
The symptoms and treatment of hepatitis in children

Hepatitis is severe liver inflammation. Signs of hepatitis: a fever, yellow skin, nausea and vomiting. Hepatitis in children is quite common. Some children may not respond to the virus, therefore, carefully analyze the current status of the child.

In medicine klassificeret 6 forms of this disease: hepatitis a, b, C, D, E, G. each year in the U.S. alone, happens 400,000 cases of infection. Half of all infected with type b, about 40% of type A. the remaining have to the type S. what is hepatitis?

Type A is most common in children. They sick those children who are not provided appropriate medical care and prevention, and who have the symptoms of hepatitis are scarce. Hepatitis a is transmitted through contaminated food and water. The vector of infection is the faeces of the patient, so the baby can easily be infected without washing their hands, and the parent to become infected when changing the diaper of the baby.

Of Contracting hepatitis b through the fluid of the human body – blood, or seed. Most often this type of hepatitis infected adolescents who have disseminated unprotected sex, and babies born already affected by the disease of the mothers.

Hepatitis C is transmitted by blood transfusions. In modern medicine due to the sterile and disposable instruments infection this type of illness is minimized. The most common type in people suffering from drug addiction and using unsterile needles. In addition to weak fatigue and jaundice clear signs of the infection show no symptoms. However, the development of the disease can lead to liver cancer and then to death.

The symptoms and treatment of hepatitis in children

As a rule, all types of hepatitis symptoms and treatment are the same. Most newborn babies infection itself does not show it, the child may be infected, but no one will know about it. The symptoms of hepatitis: malaise, fatigue, fever, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin. The color change is due to a sharp increase in blood amount of bilirubin. The obvious signs include a rash.

If it comes to hepatitis b, in addition to the above symptoms, may be reduced appetite, nausea and pain in the abdominal area. If you suspect that your child is jaundiced, report immediately to your doctor. You must pass tests, where the lab to find out whether it is hepatitis, either we are talking about a completely different disease. As it comes to viruses, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, which needs to come to grips with the virus. You are unlikely to have to limit your child in food or movement. If the first symptoms, do not give your child Aspirin or acetaminophenodeine medicines, as there is a possibility of toxic poisoning due to improper functioning of the liver.

Against disease there is a scarce amount of drugs, and for children they fit. In the event of illness usually requires hospitalization. Due to the constant vomiting is likely dehydration, possible incoherent. In such cases you should immediately call an ambulance, and the doctor may decide to send the patient to the hospital. After the child has been ill, he could start the scarring of the liver. Despite all this, medical practice is extremely rare to die from hepatitis. The virus type And no effects of chronic disease. For comparison: according to statistics 10% of patients with hepatitis type b, the disease develops into a chronic. Not received in a timely manner vaccine against hepatitis b, infants whose mothers were sick with chronic hepatitis b also became chronically ill.

Vaccines exist that can help your child avoid hepatitis A. It is used by travelers and people who are professionally associated with the disease. Treatment of hepatitis b and C has no differences from the treatment of other types. To combat them apply interferon.

Prevention of hepatitis in children and adults

To prevent future infections, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Have personal hygiene products (toothbrush, etc.).
  2. Spend educational work, children need to inform the impact of the disease, and what are the symptoms of hepatitis.
  3. Use contraceptives during sexual intercourse, and carefully choose a sexual partner.
  4. Constantly pay attention to the first symptoms of hepatitis: yellowing of the eyes, rash, and rapid fatigue.
  5. Periodically visit doctors for vaccination. To date, only a vaccine against hepatitis B. the First injection are newborns. The next batch of vaccine the child will receive in school.
  6. If necessary, you can be immunized passively. The child in the form of injection drive immunoglobulin (protein-destroying hepatitis b virus). The baby whose mother is infected, the protein is administered after the birth.
How to prevent hepatitis?

The most important rule is to be constant and thorough hand-washing before eating and after you visited the toilet. If you leave your child in a kindergarten, ensure that educators comply with hygiene when feeding and changing diapers. It is impossible to get infected just by being near the person. If the child is to play or touch another kid, he will not be infected by simple contact. You can become infected by kissing, licking when a child toys with which to play infected or when using common utensils and toilet articles.

If your child had contact with such infected, inform your pediatrician. If necessary, the health worker will introduce the vaccine of the appropriate type. Going abroad, use doctor’s advice about how likely to get infected with hepatitis in the country. If necessary you will be prescribed an injection of special medication.

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