Blood in the urine composition in medicine is called hematuria. The appearance of this pathology in pregnant women is a very disturbing symptom, which indicates that in the body of the mother that something is going wrong.
To detect this pathology can be, as a rule, by means of laboratory researches, so no matter to bother the woman any complaints or not, for the whole period of pregnancy she will have to repeatedly pass urine for analysis.
But there are cases when blood in the urine composition can be determined with the naked eye to change its color.
Based on the degree of saturation with blood urine, its color may vary from light pink to deep Burgundy. There are cases of detention in the urine of clots of coagulated blood, which, in turn, warn of the presence of bleeding is quite serious.
The causes that affect the appearance of blood in the urine
In most cases of blood in urine during pregnancy due to changes of a physiological nature that are natural to the period of gestation. Increasing the volume of the uterus can compress the bladder and body suitable to him, the ureters causing stasis of urine and the blood supply of the organ. Causing red blood cells propotevaet into the cavity of the bladder, where it is mixing with the urine. This pathology occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and does not pose a threat for the normal development of the unborn child.
Growing uterus due to compression of the bladder can also cause the appearance of blood in the urine
Hormonal changes of the mother is another physiological factor, which can appear red blood cells in the urine of women. Hematuria is caused by such condition is usually not dangerous and after pregnancy goes away on its own.
However, the appearance of blood in urine during pregnancy can be a symptom of such dangerous diseases:
- The appearance of inflammatory processes in the departments of the urinary system and the organs placed in the pelvis. Bacteria that were in a particular organ, you begin the process of their life produce toxins that are damaging to the mucous membranes lining the inside. As a result of erosion and ulceration of the mucosa, which in the future will be to leak spotting.
- Urolithiasis. Blood in the urine when the disease appears for two reasons. In the first case blood in urine comes from necrotic areas, formed under real kidney stones. And in the second case blood appears in the urine due to damage to the mucosa of the urinary system during the movement of renal calculi or sand.
- Uterine bleeding. Spotting that from the uterus drain in the genital tract, are connected with urine at the time of emptying the bladder. Such hematuria in gynecology is considered the most dangerous, as the reasons of its development can become serious offences such as detachment of the placenta or the development of premature birth.
- Neoplasms. A tumor that has developed in the urogenital system in the process of its growth, striking not only all of its layers but also damages the blood vessels that provide the body with blood.
- Heavy exercise can also cause the appearance of blood in the urine due to rupture of blood vessels in different parts of the urogenital system.
Blood in urine during pregnancy can appear when performing heavy work
Hematuria is often diagnosed in women with high sugar content in the blood, and also suffering from anaemia and autoimmune diseases.
As blood in the urine during pregnancy is not an independent disease, but only acts as a symptom, and symptoms clear she will not have. The clinical picture in each case will depend on the disease, which is caused by this pathology.
Nevertheless the woman can result in such symptoms:
- fatigue;
- dizziness;
- lack of appetite;
- the increase in body temperature;
- jumps in blood pressure;
- pain in the lumbar region or in the projection of the bladder;
- when urination occurs the discomfort like burning and sharp pains;
- urine changed its color and smell.
In this case, you immediately go to your gynecologist and to detail all the complaints that there was a future mother (how many days it lasts, how it started and in what sequence).
Only the study of the urine under a microscope will determine the degree of saturation of urine with blood
The formulation of the diagnosis as hematuria, is possible only when the urine in the laboratory using the following tests.
In conducting this analysis, it is possible to determine not only the high content of red blood cells, but also their structure. This will greatly facilitate the search for the causes that could provoke bleeding. So, if in the course of the study discovered the whole red blood cells, this indicates that they were not affected by the treatment in the renal tubules, and therefore, the mixing of urine and blood occurred during the process of urination.
Therefore, it becomes possible to suspect the development of diseases such as urolithiasis, cystitis, tumour-like growths of the uterus and the bladder, inflammation of the vagina and uterine bleeding of various origins.
For this analysis you will need the medium portion of the urine of pregnant women which needs to be collected in the first morning urination.
Urine analysis according to Nechyporenko
This is a more accurate laboratory test, which can determine the presence of erythrocytes 1ml. urine in quantitative terms. Basically this analysis is prescribed as an additional study after receiving bad results of the overall analysis.
Nervous system.
During the sampling for this analysis, a woman to share my morning urine for 1, 2 or 3 servings. This is done in order to determine the location of bleeding in the urinary system. If the admixture of red blood cells observed in the initial portions, this indicates a lesion of the urethra.
The appearance of red blood cells in the middle portion tells about renal bleeding or blood from the ureter. The third portion with the signs of the presence of hematuria indicates the development of problems in the bladder.
The results of analyses were as faithfully as possible, with the fence material should adhere to the following rules:
- The fence material is produced in a special sterile container, which contains the date and the exact time when urine was collected.
- Before the fence of urine strictly forbidden douching and use of antiseptic means.
- The vagina should be closed with a sterile swab.
- The collected urine cannot be warmed up and freeze.
- The material for study must be delivered to the laboratory no more than two hours after it was collected.
Along with urine tests in gynecology is widely used such methods of examination as the examination of the cervix using mirrors, the crops that are taken from the cervix to determine the microflora, colposcopy and ultrasound. All these procedures must be performed in order to exclude bleeding from the genital organs and their pathways in the urine.
In order to resolve this pathology, it is first necessary to establish the reasons for its development, being at home can be done. That is why the appearance of the slightest suspicion on the accession of blood to your urine do not self-medicate, and as soon as possible contact your gynecologist.