
Does the temperature in cystitis

Cystitis – bladder infection causing inflammation of the walls of the bladder, reduces its functional activity that alters the composition of urine. The disease often occurs in women, but does not shy away from men, and even young children.

A sharp pain at the end of each urination is the main symptom of pathology, but the temperature in cystitis increases not always.

This selectivity is manifested due to the state of human health and the stage at which infection occurs.

Cystitis cause harmful microorganisms

Causes of cystitis

Under normal condition body urinary canal of a person sterile. When you try to get inside the bladder, mobilizing the body’s defenses, and pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed by specific white blood cells.

But with the weakening of immunity from any inflammatory lesion of blood into the cavity of the bladder are infectious agents:

  • Escherichia coli.
  • Staphylococci.
  • Streptococci.
  • Trichomonas.
  • The simplest mushrooms.

They begin to actively proliferate on mucous membrane of the bladder wall, causing damage.

In men with BPH cystitis is manifested on the background of low immunity. For chronic and acute diseases of the urinary system in humans, disturbances of urination and urine stagnation, which is a favorable situation for breeding of pathogens. At the first symptoms of the pathology should consult the doctor, because signs of inflammation of the bladder can cause cancer and kidney stones.

For the appearance of cystitis only one of these factors:

  • A recent surgery.
  • Prolonged hypothermia.
  • Compression of the bladder or violation of his integrity.
  • Endocrine pathology associated with impaired production of hormones.
  • Of circulatory disorders.
  • Intoxication with acute allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of viral etiology.

The female urethra is shorter and wider than men, so the infection with E. coli occurs more often and faster. In this case, the agents penetrate into the bladder rising path and is able to move further, to the kidneys.

The thermometer depends on the stage of cystitis

Why cystitis appears the temperature

The temperature when the cystitis is not only a symptom of the disease. It is a response of the organism to the invasion of infectious pathogens. Viruses and bacteria for him – foreign proteins that should be destroyed. And protein is easily destroyed under high temperature. With a small number of microorganisms, the immune system cope without hyperthermia, activating T-lymphocytes. But extensive colonization requires the mobilization of all defense systems, including an increase in temperature.

Does cystitis temperature – it does not rise above 37,2-37,5°C. It is considered a minor degree of the disease when the infection is within the boundaries of the bladder. Each time you urinate pathogenic microorganisms washed out of the cavity with a jet of urine, and therefore their destruction does not require high temperature. It rises above 38.5°C only in extensive inflammatory process that affects the kidney structural elements.

Often this occurs when you experience one of the following forms of the disease:

  • Acute cystitis. Is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. When urination in the urine appear blood drops, amorphous precipitate. With hyperthermia, the body is fighting pathogenic agents.
  • Gangrenous or phlegmonous cystitis. Prolonged lack of treatment leads to formation of multiple inflammatory foci. Symptoms: painful urination, rare with small amounts of detachable urine, which acquires an unpleasant smell and dark brown color. The mucosa of the bladder is completely destroyed, the deformation undergone and its deeper layers.
  • The acute phase of pyelonephritis. The inflammatory process affects the calyx, pelvis and the renal parenchyma. Extensive intoxication of the human body provokes a temperature rise above 40°C. the Disrupted gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, nausea, bloating. There is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus.

As a rule, no fever occur chronic forms of cystitis. In the event of relapse, there is a slight rise of temperature, which remains unnoticed by the person. Because relapses often appear during seasonal viral diseases, a minor hyperthermia deducted for acute respiratory disease, SARS or the common cold. If several times during the year, inappropriate urination, accompanied by sharp pains, then this clearly indicates a chronic form of cystitis. Pathology of the extremely dangerous development of many serious complications.

Could it be cystitis without fever? Only at the initial stage of the disease. The infection begins to spread throughout the body without symptoms, is possible only slight discomfort. Appears low-grade fever of about 37°C., While maintaining such temperature for more than seven days, you should immediately consult a doctor. The steady decline in immunity is the transition probability of cystitis in a chronic form.

The urine test identifies the causative agent of cystitis

The gradual increase in temperature cystitis

Even after the start of treatment of acute cystitis, the temperature may slightly increase. This occurs with prolonged absence of treatment, when the inflammation of the bladder begins to spread through the ascending pathways to the kidneys. During the day the temperature in cystitis can be at the level of 38-39°C. Began to develop pyelonephritis, nonspecific inflammatory process affecting the renal parenchyma, pelvis and calyx. The treatment of pyelonephritis is longer than the cystitis, so do not delay with the visit to the nephrologist, the urologist or the gynecologist.

Sometimes cystitis is a sign of the presence in a woman’s body urogenital infections:

  • Candidiasis.
  • Ureaplasmas.
  • Cytomegalovirus infection.
  • The human papilloma virus.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Gonorrhea.

These pathologies provoke the development of andexit, colpitis, vaginitis. In this case, the cystitis is only a secondary infection, when treatment temperature increases. After all, the reason the temperature in cystitis, the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, are not covered with medical therapy. All doctors do not get tired to repeat, what is the danger causes self-medication, it will only bring harm in the form of dangerous complications. If a woman habitually treats another as she considers a relapse of cystitis, and in fact, she has gonorrhea, the temperature is unlikely to fall.

Increasing the temperature to 37°C after cystitis is a signal to consult a specialist and more thorough diagnostics. There is persistent immunosuppression, the cause of which needs to be installed.

Acidic fruit drinks will help reduce the temperature in cystitis

How to reduce the temperature cystitis

Antipyretics are not recommended by doctors for use to reduce fever above 37.5-38°C. you Should be able to tolerate the uncomfortable symptoms. This will greatly slow down the healing and will allow pathogens to proliferate.

Only when exceeding these indicators, when there is a feeling of warmth, chills, excessive weakness, should take drugs:

  • The paracetamol.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Ibuprofen.

These remedies not only resolve the hyperthermia, but also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, which is important in the treatment of cystitis. Do not take antipyretic drugs, or douching before the doctor’s visit or lab tests – it is difficult to diagnose.

Directly the cause of cystitis eliminating the antibiotics, antimicrobial agents, derivatives of nitrofurans, herbal remedies. When detecting urolithiasis is the removal or dissolution of stones. To enhance the body’s resistance to infection, the doctor appoints reception of Immunostimulants, immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals.

For the treatment of cystitis, the patient should drink at least two liters of fluid during the day. It can be pure water or:

  • Fruit drinks.
  • Green tea.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Excessive drinking causes an increased amount of urination and urine from the bladder washed out the perpetrators of hyperthermia – pathogenic microorganisms. Besides, at high temperature, there is increased sweating, which causes a loss of fluid.

Cystitis and fever linked by common etiology is infection of the bladder wall by viruses, bacteria or fungi. To neglect visiting the doctor if symptoms occur, the disease is not necessary, because it will lead to difficult and long-term treatment complications.

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