One of the most common postpartum conditions is neonatal jaundice in newborns. Pedecaris the newborn is within the first 3 days after birth. This state is the border after the birth and does not require treatment.
Despite its harmless at first glance, neonatal jaundice can be caused by such incurable diseases as cerebral palsy, and result in severe mental retardation of the baby.
Postnatal jaundice in newborns is one of the most frequent conditions in children. The main cause of neonatal pedecaris is the immaturity of the enzymatic system of the liver of the baby. Due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the newborn’s skin may be slightly yellow. However, this condition is very fast and is not shown.
This is because bilirubin does not have time to accumulate to the extent that the yellowing of the skin became much more noticeable. Neonatal jaundice found in babies 7 out of 10, where there is a clear yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eye.
Causes of postpartum pedecaris the following:
- hereditary hyperbilirubinemia;
- enhanced the disintegration of erythrocytes;
- change of red blood cells;
- rhesus-the conflict of the fetus and the mother;
- mechanical the stagnation of bile in infants.
According to ICD-10, postpartum jaundice in newborns may be other reasons.
These include:
- premature birth;
- syndrome inspissation of bile in the infant;
- the reaction on the components that stimulate lactation;
- unspecified causes.
Among the causes of the alfalfa butterfly in infants for ICD-10 is not nuclear transient neonatal jaundice.
Symptoms and types of postnatal jaundice
As known, the main symptom of postpartum zheltushki a baby is lemon color of the skin and sclera of the eye. But there are other symptoms.
Symptoms of neonatal pedecaris include:
- discoloration of stool;
- darkening of urine;
- spontaneously occurring bruises on the body of a newborn;
- enlargement of the liver and spleen of the baby;
- deterioration of the General condition of the child.
This type of pedecaris has 2 main forms. These include physiological and pathological jaundice in newborns. Physiological, or transient, neonatal jaundice is a natural state for a baby. It is found in 60% of term and 80% preterm neonates. As a rule, it takes 2-3 days of life. In the course of the development of bilirubin in full-term baby can reach values 51-60 mmol/l, and in preterm – 85-103 µmol/L.
- accompanied by pallor, hemolysis and splenomegaly;
- has a duration of more than 2 weeks;
- it has a fluctuating course;
- the level of indirect bilirubin exceeds 220 µmol/l;
- the level of direct bilirubin exceeds 25 µmol/L.
Signs of pathological zheltushki can manifest as solitary, and comprehensively.
Treatment zheltushki the newborn
Often at the time of treatment the baby and the mother are placed in a special hospital. There they are given necessary help. Treatment of pathological varieties of the disease is assigned depending on the factors that provoked it. For example, if a consequence of the occurrence of the disease is rhesus-conflict, the child often is assigned to a blood transfusion. During one transfusion of the newborn can replace up to 70% of the total blood volume. The procedure can be repeated several times.
If we are talking about transient jaundice, treatment is not required. It is necessary to adopt a number of measures which normalize the condition of the baby.
These include:
- speedy accustom babies to the breast for the normalization of metabolic processes;
- full breastfeeding;
- the appointment of a nursing mother’s diet to eliminate digestive problems in the newborn;
- the use of sun-baths to strengthen the immune system of the baby;
- walks in the fresh air.
Compliance with these rules will not only help to reduce the level of bilirubin in the child’s body, but to withdraw it completely. Adherence to the recommendations listed above will help to improve the General condition of the baby.
Transient jaundice is a very common condition and can carry great dangers for the baby. However, pathological forms can cause irreparable harm to the newborn. Timely diagnosis and preventive regulations are not only cure babies of jaundice, but will make it healthier and stronger.