
Which vaccinations do adults need to

In childhood and adolescence, all injected vaccines against a number of infections. Rather, it is widely believed that immunity to them remains during all the life.

This is only partly true: acquired (so-called post-vaccination) immunity against certain diseases over time weakens, and the vaccination must be done repeatedly, i.e. to conduct a re-vaccination.

It is known that some infectious diseases (e.g., smallpox) carried by the children is relatively easy, but in adults, they occur not only heavier, but can cause serious complications.

During a routine annual checkups, which are recommended for all without exception, the doctors will certainly remind you of revaccination. It’s advisable to visit a specialist immunologist for a personalized immunization schedule. To ascertain how necessary for the person in adulthood revaccination, conducted laboratory testing of patient’s blood for the presence of antibodies to a particular pathogen.

Important: after the bites of animals it is necessary to implement anti-rabies serum, i.e., to be vaccinated against rabies.

Is there a danger of vaccination for adults?

As a rule, vaccination in adulthood occurs without any complications.

Some caution should be observed allergies. Vaccination in some cases can provoke a hypersensitivity reaction, so the drug should be administered only under the supervision of a physician. Be immunized, if developed acute illness (i.e. common cold), or aggravation of any chronic disease (in this case, you need to wait for remission).

The main contraindications to vaccination:

After vaccination all people recommended not to take antihistamines to prevent allergies. If you have a fever, do not need to worry – this reaction is usual for many people. In such cases, show the ordinary antipyretics (antipyretics) – Acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, etc. it is normal if after the first vaccination or revaccination mild weakness, lethargy and drowsiness.

Between administration of vaccines against various infections usually do a little break, but even if you need a series of vaccinations, the dangers in this. Some vaccines immediately go to the complex, for example in the composition of the associated drug against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Often carried out in parallel, and vaccination against polio.

Important! If the patient for some reason never made shots, he needs to undergo a full examination, pass a number of tests and consult a neurologist.

Which vaccinations do adults need?

Even people who were vaccinated in childhood may be prone to certain infections, if not promptly passed revaccination.

Infectious disease against which to be vaccinated adults:

Diphtheria and tetanus: date of vaccination adults

According to the National immunization schedule, the vaccines against these diseases – DTP (further protect against pertussis) or ADS-m is administered several times during childhood and adolescence. To maintain the necessary tension of postvaccinal immunity, we need repeated boosters every 10 years. Drugs represent the mixture of purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.

For revaccination, a single injection of the drug. If the vaccine in children was not raised, for the formation of immune protection requires the sequential introduction of three doses – the first two-month interval, and the third a year later.

Important: after injury to the skin, if there is the possibility of contamination of the wound, it is advisable to additionally get a tetanus shot.

Repeated administration of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are particularly important for persons belonging to the risk group of the characters of his career.

To them in particular are:

  • all health care workers;
  • the staff of the preschool and General education institutions;
  • SES employees;
  • agricultural workers;
  • persons working with the soil during construction;
  • people engaged in logging;
  • officers disinsection and deratization.
Vaccination of adults against rubella, measles and mumps

These 3 diseases are dangerous possible complications. According to the schedule, vaccination of them make three times the age of 1, 6 and 16-17 years. To maintain strong immunity re-vaccination are shown in the 22-29 years old, and then every 10 years. If the person has not previously been vaccinated, with a monthly time interval introduced 2 doses of the triple vaccine containing attenuated viruses.

Important: some immunologists argue that a stable immunity against mumps and measles is maintained from 20 to 30 years, so during the revaccination is possible to restrict the introduction of the vaccine against rubella. But since this issue currently remains controversial, it is better not to risk it.


Vaccination against this disease is optional, and only those who do not have chickenpox in childhood. The immunity persists for more than three decades, so there is no need for revaccination.

Chicken pox vaccine is especially important for women who expect shortly to become mothers; it is recommended to do at least 3 months before planned conception. The infection can provoke spontaneous abortion or cause abnormalities in the unborn child.

Please note: Before the introduction of medication that contains a weakened chickenpox virus, it is important to make sure the patient has not become pregnant.

According to the recommendations of the world health organization, if had contact with an infected person, to prevent development of the disease the chickenpox vaccine adults, it is advisable to do within three days.

Vaccination of adults against hepatitis b

Immunity against this dangerous disease of the liver persists for 7-8 years after vaccination. Revaccination is recommended to undergo regular people from 20 to 55 years – in this age group the incidence is particularly high.

The categories of persons who need vaccination against hepatitis b:

  • the staff of medical institutions;
  • donors;
  • patients who prepare for surgery and (or) blood transfusion.
Flu vaccines for adults

The need for flu vaccinations is a controversial issue, causing a lot of debate among specialists. The cause of the outbreaks every year are different types and strains of viruses, so vaccine efficacy can be very questionable. Drug for immunization does not make sense to enter when the seasonal incidence is already at its peak – most likely, specific immunity simply do not have time to form.

The vaccine is contraindicated in pregnant women, but women planning to conceive, it is better to get vaccinated. The flu, especially during the first trimester negatively affects fetal development and can even trigger spontaneous abortion.

The vaccine against influenza should get a medical workers, persons 50 years and older adult patients suffering from respiratory diseases, diabetics and people working in large groups.

Pneumococcal and meningococcal disease

Vaccination against these infections in adults is available on request. It is recommended for the elderly, employees of educational institutions, health care workers, and people suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and respiratory system. The vaccine is administered once; revaccination is indicated for diseases of the blood and after removal of the spleen.

Tick-borne encephalitis

A vaccine against this disease should be administered to all people living or working in areas where risk of infection is particularly high. Inoculation must be done early in the spring, to the time of probable tick bite had immune. According to the optimal scheme, adults are encouraged to enter three doses of the vaccine – the first two-month interval, and the third a year later. High tension immune protection lasts for 3 years, but those who regularly visit the fields and forests, you need to enter to carry out revaccination annually.

Vaccination of adults against papillomatosis

HPV is particularly dangerous for women, as HPV in some cases tend to become malignant As a result of this process is developing cervical cancer. All women are advised to take the vaccination in age from 10 to 25 years.

Please note: the pathologies of infectious origin, which recommended vaccinations for adults include hepatitis a, shingles, tuberculosis and polio.

The effectiveness of vaccination is a proven fact, but their effectiveness, unfortunately, is not one hundred percent.

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