The differences consist in the transmission and distribution, time of incubation of the virus, course of the disease and number of complications.
Is there any Hep C through saliva and other bodily fluids from an infected patient to a healthy person? Hepatitis viruses A B C D I F G was opened with the help of electronic microscopes. Every letter hides the special, the specific virus and the disease with its own characteristics.
Nearly a third of people on earth, and it people were infected with hepatitis! Each of the twelfth, that is 350.000.000, has a chronic form of the disease. Of the total number of infected around 170.000.000 people worldwide are living with hepatitis C!
How dangerous and contagious disease
According to the statistics total for the day from viral hepatitis and complications of this disease kills more people than AIDS in one year! Speaking of danger, notably hepatitis B and C. They become chronic, which significantly increases mortality. Even scarier is that these hepatitis lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer! 25% of people with disease of the liver cancer the main reason was the hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C is dangerous for two reasons – for a long time, sometimes many years of being in the body, multiplies with no symptoms and can become chronic! A standard blood test shows the presence of the virus in humans.
Viruses are the simplest and very dangerous creatures on earth. Hepatitis is contagious, able to reproduce only in the cells of the liver. Viruses adapted to any conditions, able to constantly change. Diagnosing viral hepatitis is difficult because of some clinical manifestations for a long time may not be, especially when infected with hepatitis C.
How is the infection
Hepatitis C is transmitted through contact with infected blood. At risk of infection is almost everyone. Everyone who is undergoing treatment at the dentist, the surgeon, making intravenous injections, blood transfusions, tattoos or manicures in salons, at risk for infection. Non-sterile injecting equipment is the main reason of getting the virus in the body. Most often people do not know how, where and when caught.
Viruses B C D may be transmitted by sexual contact. First and foremost, this applies to hepatitis B, as it is in blood, saliva, urine, secret of the vagina and the sperm. Hepatitis C is not confined to only the liver, causing it to cirrhosis. Its peculiarity is that it is able to infect other organs. Rastrogavshis in the liver, affects the kidneys, hitting them with the blood.
There is no direct evidence, it is possible to get Hep C through kissing or not. This virus is transmitted in tiny particles of blood. Therefore, if in the mouth there is damage in healthy and patient, the infection possible. It is not recommended to use someone else’s toothbrush. If passed hepatitis C through saliva in patients with lesions of the gums and mouth? Infection in the presence of infected sites in the oral cavity of a healthy person.
Is it possible to get Hep C through saliva and how it can be transmitted? For example, walking on the street, an infected mother can infect a healthy child. When the child fell, damaging the skin on the knees, elbows or on the face, many mothers trying to remove dust or dirt from the wound, use a handkerchief and saliva.
If the mother has bleeding gums, then the transmission of hepatitis C is possible. Going for a walk, it is recommended to bring water, hydrogen peroxide and a bandage.
How is the chronic form of the disease, whether curable hepatitis C
The hepatitis C virus, propagating, producing proteins very similar to proteins of the human body. Because of this, cells of the immune system is not enough to react violently to the virus. Your immune system could not recognize the viral protein, it is constantly changing. Therefore, the struggle of the immune system with these viruses is not effective. Of course, some part of diseased cells and viruses, the immune system will destroy it, but some part will remain alive, though in a depressed state. And six months later it will lead to the chronic form of the disease.
If immunity is strong enough, the virus will just remain in the body, if weak, the virus will reproduce and start the disease. When the immune system is strengthened, it begins to compete aggressively with sick cell disease fades away again. The immune system kills the virus along with affected liver cells. In place of dead cells grows connective tissue, scars are formed.
There are hepatitis of varying severity. Distinguish between mild, moderate and severe forms. Hepatitis C is often asymptomatic for a long time. But the main symptoms of viral hepatitis are jaundice, dark urine and pale stools.
Before the appearance of the main symptoms of hepatitis b can resemble the flu. After an incubation period appear aching pain in the right hypochondrium, the liver is increased from violations of the outflow of bile in the biliary ducts. The shell of the liver are stretched, there may be nausea, vomiting and belching bitterness after eating. Intoxication is accompanied by a reduction or complete loss of appetite and severe weight loss.
Nervous tissue is very sensitive to toxins. Increased fatigue, disturbed sleep, comes depression. Due to the decrease in liver function, blood vessels become very fragile. Because of this, the aching joints, there are bruises minor bruises, varicose blood vessels, bleeding, dry mucous membranes.
It is accepted that hepatitis C is not treated. But it is not so, it is curable. Full recovery depends on the genotype of the virus. There are about 12 different genotypes of hepatitis C. Most frequent genotypes one, two and three. With proper and timely treatment 40% of patients with the first and 70% with the second and third genotypes fully recover. Vaccines for the prevention of hepatitis C no, because the virus after each cycle of propagation changes its genotype.