
The reasons for the formation of urine is very dark in color men

To change the color of urine can make the assumption of a particular disease in the internal organs.

However, dark urine in men can appear quite harmless reasons.

Dehydration occurs when the imbalance of consumption and output of fluids. Most often this condition appears during high ambient temperatures, heavy physical activity, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

When to worry about

The factors causing the darkening of the color of urine without the presence of infection or pathological lesions of the internal organs are:

  • dehydration;
  • excessive use of products with natural and chemical dyes;
  • taking certain groups of medicines.

Enhanced fluid loss from the body promotes excessive alcohol consumption

During the period of hangover urine may become a darker color that is not dangerous and only need to resolve the drinking regime.
To mild dehydration leads night abstinence from liquids. That’s why morning pee is always darker than in other periods of the day.

For the return of urine color to normal when dehydration is sufficient to replenish the liquid balance by drinking clean water or oral rehydration solution.

Foods that can affect the shade of urine, making it darker:

  • legumes because of their high protein content (beans, peas);
  • asparagus;
  • beets;
  • rhubarb;
  • carrots;
  • soy.

But more severe impact are chemical dyes that are present in beverages, candies, and other products of industrial production.

Upon termination of their use, the color of the urine is restored within 2-24 hours.

Some chemical compounds used in medicines, can also make the urine darker.

To group such medicines include:

  • laxatives based on derivatives Senna and Cascara;
  • vitamin complexes (with hypervitaminosis vitamin C and b);
  • preparations using the compounds of carbolic acid and quinine;
  • some antibiotics and antimicrobial agents (Furadonin, Metronidazole, etc.).

In this case, the secreted fluid may acquire a bright yellow or brown color

This condition does not require discontinuation of therapy this drug, but the color change should be reported to the doctor.

If the reason for the sudden change in the color of urine is non-infectious in nature, then there will be no additional impurities (blood, pus, mucus), sediment and suspended matter.

When you need to go to the doctor

Dark urine in men can occur due to the presence of additional substances, such as bilirubin, erythrocytes, mucus, pus, etc.

Usually change the hue of urine are added, and other manifestations of the disease emerged:

  • in diseases of the liver and gall bladder: pain in the right hypochondrium, weight, change in color of stool, etc.;
  • kidney disease: lower back pain, discomfort and problems with urination, cloudy urine;
  • if the cause is prostatitis, then the output of the liquid will be blood and pain in the pubic area;
  • at pathologies in the bladder: frequent urination, cramps and burning in the process of going to the toilet, pain behind the pubic bone;
  • when infection of the urethra, the urine darkens due to the presence of purulent discharge;
  • injuries to the pubic region.

The color of urine can range from dark yellow to almost black.
If this symptom increased, and other symptoms, you should seek the advice of a physician or urologist

When the problem is in the liver

In the liver are the main processes of decay and recycling of human waste. But in the case of its dysfunction, these products begin to enter the bloodstream and kidneys, which are unable to recycle them.

So, when blockage of the lumen of the bile duct (stone or tumor) resulting bilirubin enters the kidneys where it gets into the urine, staining it a dark color. The same process occurs due to tissue damage of the liver due to the presence of cancer, cirrhosis or hepatitis of any nature origin.

In this case, the clinical picture is complemented by a light brown feces, increase in temperature, a change of color of eye sclera and skin (become yellow).

If the kidneys are not doing

Urine color is directly linked to the performance of kidneys.

The main causes changes in the color of urine because of renal dysfunction are:

  • pyelonephritis (in the output fluid pus is present, making it muddy);
  • glomerulonephritis. Fluid accumulates in the kidney, clots of blood stained urine in Burgundy and brown. There is a large amount of impurities and sludge;
  • the movement of kidney stones. Injury to the ureter and kidney causes brown hue, and if the output of stone injure the mucous membrane of the urethra, blood in the urine will be bright red.

The kidney problems of the inherent pain in the lumbar region

Additionally, the patient is experiencing pain with one or from two sides of the lower back, burning or painful urination, in some cases, there is a renal colic and a significant increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees).

Prostatitis and prostate pathology

Inflammation or overgrowth of the prostate gland not only disrupts the process of urination, preventing completely emptied bladder and causing stagnation of urine, but also contributes to the slowing of blood circulation in this area.

This condition leads to leakage of red blood cells in the urine, and also the appearance in it of purulent secretions in marked inflammatory process.

Pathology of the prostate gland are expressed in the form:

  • dull pain in the scrotum and the pubic bone, discomfort aggravated by exercise, defecation, and urination;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • increase in the frequency of urination;
  • change of urine color to rusty-brown shade.

Treatment of prostate diseases is undertaken by an urologist and andrologist. The lack of medical care can be fraught with sterility and complete loss of sexual function.

Diseases of the bladder and urethra

First color change and darkening of urine in men with the diseases of these organs caused by the allocation along with urine, pus, blood and mucosal secretions.

Among men the most common such diseases as urethritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the urethra)

If urethritis is acute form, additionally present:

  • discharge from the external opening of the urethra. They can be transparent, greenish, yellow, cheesy white, thread-like with an unpleasant odor;
  • a sharp burning sensation and cramps in the process of urination;
  • redness and swelling of the urethra.

In the urine (especially first portion) are filamentous inclusions, and the color may change to dark and muddy.

Rare, but still occurs among men cystitis (inflammation of bladder wall). Thus the urine becomes darker, it is possible to see specks of blood or a reddish hue due to her presence. This is caused by the occurrence of strongly pronounced inflammation and injury of blood vessels of the mucous membrane.

The most obvious symptom of cystitis is frequent amounts of urination with the release of a very small volume of urine. Also, a man feels pain in pubic area, burning sensation and cramps in the process of urination.

Genital injuries

Injury penis testicles or scrotum is fraught with rupture of blood vessels, the occurrence of edema and hematoma.

This raises the difficulty withdrawal of urine, she becomes more concentrated pigments and dye it in darker color.

If injury to blood vessels blood can permeate into the urine, then its color changes to a rusty or Burgundy

Penile trauma create favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora and the emergence of urethritis, which may also be causing the color change.

Appeal to the doctor necessarily as great a risk of internal bruising and bleeding.

Dark urine in men can be a consequence of a purely “male” problems, and a symptom of diseases of internal organs.

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