Disease “acute cholecystitis” is found in many people. Underneath the inflammation of the gallbladder, which is growing rapidly. That is why acute cholecystitis is accompanied by serious discomfort. Measures for its treatment need to be taken as soon as possible.
Who is affected by this disease?
Most often, acute cholecystitis occurs in adults with a diagnosis of gallstone disease, the causes of which are easy to explain. A gallstone gets into the gallbladder flow and blocks it, preventing the movement of fluid.
There is stagnation: it is enough to get any infection from the intestine, for example, Streptococcus to cause inflammation. In other words, gallstone disease and swelling of the bladder is the initial signs that it would soon be acute cholecystitis. To ignore these signs. Despite the fact that this is usually a disease of adults, it can occur in some cases and in children.
As a rule, acute cholecystitis develops when a gallstones, however, there are certain situations which also lead to its occurrence. But causes such as salmonellosis, sepsis, injuries, in medical practice are very rare. They can lead to the ingress of infection in the area of the gallbladder, due to which it swells.
Before moving on to issues such as treatment of acute cholecystitis, it is required to determine its symptoms that occur in most patients and which are the basis for a speedy treatment to the doctor. Do not expect that the patient will exhibit all the following symptoms, as this classification is not common.
However, the presence of two or more is a cause to suspect cholecystitis and as soon as possible seek medical help.
- This disease is characterized by some symptoms of peritoneal irritation, which manifest themselves in pain in the upper abdomen on the right side, that is, in the right subcostal area. These pains may be felt in other parts of the body. Especially in the right side of his chest and in his right hand. Before the onset of pain may occur with biliary colic. Her attack is often preceded by other symptoms.
- The increase in body temperature. You need to understand that this does not occur in all patients, so if a person has a normal body temperature, but there are other symptoms, you must consult a doctor.
- The feeling of bitterness in the mouth, which is usually accompanied by nausea. Vomiting does not bring even short-term relief.
- In some cases, involves acute cholecystitis symptoms of jaundice and sclera.
Complications of the disease
Treatment of acute cholecystitis should start as soon as possible. Consult doctor immediately as soon as the first signs of the disease.
Otherwise, just a few days can appear rather serious complications, which include the following:
- Inflammation purulent character. In addition, it may be perforation of the gallbladder, which, in turn, leads to peritonitis.
- The development of a small purulent focus, expressed in obstructive absence, which is very dangerous, if not timely measures will be taken, including surgery.
- Fistulas of the biliary type. They connect with internal organs – first the stomach, then intestines, kidney. As a result, these organs causes inflammation and manifest other negative consequences.
- Acute pancreatitis. It must be remembered that in pancreatitis and cholecystitis need to follow a strict diet which will prescribe the doctor. With simultaneous pancreatitis and cholecystitis the treatment process changes.
- Jaundice.
So, complications of acute cholecystitis are quite serious, and they absolutely can not be ignored. It is best to start taking drugs in the early stages of the disease so that complications will not have time to occur.
Diagnosis and start treatment
Diagnosis of acute cholecystitis can be performed only by a physician. At the first symptoms you must call an ambulance. Especially need to be careful in patients with urolithiasis, as it is the main cause of acute cholecystitis.
Some people are beginning to perform procedures before it will be held in any differential diagnosis of a doctor. In particular, put a hot heating pad, trying to wash out the stomach or take laxatives. To do all this is impossible – the situation can only get worse. Before the arrival of ambulance the patient must lie down. You can apply ice to the area of the gallbladder – it is there and not in the place where the pain is felt. But the doctor, on the basis of the survey, knows how to treat a patient. Relying on the suspicion of acute cholecystitis, you risk not only your health, but also life.
First, the doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints of feeling, and then will conduct a preliminary examination. Further can be assigned additional tests, which will confirm the diagnosis and to determine this acute obstructive cholecystitis, destructive or any other form of the disease. Sometimes during the cholecystitis take an entirely different disease with similar symptoms.
Destructive cholecystitis treated differently than obstructive, so the diagnosis is an important step to victory over the disease. Usually assigned to such examinations as the study of the composition of blood and ultrasound, which allow to clarify the situation with the gall bladder of a person: how extensive the inflammation is not affected by whether other bodies, and the like.
How to treat cholecystitis?
After all necessary diagnostic treatment begins. It is stationary in the surgical Department. At the same time, the first hours of treatment the patient is under a dropper. At this time he administered these drugs antispasmodic nature, such as baralgin, as well as antibiotics. Always spent disintoxicate. It is further possible in two directions. If the medications lead to improvement, there shall be a regular scheduled operation. It can be abdominal or laparoscopically and involves removal of gallbladder. If improvements are not seen, then the operation is performed as soon as possible.
Often referred to as cholecystectomy, which is surgery to remove the gallbladder. Cholecystotomy is administered in the gallbladder duct, which drained any excess bile. A similar procedure is carried out in the elderly. Cholecystotomy able to relieve the inflammation, that is, to fix the problem.
Despite the fact that the diet in acute cholecystitis is not as important as in chronic, the patient will still have to change your diet in the postoperative period.
More important than diet in cholecystitis is proper nutrition in the preceding period when a person has had cholelithiasis. But to appoint a medical food can only be a doctor, assessing the patient’s condition and missing substance.
Any diet with cholecystitis must be adhered to strictly as other medical advice. Because of this, the risk of complications is greatly reduced.