A General cooling of the body. The child cannot correctly control all your feelings and the timely suspend the impact on your body of negative temperatures, leading to hypothermia.
All who are associated in life with the education of children, faced with the phenomenon of recurring pain during urination in children. In our time this happens unfortunately often.
Children due to their vulnerability exposed to the influence of many negative factors. Given their immature immune system and inability to respond adequately to emerging symptoms, a reminder to adults that experience pain during urination is a major symptom of various diseases.
Negative factors and their effects on the child’s body
Hypothermia is one of the few factors that can lead to inflammation of the genitourinary system and, as a result in painful urination in a child.
Various types of infections and their complications. These factors result from the effect of negative temperatures on the body of the child.
Independent penetration of bacteria in the organs of the child, creating a very comfortable and productive conditions for the spread of urethral infection. One such favorable conditions for accession of various diseases is the phenomenon of a weakened immune system.
So, reasons:
- The General weakening of the immune system as one of the main factors in the emergence of various diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Imperfect thermoregulation inherent in the developing child’s body and lead to inability of the child to regulate the flow of heat and cold, which leads to the loss of control over the hypothermia.
- Various kinds of congenital anomalies, able to Express themselves in the first days and months after birth painful urination in a child.
- The formation of sand and stones in the renal pelvis and ureters (the attacks of renal colic always occur with painful urination).
- Foreign bodies in the genitals and in the urethra foreign objects that enter the body during the game or because of children’s curiosity.
All these reasons lead to the appearance of pain when urinating, generate a number of complaints that occur in a child that adults should pay attention to. If the child complains of pain when urinating, the goal of moms is to try to find out the reason which caused the appearance of pain. To determine the color and amount of urine decrease or increase in acts of urination.
The most common complaints are the appearance of a burning, sharp pain during urination in the perineum, in the course of the ureter, and therefore, lower abdomen, lower back or side. Frequent urination with small amount of discharge of urine.
Characterized by pain in boys during emptying of the bladder – this is when the child may complain that “sore Wiener”. The problem may lie in the fact that the discharge of accumulated secretion, secreted by glands, which are located on the glans penis of a boy is complicated due to the snug fit of the foreskin. This causes balanoposthitis, inflammation and irritation when the urine gets on mucous membranes. If such a phenomenon happens, the boy should temporarily, to ascertain the circumstances, to refrain from taking hot baths.
Pain when urinating makes the baby cranky and restless
The child is usually frightened of this onset of pain and is afraid to empty the bladder. It is important not to delay calling a doctor, only a doctor can assess the condition of the baby and assign a correct and timely examination and treatment.
What to do till the doctor comes?
Adults near the child, first of all you must find out before the arrival of the doctor the following:
- the nature, localization and distribution of pain (how and where it hurts);
- the color and amount of urine (presence of blood, transparency, presence of sediment);
- an increase or decrease servings of urine;
- the presence or absence of elevated body temperature.
Very often, as already mentioned, urination the pain occurs suddenly and sharply. But often it happens that the pain only appears once, in the future, the urination may take place without pain. However, parents should not be complacent. The symptoms appeared once, in a short time can appear again. And if you do not pay to complaints of child neglected, the disease becomes chronic.
Below we describe some of the reasons in more detail. Cause painful urinary tract can become various congenital anomalies of the kidney and urethra, but they are you can read more details in another article.
Foreign body
Foreign bodies in the urethra are found both in boys and in girls. Knowing your body, interest in the genitals in children is great, so very often during the game, various foreign bodies into the urethra and then the bladder. The symptoms resemble symptoms of urethritis and cystitis.
The penetration into the urethra of various foreign bodies in adolescents is most often associated with the occupation of Masturbation. Caught in the urethra a small foreign body is excreted by the jet of urine. This is due to the anatomical peculiarities of the female urethra. Larger foreign bodies can penetrate into the cavity of the bladder, and to remove them can only urologist.
