
E. coli in the urethra and its symptoms

Symptom of E. coli in the urethra is often an inflammatory process in the body. In addition, the organism is not excreted out with urine flow, but rather moves above the urinary tract. Where causes of disease in organs that are there (bladder, kidneys).

E. coli is a bacterium that is always found in the human body. It performs a number of useful functions – the production of vitamins, suppression of pathogenic microorganisms, active participation in digestion.

Usually it does not cause any diseases, but under certain conditions may cause the pathological process. For example, if part of the flora of the bowel moves to the genitourinary system, you can develop diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.

It is interesting to know that such pathological process is more susceptible to women and children. At first it is a little long associated with the urethra, in comparison with man, so the wand is easy to pass on. And the child has simply not yet strong, is not fully formed immunity which, in principle, is not able to actively resist.
Comparison of the urinary systems of male and female body

Characteristics of the microorganism

E. coli – this is the collective name of a group of microorganisms, which includes about a hundred different types. Some strains of microorganisms are not pathogenic, but others can provoke the development of various diseases.

The most commonly Escherichia coli cause inflammation in the digestive and urinary systems of man. But there are times when germs get into the blood stream, in such circumstances, it may be septicemia, meningitis or encephalitis. This happens very rarely, most often when infected mothers or infants.

All types of sticks can survive for long periods in the environment without losing their pathogenic properties. Especially long they persist in water, soil and feces. But they are easy to kill, only boiling the water or treating the surface of any disinfectant is corrosive sublimate, chlorine, formalin.

E. coli can affect the human body is not only negative, some species are simply necessary for normal digestion. They begin to colonize the intestine of the newborn from the first moments of life, while not allowing them to settle down there are bad bacteria. Thus, they help prevent inflammatory diseases of the bowel.

In a further form of E. coli – and E. coli(lat. Escherichia coli) – helps to be very important for a man to microorganisms – bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

This is due to the fact that the E. coli consume oxygen, which negatively affects the beneficial bacteria. In addition, she is actively involved in the production of vitamins and mineral elements – succinic, lactic and acetic acid as well as vitamins B and K.

How do you get

Most often, the infection with E. coli occurs by the fecal-oral or contact routes of transmission. In the first case, the microbe enters the human body with contaminated water or food. Second, people can become infected through household objects or dirty hands, which fell on pathogenic E. coli.

In the urogenital system, the microorganisms most often penetrate due to the following:

  1. Failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene – that is, the girl or guy doesn’t wash or do it often enough. Because of this, residues of faeces remain on the skin, and the stick can move into the urethra.
  2. Frequent wearing panties that are closely adjacent to the skin. Crotch sweats, and pathogenic microorganisms can easily move from perianal folds (around the anus) the vagina or urethra.
  3. The specific method of committing a sexual act during which the member first enters the anus, then legalisieren. So he takes intestinal flora in the reproductive system.
  4. Sexual contact without proper protection with a man who suffers from inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, which are caused by E. coli.
The danger of sticks for women

Penetrated into the lower parts of the urogenital system of women (the vagina, urethra), pathogenic flora causes vaginitis and urethritis. If the patient ignores the symptoms for a long time and not go to the doctor, the infection not only rooted in the above-mentioned bodies, but starts to climb higher.

In this case, it affects the bladder (cystitis), uterus (endometritis), the appendages (adnexitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis).

Pathology, the cause of which is Escherichia coli in women occur for a long time, often become chronic and difficult therapy. Often, the process has a latent period, that is, the patient feels normal, but the inflammation in the body is present. This pathology is often exacerbated due to hypothermia, colds and even stress.

Where and how to find E. coli

Most often, pathogenic E. coli can be detected in the urine or in smears from the urethra and vagina.

Smear from the vagina helps to differentiate the condition and to assign adequate therapy

If the microorganism identified during the General analysis of urine, this suggests that bodies, deducing urine that is infected. But to say exactly what the structure of the system affected, it is impossible. To determine this, you will need to conduct additional studies.

If E. coli found in smears, it is in the genital tract. As for women, and for men it’s no good. Because bacteria can trigger inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, and then and infertility or erectile dysfunction.

In either case, detection of pathogenic intestinal microflora in the urogenital system, you should immediately undergo treatment, which will appoint the expert.

Cystitis and e coli

Cystitis often develops due to Escherichia coli that penetrates into the bladder.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder manifested by the following features:

  • uchashchennaja need to urinate;
  • sense that urine is separated, not completely, but a part of her remained in the body;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • burning and discomfort in the urethra at the end and at the beginning of act urine output.

Urine with such pathology will have a unusual color, it will float white flakes, to attend the sediment, sometimes you may see blood. In some cases patients complain of fever, malaise, weakness. Often joined by vomiting and nausea.

Sediment in the urine with cystitis indicates infectious process

Treatment of cystitis should be under a doctor’s care. The specialist will prescribe specific antibiotics, most often it is ceftriaxona group. In addition, in severe, advanced cases, the bladder is rinsed userauthenticate solutions and use of physiotherapeutic methods.

In addition to traditional medicine, you can resort to treatment of cystitis folk remedies. But before that it is necessary to consult with your doctor to make your body worse.

In the fight against cystitis, our ancestors loved to use the recipes from different herbs that have antiseptic properties:

  1. Chamomile is a wonderful plant that resists infectious agents, reduces pain and reduces inflammation.
  2. The infusion. In 200 ml of boiling water to fill one large spoon of the crushed chamomile and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes and strain. One glass should be divided into three steps, which are producing during the day, preferably at mealtime.
  3. Baths. Add warm water and a decoction of chamomile to make a sitz bath. It is useful to add some other herbs – sage, St. John’s wort.
  4. St. John’s wort is a gift of nature, which is struggling with inflammatory processes.
  5. In 200 ml of boiling water, add 15-20 g of crushed, dried plants. Cook for 15-20 minutes, remove from heat and set aside until cool. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
  6. Millet – fruit that have a pronounced diuretic effect, thus, they help to clear the bladder of bacteria.
  7. One glass of water take 20 grams of millet, bring mixture to a boil and cool. Drink a decoction need a tea spoon every 2-3 hours.
  8. Pour the millet in hot water in proportions one to two, leave for 20-30 minutes. Then grind the mixture to a state of muddy slurry. Use several times a day, but not more than 5. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

To cure the person from Escherichia coli cannot, because it is always present in the body. Not to get sick inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, we must carefully observe the rules of hygiene. In addition, it is important to run to the doctor to detect any symptoms of pathology. This will help to get rid of the disease and prevent its transition into the chronic form.

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