.

Today this method has proven effective, and more ways to get rid of the hepatitis C forever, which would completely eliminate the infection, no. But there are other treatments that improve the condition of the liver and cells, maintain the health. This is a different supplements, vitamins, drugs, a positive impact on the liver. All they can do to strengthen the immune system and to be a good influence on liver health, but have proven medicinal properties they have

To improve certain functions of liver cells good drugs are medications (for example, Essentiale or Lipoic acid). But these drugs do not have antiviral effect.

If you are going to take a drug to combat hepatitis C, consult your doctor.

Hepatitis C curable is not the first time. For such occasions there is a second course of therapy. They treated the people whose last treatment was not effective or was not reached until the end.

Despite the high efficacy of combined antiviral therapy, it is contraindicated in the following:

  • diabetes, heart failure, hypertension and coronary heart disease, chronic lung disease;
  • problems thyroid;
  • intolerance of drugs to combat hepatitis C;
  • people who have the interferon causing an autoimmune process in the body;
  • people with a transplanted kidney, lungs and heart;
  • pregnant;
  • children up to 3 years.

While hepatitis can occur different side effects. Most portable therapy young people.

The drug Ribavirin is tolerated well enough, but its application sometimes blood may be destruction of red blood cells. Sometimes, the use of Ribavirin is accompanied by headaches, increased blood uric acid, but a complete intolerance to the drug is extremely rare.

The use of Interferon is never complete without side effects. As a rule, after 3 injections of this drug patients develop pseudograph is when a person has no of the flu virus, but has fever, fatigue, pain in joints and muscles. This effect lasts from several hours to several days. Over time, the temperature goes, and constant fatigue accompanied by muscle pain remains throughout the drug. At further stages of Interferon in the blood, a decrease in white blood cells and platelets. More rare side effects are hair loss and partial baldness, weight loss, skin peeling, frequent depression. So throughout treatment you need to consult with the attending physician.

Does heal hepatitis C under certain conditions? Is it possible? Yes, you completely eliminate the use of alcohol. Also highly recommended to stick to a diet in which you need to avoid greasy, fried, spicy, salty foods with preservatives.

Is it possible to cure hepatitis C without investing a lot of money? Unfortunately, no. For good and effectively get rid of virus you need to spend a considerable amount. After a year of treatment products from the medium price category will have to pay $10000-30000. Better known and studied medication will cost much more.

The effects of treatments

It is possible to cure hepatitis C completely or partially. Full freedom from hepatitis C virus in the absence of blood HCV RNA is achieved throughout the year. The liver completely recovers its performance. But in any case, treatment of the disease has a positive effect on the liver and hinders the progress of the disease, even if you are not able to fully get rid of the infection.

If hepatitis is treated With forever? Of course, but even if you cure the disease, it is necessary from time to time to monitor your health, the condition of the liver, to be tested for the presence of blood HCV-RNA, to monitor the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Any change of these indicators can say about the remains of the infection. This can’t-miss, must complete the treatment.

How to cure hepatitis forever in each case, knows only doctor. Today hepatitis C can be completely cured, the main thing – in time to see a doctor, adhere to his advice and instructions, to pass his examination, diet.

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