It should also be noted that the pain with urination in girls, is often associated with the occurrence of physiological processes (menstrual cycle). In the first hours of the beginning of the monthly cycle can hurt not only the abdomen, but also girls often complain that they are painful to urinate.
How is cystitis in a child?
Most often pain occurs during the act of urination is a manifestation of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, called cystitis.
The most and most often it is a disease inherent in girls. Pain when urinating the girl with cystitis less pronounced, given the anatomical features of the female body (the length of the urethra in girls is almost a few inches smaller than the male). When the child is small, this difference is not so significant, and yet it is present, so the infection promptly spreads from the urinary canal and falls almost immediately into the cavity of the bladder by ascending paths. For this disease is at first acute phase, then flows into the recurrent form.
The symptoms in the acute form of cystitis always sudden, dramatic and sometimes unexpected. From the seemingly healthy child suddenly there is a sharp pain and frequent urination. The act of urine occurs frequent, small portions. Sometimes a child asks to go to the toilet, and urine does not occur. It is associated with pain in the urethra and receipt false signals to the brain. Boys have these symptoms almost always occur with a special pain.
The colour depends on what impurities are present in the urine
Depending on what infection has caused the inflammation of impurities in the urine can be in the form of pus and blood. It also may indicate how far the process of inflammation. Sometimes cystitis is manifested not only painful urination, but also by the fever. A feeling of painful burning and discomfort does not leave the child during the night. Children with symptoms of cystitis become very cranky and restless, so acting in the best interests of the child should immediately seek help from a doctor.
It should be remembered that when the pain during urination does not pass after a course of antibiotic therapy, you need to think about other, more serious problems that constantly provoke the growth of bacteria, stimulating the process of occurrence of relapse of the disease. Chronic stage of cystitis is less severe, more vague symptoms, and not always with pain.
The manifestation of urolithiasis in childhood
Unfortunately, the phenomenon of the appearance of sand or stones in the kidneys in children, in recent years not uncommon. Violation of metabolism, the appearance acetoneiso state, various anomalies of development of kidneys lead to the formation of kidney stones and as a consequence, emergence of renal colic, accompanied by disorder of urination.
During an attack of renal colic a child is not just a disorder of urination, and nausea and vomiting
Manifestation of attack of urolithiasis, the child is more pronounced than in the adult. Intolerable pain in the lumbar region, the abdomen and along the ureters forces the child to constantly change the position of the body, the child is torn, finds no place. The pain can give in the crotch, the legs, the lateral surface of the abdomen. Children are unable to explain the changing nature of pain, they become very restless. Sometimes the pain reaches this force that the child loses consciousness. The urge to urinate frequent and exhausting.
In the portion of urine that is accompanied by painful elimination, can be an admixture of blood due to trauma stone ducts of the kidney. The muddy sediment and the appearance of small stones can also accompany the attack of colic.
In the event of such an attack should immediately call the doctor to clarify the nature of pain and further treatment. The sooner assistance will be provided to the child, the more likely to maintain the kidney in a healthy condition, as all pathological processes occurring in the body of a child, occur several times faster than an adult’s.
Peculiarities of treatment in children
Treatment of children with urological pathology has certain characteristics associated with age of the child. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to conduct a series of examinations and prescribe treatment. To treat infants is difficult because they can not explain their condition and complain. Children under one year are always treated in a hospital.
Parents of young children must understand that in the hospital it is easier to collect tests to ensure proper medication and all the tests. Moreover, the diet, the observance of bed rest – these are all necessary conditions for treatment of children.
Drug treatment depends on the diagnosis made by a doctor-urologist. It includes antibiotic therapy, herbal therapy, diet therapy. When the identified disease goes into remission, the patient is assigned to treatment a variety of therapeutic waters.
Parents need to remember that the emergence of painful urination in a child is a serious symptom, and may hide a bigger problem.