Dry mouth is a pathological condition, to indicate in which official medicine uses the term “xerostomia”. It is due to insufficiency of the secretory function of the salivary glands.
Xerostomia is not considered as a separate disease, but as a symptom of certain physical and nervous disorders.
Dryness in mouth may be accompanied by odors associated with the reproduction of microorganisms and insufficient washing ability of saliva on the background of its lack.
Possible causes of dry mouth
Among the factors that cause xerostomia include:
- the use of certain pharmacological preparations;
- consumption of large amount of coffee;
- the intake of alcohol;
- Smoking;
- emotional tension (stress);
- low humidity (at the same time, a burning sensation, or sore throat);
- failure to comply with drinking regime (low fluid intake);
- hyperhidrosis (great loss of moisture through the sweat glands);
- chronic rhinitis (accompanied by shortness of nasal breathing);
- stomatitis (inflammation of mucous membrane of oral cavity);
- Sjogren’s syndrome (can be affected salivary and lacrimal glands);
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hepatitis;
- gastritis (in the acute stage);
- pyelonephritis;
- Parkinson’s disease;
- HIV infection (AIDS);
- dialoginit (inflammation of the salivary glands).
Among the medications that may cause dry mouth include some anti-Allergy drugs with sedative (calming) effect.
It antihistamines first-generation:
- Diphenhydramine;
- Tavegil;
- Fenkarol.
Xerostomia can cause antidepressants such as Fluoxetine. Dry mouth is also noted when taking large doses of Ephedrine or Atropine.
Important: there are more than four hundred drugs that can cause suppress the activity of the salivary glands. They include diuretics, hypertension, analgesics and means to combat the swelling.
Dysfunction of the salivary glands develops on the background of radiation therapy of the neck and head, i.e., irradiation in the treatment of malignant tumors.
Chemotherapy drugs (particularly cytotoxic agents) appointed for cancer, provoke an increase in viscosity of saliva, which also causes dryness in the mouth.
On the secretory activity of the salivary glands has a negative effect hormonal changes that are characteristic of menopause in women.
The characteristic symptoms of xerostomia
On violation of salivation is indicated by the following symptoms:
- the feeling of viscosity in the mouth;
- dryness and burning of the tongue;
- sore throat;
- trouble swallowing;
- the appearance of cracks and sores on the lips;
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums and palate;
- a change of taste (including a metallic taste);
- bad breath;
- change articulation (pronunciation of sounds).
Complications of xerostomia
Lack of saliva leads to the digestion process. It is known that the splitting of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. Saliva is responsible for washing the teeth and deliver them to the hard tissues of necessary mineral substances. The disadvantage of this unique biological fluid leads to the violation of microbiocenosis of the oral cavity, resulting in infection and inflammatory diseases.
What measures can be taken with dry mouth?
To get rid of xerostomia, the need to treat the underlying disease, rather than dealing with its symptom. In particular, when sialadenitis anti-inflammatory therapy allows to normalize the functional activity of the salivary glands.
Please note: treatment of sialadenitis and stomatitis are engaged in dentists. To the specialists of this profile are encouraged to apply when xerostomia developed for no apparent reason.
Coffee and alcohol it is important to consume in moderation. Caffeine and ethanol have a pronounced diuretic effect leading to dehydration.
If dry mouth is associated with medication, it is important to consult with your doctor. Perhaps a question will be raised about the replacement of medication or interruption of treatment (unless xerostomia was the cause of pathologies in the mucous membrane).
In the room it is advisable to install a humidifier.
In hot weather and when sweating, it is desirable to increase the amount of water with half to two-three liters a day. While Hiking long distances, it is desirable to drink water with a small amount of salt – this will reduce the natural loss of body fluids.
Folk medicine recommends to take for dry mouth infusion of marshmallow root. 2 tbsp dried vegetable substrate be infused in 250 ml boiled water for 40-50 minutes. The resulting tool is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon 3 to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is 6 weeks. If diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, must undergo the 2-month course of therapy is three times a year with breaks of 2 months.
To stimulate the production of saliva, it is advisable to stimulate the nerve endings of the oral cavity with the help of simple exercises. Slightly lift the mouth, it is necessary to stick and to hide the language and then move them in different directions, closed their front teeth. Repeat the motion 10-12 times.
Important: for moistening of the oral cavity developed a special mouthwash. They can advise a dentist. In most of such liquids include antibacterial components.
It is preferable to consume drinks without sugar or with minimal content. From sodas with artificial sweeteners and dyes it is better to refuse.
The saliva will help to stimulate the candies (especially sour taste) and sugar-free chewing gum.
If xerostomia is advisable to refrain from spicy and salty dishes, as well as solid food, because they can cause pain in the mouth.