
The manifestations of cirrhosis decompensation

Liver cirrhosis in the decompensation stage is the last phase of the dying body to this dangerous disease. At this stage there is an almost complete violation of liver function due to irreversible changes of the tissue structure with the current predominance of foci of scar tissue and necrosis.

Many patients who had been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver at this stage of development, interested in the answer to the question, how I live with such disorders, but the prognosis is not good, because the only way to prolong the life of the patient is urgent transplantation of an organ or part.

With the development of cirrhosis of the liver undergoes 3 main stages, including compensated subcompencirovanna and decompensirovanny.

Even in the presence of subcompencirovanna liver cirrhosis, the condition of the patient may succumb to correction by means of drug therapy, dieting and politicnih surgery. On the last 3 stages of development, that is, when decompencirovannom cirrhosis, the patient’s condition is rapidly deteriorating, and treatment does not produce the marked improvement.

In developing such life-threatening condition, patients usually complain of the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite, fatigue, yellowness of sclera and skin;
  • uterine bleeding, epistaxis, petechial bleeding;
  • stomach pain, liver pain, bleeding gums;
  • psychiatric disorders, frequent fractures, severe itching.

All of these signs of decompensated cirrhosis develop due to dysfunction of the body. On the background of hepatic insufficiency, there is a series of life-threatening conditions that significantly impair the patient’s state of health.

Termination of hepatocytes leads to the fact that disrupted kidney, spleen and other organs. As a rule, while reducing the level of production of liver protein albumin and impaired renal function, and portal hypertension, which often occur at the stage of decompensation of liver cirrhosis, there is the appearance of ascites.

The thing is that on the background of such adverse course of cirrhosis is an increase in the level of permeability of blood vessels and tissues, resulting in the abdomen begins to accumulate fluid, and the amount of transudate may reach 15-20 L. the fluid has a compression effect on internal organs, so that there may be problems with breathing and digestive tract. Among other things, against the background of these liver lesions can be observed the strongest edema in the lower extremities.

Damaged liver stops producing coagulants, and affected spleen is no longer able to produce normal levels of platelets, resulting in changing characteristics of the blood that predisposes to the occurrence of bleeding from the tissues of the mouth, esophagus, intestines, stomach, uterus and nose. In addition, the skin patients often appear bruising and spider veins. The change in the structure of liver tissue leads to its sarrewerden why it starts well palpable palpation of the study.

Itching and yellowness of the skin are the result of the accumulation of bilirubin in them. Violations in the process of protein metabolism lead to thinning of bone tissues, which often becomes the cause of severe fractures. Changes in the mental state of patients with cirrhosis, typically due to the fact that toxic substances that enter the body and produced by the body’s own tissues, can no longer be effectively neutralized, so after a short time begin to have a negative impact on brain cells. The impact of toxic substances on the brain leads to depression, loss of orientation, lethargy or irritability. The final chords of this impact of toxins on the brain is in a hepatic coma, which leads to death of patients in 80-100% of cases.

Given that decompensated liver cirrhosis in the short term lead to systemic disturbances in the body, with time may appear, and additional life-threatening condition. For example, when infected by pathogens transudate, which has accumulated in the abdominal cavity with ascites, may develop purulent peritonitis, which in 12-24 hours becomes the cause of the painful death of the patient.

Supportive therapy and prognosis in cirrhosis

Stage of decompensation in liver cirrhosis is very dangerous and is accompanied by rapid deterioration of patient’s condition, and to rectify the situation or at least slow the process using medical therapy is no longer possible. When a person is diagnosed with stage 3 cirrhosis, may be as maintenance therapy, but the effect is usually not too noticeable, but it helps the patient to live up to organ transplantation.

In most cases, patients diagnosed with decompensated liver cirrhosis, are assigned:

  • transfusion albumin solution;
  • blood plasma;
  • anabolic steroids;
  • iron preparations;
  • paracentesis;
  • salt-free diet;
  • medications;
  • antibiotics.

Despite the fact that there are many drugs that can be used to improve the condition of patients with cirrhosis, when the process of destruction of the body enters stage 3, to correct the situation can only change body. In fact only 20 people out of 100 who have a severe decompensation of liver function, but there is no additional flow complications, including ascites, can live more than 5 years.

With the development of ascites only 25% of patients may live more than 3 years. Organ transplantation is of considerable complexity, as is not always been able to find a donor.

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