Glucosuria during pregnancy can only be detected under laboratory conditions in the course of regular medical examination in the antenatal clinic.
Regular checkups of the pregnant woman by the doctor and frequent tests of blood and urine is dictated by the need to monitor closely the development of the fetus and the condition of the expectant mother.
If you remember that glycosuria is a congenital pathology characterized by elevated output of glucose from the body with urine, to overestimate the constant testing of urine during pregnancy impossible.
The very appearance of glucose in the urine should alert the physician, as it isn’t supposed to be in principle. If glycosuria glucose in the blood is reflected in the normal range, and only the urine is possible to infer the presence of pathology. Thus, monitoring must be subjected not only blood but also urine.
Of course, doctors know that pregnancy affects all internal organs, and the kidneys are no exception. With increased stress on the kidneys can’t process all the glucose, and part of it gets into the urine. But since pathology isn’t new, there are various permissible levels of glucose in the urine. And if they suddenly were significantly exceeded, and that’s when there is a suspicion of glucosuria.
It should not, of course, remember that the diet of a pregnant woman for the duration of gestation can vary significantly depending on the current mood and metabolism. This can not affect the state of the urine and the glucose in it. However, if this level over time is steadily increasing, then began the process of forming the glycosuria.
Not always glucosuria pregnant is dangerous for the baby. But, as a rule, there is still a chance of developing his various pathologies. In this regard, glucosuria recognized in any way dangerous.
Causes of glycosuria in pregnant women
Different physiological and pathological glucosuria. At physiological glycosuria, occurring usually in the second trimester of pregnancy, the sugar level is not critical and therefore not dangerous for women and children.
The causes of this form of glycosuria, the following:
- in the kidneys increases blood flow, therefore increasing the filtration;
- tubules in the kidneys to reduce the reabsorption of sugar in the blood;
- blood sugar is increased due to the change in hormone levels in a woman’s body.
Glycosuria pathological forms arises as a consequence of diseases of internal organs, which occurs due to the disruption of the kidneys.
The causes of this form:
- extrarenal glucosuria;
- reabsorption of sugar in the blood is broken;
- inflammation of the pancreas;
- General intoxication;
- the body’s susceptibility to development of diabetes at the genetic level;
- age of the pregnant woman is 35 years or more.
- the fruit has a higher weight;
- fetal comorbidities.
How to diagnose glycosuria in pregnant women?
It is clear that to diagnose glucosuria is possible only in laboratory conditions. This woman’s urine is tested to glyukozuricheskogo a profile that defines the increase or decrease in renal limit sugar in the urine. Besides, the test is performed glucose tolerance, which can be used to exclude diabetes.
Complications of glycosuria
By itself, the glucose may not cause any complications during pregnancy, but developed it on the background of diabetes may lead to serious complications:
- a spontaneous abortion;
- the death of the fetus;
- polyhydramnios;
- the increased injury risk during childbirth;
- if there is increased fluid loss, as a result, is lost and mineral substances, which leads to cardiovascular diseases.
Treatment of glycosuria in pregnancy
Glucosuria treated mainly by diet. Any medication a pregnant woman is not prescribed. In this situation, she should follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding your diet.
It should include: vegetables (always fresh), sprouted wheat, beans, peas, lentils. All of these products contain beneficial potassium and do not contain carbohydrates. To the amount of carbohydrates in the blood was low, you should not eat sweets, cakes and chocolate.
Sugar in the blood is reduced by using a complex of physical exercises designed especially for pregnant women. The frequency of doctor visits and submission of urine for analysis must be greatly increased. Observing all recommendations of the doctor, a woman can carry and give birth to a child without pathological deviations.
If in the family there were cases of glycosuria during pregnancy, the woman should be more attentive to your condition and visit the doctor more often than it is prescribed. In this case, he can in the early stages appeared to notice variations in the level of glucose in the urine, because this pathology is easily transmitted by inheritance at the gene level.