
Bad urine in infants

Young parents know how many diagnostic procedures have to do the baby up to 1 year. However, when they get a bad urine sample in infants, it starts to panic, although the reasons for this can be quite a lot, but not all of them indicate the presence of disease.

When the house appears a baby, this joy can hardly be anything to compare. The baby is particularly vulnerable in the first year of his life, so at this point around need to pay his health enough attention. It is not only important to pay attention to suspicious symptoms, but in time to be screened by a specialist.

For children under 1 year is recommended once a month to visit a pediatrician in order to monitor the development of the child and to react to the appearance of any disease. Modern medicine has sufficient knowledge to accurately diagnose diseases and to treat them quickly.

Even when parents did not notice anything suspicious about the condition of their child, they must not abandon the monthly visits of a specialist.

This is important because often diseases occur hidden up to a point. Only a doctor can determine the problem. If he gets suspicious malfunction of an organ, will be assigned the appropriate tests. The most common method of diagnosis of diseases in children under years is a blood test and urine. If the figures are above or below normal, a further examination. Early detection of disease allows to detect a disease at an early stage and to choose the right treatment.

When the baby is prescribed a urine test?

This diagnostic method helps to identify many pathologies, without harming the child. There is no safer analysis than urine. For its effectiveness the study could compete even with the ultrasound. You need to consider that ultrasound has a negative impact on the immature body, so this method of determining disease experts are ambiguous.

The urine of an infant may be appointed upon the slightest suspicion of a viral or infectious disease. In addition, the results may suggest about the development of some serious abnormalities in the development and pathology of internal organs.

Therefore, it’s important to periodically take a urine sample until the child turns a year. This is necessary even in order to prevent, as this diagnostic method allows to determine the presence of health problems that gives you the opportunity to cure the disease without consequences for the development of a child.

It is worth noting that the study of liquids the infant gives the opportunity to detect a disease at an early stage. With timely and proper treatment there is every chance to prevent the negative processes affected the formation of the vital systems.

How to gather material for the analysis?

If after a routine examination, the doctor appointed for the child the urine test, he will talk about how to prepare for the exam. If we are talking about the General analysis, nothing complicated in the urine collection no. However, there are narrower methods, which collect material on a particular system.

Generally, collection of urine for further research is carried out on an empty stomach. Therefore, parents should have time to collect the urine of a child in the early morning.

For many, a huge challenge is the collection of fluid, especially in girls, but there are several effective techniques that can substantially reduce difficulties in implementation of this process. Some parents go to the trick and simply squeeze the diaper after the kid goes to the toilet. This is the most unfortunate way, as about sterility there can be no question, therefore, the results of the analysis are serious errors.

If the child already goes on the potty, it simplifies the task of collecting material for further studies. But keep in mind that not any container suitable for this procedure. If the house has a metal pot that needs to boil and then use to collect the urine. From plastic it is necessary to immediately refuse, so as to make it sterile will not work because of the lack of the ability to boiling.

If wash capacity detergents, their particles will be in the liquid, which affects the test results. Moreover, if the plastic itself is not characterized by a high level of quality, its molecules can penetrate into the urine. It can make the correct diagnosis.

The best way is to use a special sterile moonbounce. But it is not always possible to acquire, as not every pharmacy similar devices. In extreme cases, parents can use an ordinary sterile container and guess when the baby decides to empty the bladder. It’s not the most convenient method, but effective, as it allows you to obtain the most clean fluid and the correct results of laboratory tests.

Why have a child in a bad urine test?

Research urine – informative method that allows you to define many diseases. In any laboratory, a similar study was conducted for 1 day, not more. The results of the analysis go to the doctor.

The task of the specialist is the transcript and correct interpretation of data obtained from the lab. If the patient’s urine has an unpleasant smell of acetone or stool, this suggests that the children’s organism develops inflammation or infectious disease.

Approximately 50 % of the indicators determined by turbidity and color. The urine of infants should be transparent and bright, with a slight tinge of yellow. If the jar tests was turbid liquid, it shows the excess phosphate levels. This phenomenon indicates that the human body develops inflammation. Turbidity in laboratory standards may be complete or incomplete. Depending on this will differ and diagnosis.

Urine color also plays a huge role. If deviations from the standards, most likely, we are talking about the wrong diet. This is possible if an infant began to introduce solid foods. But if the urine of the baby has become the autumn yellow, brown or reddish – it is a signal a serious problem. The liquid may be greenish, which indicates jaundice process. If the newborn was travelover, the urine must pass necessarily. This is important because detection of red blood impurities may indicate damage to the kidneys or vascular system.

In the urine should not be too much protein. Higher levels will tell you about the development of the inflammatory process in internal organs. In some cases, the excess protein in the urine may indicate the kidneys or heart. The pH also plays a large role. If the pH is above or below the range of 4 to 7 units must be assigned to additional tests that will determine or refute the development of diabetes. A violation of the acidity of urine says about dehydration and pathological processes in the urinary system.

The density of the urine is also considered an important indicator. From this value, determine the pathology of the blood and kidneys. If the child has a low density of urine, the need to conduct additional research aimed at diagnosis of the urinary tract. Often this phenomenon becomes a symptom of kidney failure.

What to do with bad tests?

For a start it is worth noting that parents must not attempt to investigate the cause of the poor state of the baby. No need to deal with transcript of test results, not having the appropriate knowledge. It is desirable that the form just come to the doctor. This will avoid misunderstandings.

If the specialist determines that the results of the analysis of the baby is still bad, will be assigned additional tests. This is necessary to accurately identify the disease and assign the most effective and safe treatment.

Parents in this situation should not panic. To confirm the result of research about any threat. It is possible that the reason for the poor analysis of the kid lies in the improper collection of biological material.

If a negative result is confirmed by other diagnostic methods, you need to accurately follow the doctor’s recommendations. In this case, the chances to cure the pathology will be high. Modern medicine has the capacity to cure even severe diseases without risk to the further development of important organs and systems.

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