Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system patients bring a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes even exhausting symptoms. Syndrome pain is the main complaint of these patients, the onset of pain, one way or another, connected with the act of urination.
The epithelium of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract is exposed to constant aggression by pathogens. When you create favorable conditions, pathological processes develop very quickly and tend to spread from one anatomical region to another.
Pain after urination, usually associated with infectious agents that enter the urethra, the tissue of the bladder, prostate, or other structures. Other causes of pain may be due to the traumatic injuries of the walls of these organs.
So arranged that the infection is quite easily penetrates into the bladder in women, which is associated with structural features of their urinary tract. Starts the inflammatory process in the mucosa of the body, which in medicine is the term “cystitis”.
Provoke the development of the disease the following factors: prior to this, sexual intimacy, hypothermia, failure to intimate hygiene and more. While there are always pain of varying severity. Patients report that it becomes painful to go to the toilet to urinate, there is a sensation of cramps and the bladder constantly crowded. Worried nagging pain in the suprapubic region. A few minutes after going to the toilet, again there is a desire to empty the bladder.
The process of stone formation may occur at different levels of the urinary tract. Most often, the stones form in the tissues of the kidneys, and then descend Prosvet ureters, the bladder, from where they are transmitted through the urethra to the outside.
If the stones are small in diameter, their only exit is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But when the volume of the formation exceeds the size of the ureters and urethra, appear intolerable pain associated with traumatic effect on the mucous membranes. The localization of the pain can be in the right or left side (all depends on where you moving the stone). Pain much worse after the act of urination, as the calculus comes in even more traffic. In the urine, as a rule, there are traces of blood.
When the stone occludes the lumen of the urinary tract, urine retention, and the rapidly deteriorating health of the patient.
The process of stone formation is not causing the patient any symptoms, complaints appear only when the calculi are mixed from their original bed
Urethritis and STIs
The epithelium of the urethra is exposed to the introduction of different kinds of microorganisms, especially infectious agents, with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission. These include the causative agent of gonorrhea, chlamydia, Trichomonas, Ureaplasma, and others.
For diseases are characterized by a direct relationship with sexual intimacy. This affects the organs of the reproductive system among girls (e.g., there is cervicitis or vaginitis).
Typical symptoms of these infections are unpleasant discharge from the genital tract, pain in the abdomen and painful sensations associated with urination. Most often they burning arise at the end of the emptying of the bladder. Pain after urination in men is very frequently associated with gonorrheal urethritis.
In males the pain may occur on the background of inflammatory process in the prostate tissue. If the patient develops an acute condition, in addition to dysuric disorders (frequent urination and burning pain when emptying bladder) and the symptoms of intoxication. Fever, there is muscle and joint pain develops severe weakness. Much enlarged gland is able to squeeze the rectum, provoking the emergence of problems with defecation.
Prostatitis is a common cause frequent and painful urination men
Cancer processes
Tumors in the early stages of its development, as a rule, can itself does not show. Only when a pathological lesion reaches a certain size, or the compression of the neurovascular bundles, the patient starts to hurt a particular organ of the urinary tract.
Doctors always caution should treat such symptoms as unexplained weakness, periodic temperature reaction, night sweats, weight loss, and others. They are the first symptoms of incipient pathological condition. After all, when the patient starts talking about pain and dysuric manifestations of the disease, it is evidence in favor of the neglect of the process.
Fungal infection of the genitourinary tract is the most typical for females. Affects the lower parts of the genital organs: the vaginal walls and mucosa of the labia, which are very swollen and severely itchy. In this the patient appear quite copious and unpleasant smelling discharge from the genital tract, which bring her unbearable discomfort. The act of urination becomes painful, like having sex.
Often during pregnancy a woman notes the appearance of uncomfortable sensations associated with urination. The growing uterus gradually begins to put pressure on all the neighboring organs and structures, particularly the bladder, which explains the frequent desire its evacuation. While unpleasant feelings should be limited only to coming as a feeling of discomfort. Pain after urination in women that are in the position, may be due to the outbreak of cystitis, urethritis or other pathological conditions.
During pregnancy a woman’s body is undergoing a huge restructuring, it is not surprising that sometimes she was concerned about the discomfort associated with the work of the urinary system
Pain after childbirth or caesarean section
The appearance of pain when urinating in women after childbirth is considered a normal variant if the symptoms are mild and last only two days. Otherwise, it indicates the penetration of the urinary organs bacterial agents.
Cesarean section is a surgical intervention, therefore, requires more time to rehabilitation and recovery of women in the postpartum period. As a rule, the appearance of pain when urinating after C-section, is connected with the input catheter and its traumatic effects on the urethra and bladder wall.
Invasive or foreign body
Often cause pain in the lower abdomen after urination can become previous diagnostic or therapeutic manipulations on organs of the urinary tract. So, for example, the procedure is cystoscopy or inserting a catheter, if not its execution, injures the wall of the urethra that causes the pain and subsequent problems.
Some women complain of a slight burning sensation after taking a smear of the urethral canal, which passes quickly enough.
The introduction of a catheter through the urethra uproot the bladder, as a rule, in the next few days, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the moment of passage of urine through the urethra
The appearance of the pain associated with urination, doctors conduct several diagnostic procedures to determine the root cause of this symptom.
A number of diseases can occur with similar clinical picture to differentiate them from each other, the patient was recommended to undergo the following laboratory and instrumental examination:
- analysis of blood and urine;
- urine analysis according to Nechyporenko, the trial of General (if necessary);
- seeding of the urinary sediment and of the material obtained by taking a smear from the urethra;
- serological methods of research, helping to establish the nature of the infectious agent, in particular, of sexually transmitted diseases (ELISA, PCR, RAC, and others);
- Ultrasound of organs of the urinary tract and of adjacent organs (if necessary);
- cystoscopy;
- CT or MRI of the urinary organs.
The spectrum of diagnostic procedures was never limited to capture of urine analysis, require the holding of a number of instrumental studies
Clinical management of patients with pain after urination has its own characteristics in each case. It depends on what caused these pains, and during what diseases they appeared.
To treat patients with such complaints have doctors of different specialties: urologists, gynecologists, venereologists and others. Each has its own approaches to treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
Antibacterial and antimicrobial treatments are effective against infectious processes caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs are prescribed as a symptomatic relief for patients with kidney stones, severe pain, cystitis or urethritis, after cystoscopy and other processes.
Surgery is indicated for all patients with foreign objects prosvete the urinary tract or tumors.
The appearance of such a symptom, such as pain after urination, especially in previously healthy person, is a Wake-up call about the beginning of the disease
When the body starts pathological process, there are unpleasant symptoms of those or other bodies. Never ignore these signs. If you are after urination pain in lower abdomen, appeared cramps or other complaints of a similar nature, immediately seek help from a specialist. Do not attempt to determine the cause of the disease and do not waste time on self.
Pain much worse after the act of urination, as the calculus comes in even more traffic. In the urine, as a rule, there are traces of blood.
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