
Extension cups kidney

Heraklitos (celiectasia) is a pathology in which there is an extension of the cups of the kidney. In the process of expanding, the calyx begins to push kidney tissue and push it. As a result, papillae, located on the kidney, begin to atrophy, thereby creating an obstacle to the flow of urine, that is the act of micturition difficult.

If early treatment of the pathological process, in the future it will be possible to avoid surgery. Excessive expansion may lead to necrosis of renal tissue, formation of stones.

Unfortunately, the disease has distinct symptoms and can be very long time not to be felt, so you should systematically undergo examination of the kidneys. This will help identify the abnormality in the early stages, and engage her early elimination.

Causes of hydroclimate

The main reason for the development of hydrosilicate is considered a violation of the circulation of urine in the renal pelvis and the cups. This creates a burden on all nearby organs. The expansion of the calyx of the right kidney is much rarer than the left, but is largely prevalent in patients with excess body weight, since they usually sleep on the right side. Therefore, excessive pressure on the kidney, and as a result, the deformation of the Cup.

People with overweight often suffer from enlargement of the cups in the kidneys than patients with normal weight

In addition, it is possible to allocate the following reasons:

  • bend of the ureter;
  • syndrome neurogenic bladder;
  • drinking large amounts of fluid;
  • the presence in the lumen of the ureter calculi;
  • tumor, stones and other element can press on the urethra;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • diseases neurological;
  • the presence in the body of toxic substances that affect the smooth muscles;
  • infectious-inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • muscle weakness renal unit.
Varieties of pathological process

The presence of excessively large kidneys can proceed without the bright clinical picture of: itching, pain, discomfort at the site of lesion. This pathology is virtually asymptomatic, and has so long time not to be felt, with little progress. There are several distinguishing symptoms that will allow you to identify what kind of kidney has been extension.

Calectasia is an asymptomatic disease, therefore, when the first abnormalities in the kidneys, should consult a doctor.

There are several stages of expansion of the cups in the kidneys:

  • The initial stage. Pathology is manifested asymptomatic, seemingly unnoticed, no modification of any violation of the Cup-pelvis-plating system can only be detected by ultrasound examination.
  • The middle stage involves a significant increase, the patient cannot empty the bladder, this process was causing him some difficulties.
  • The development of chronic process. Begin to swell the upper and lower limbs, the urine changes color because the kidneys are not in full. The process of urination becomes painful. Sometimes the patient has a painful backache in the lumbar region.

Ultrasound diagnosis will help identify the disease at initial stage

If in the human body, the inflammatory process progresses, you can join the fever and soreness in the sacrum area. In the presence of hydrosilicate the child is the fact that he often goes to the toilet, and gets very cranky. Despite the considerable swelling, the victim feels a strong sense of thirst, and drink water in large quantities.

In the presence of such manifestations is to pass urinalysis. If there are deviations from the norm, immediately seek help from a doctor.

The main symptoms

In most cases, the expansion of the calyx of the kidney runs parallel with pyelectasis (enlargement of the pelvis of the kidney). But despite the presence of two pathologies, the symptoms are very dim. In young children, even with the expansion of the pelvis more than 7 mm, may not have any symptoms.

As mentioned above, heraklitos develops due to stagnation and as a result, starts to actively infectious-inflammatory process which leads to the following symptoms:

  • in a study in the urine detected leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • body temperature rises;
  • pain in the lumbar region, can be both left and right sides;
  • the pain during urination;
  • nausea sometimes culminating in vomiting;
  • urine changes the color.

The brightness of the clinical picture depends on how advanced the calyx and the pelvis. Most often symptoms begin to occur when the Cup exceeded 4 mm, and pelvis in 7 mm. If these figures are less, disease symptoms are virtually none. But if there have been problems with the genitourinary system, it is necessary to perform regular ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Ultrasonic inspection should be carried out several times, as this will help you to look at the dynamics of the disease

In young patients, unlike adults, have such a feature, the enlargement of the pelvis of more than 7 mm, clinical manifestations of the disease may be completely absent. Therefore, for such patients requires careful attention and timely diagnostics.

Diagnostic measures

Among the diagnostic procedures to identify extensions of the cups both kidneys, the greatest preference is given to x-ray and ultrasound procedures. When conducting excretory urography, there are two ways of injection: intravenous and gavage. To x-ray methods include intravenous (excretory) urography. This manipulation involves obtaining images of the whole urinary system on 7, 15 and 21 minute after injection into a vein special tools – Urografin.

With this manipulation it is possible to identify the following changes:

  • the excretion of urinary fluid from the body slows down;
  • in the survey clearly identifies the enlarged calyx;
  • change the size of the ureter;
  • this slows the progress of a contrast agent at the narrow parts of the urethra;
  • smooth muscles lose their motor activity.

During excretory urography, it is worth noting the fact that the contrast agent can be administered not only intravenously, but also through the probe, which is inserted through the urethra. For a more thorough and informative diagnosis using Doppler ultrasound of the blood vessels. Ultrasound diagnosis will help to detect only the expansion of the cups of the kidneys. But this method is very well established with the aim of monitoring the process dynamics.

For children magnetic resonance imaging is only used in extreme cases. For a more thorough examination of pathological changes of genitourinary system, you need to connect the Doppler blood vessels. This manipulation will allow us to monitor the condition of the circulatory system, namely, to determine the absence of blood clots.

When conducting the ultrasound, the doctor draws attention to the following symptoms that are observed during the expansion of the cups:

  • in the area of change, from the pelvis and cups, a marked increased echogenicity;
  • “Calcium milk” is a phenomenon in urology, which combines echo-positive and negative signals in the area where the expansion and contraction.

X-ray and ultrasound diagnosis can be aimed and review. The scoping study is required to locate pathology in the human body. Sighting diagnosis is used if the doctor knew in advance what part of the kidney affected. And therefore, in order to avoid the influence of x-ray radiation on the human body, radiation is directed only on the affected area.

In addition, modern medicine offers a method of research as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This procedure allows to accurately examine the affected organ. But MRI is used only in extreme cases, namely when the patient has a pronounced extension of the cups, in the event of possible complications, as well as before surgery, to determine the scope of work.

MRI is the most informative method of diagnosis, but is mainly used in the presence of complications

For young patients, MRI is used only in emergencies, as undesirable once again irradiating the body of a child.

The differences in extension of the left and right cups

Specific symptoms that would indicate the extension of the Cup right or left kidney, but there are a few small features. Quite often in medical practice it is possible to meet cases of pronounced inflammatory process on the right side. This is because most people are right-handed, so they are dominated by muscle tone on the right side. When the manifestation of the first signs of disease should immediately consult a specialist.

In the presence of hydrosilicate on the left side decreases the amount of renal tissue. This is due to the fact that connective tissue grows in places of the inflammatory process. As a result, we can conclude that the more the human body’s inflammatory reaction, the greater the likelihood of the formation of areas with connective tissue.

Complications of bilateral hydrosilicate

When indicators that are included in the rate of expansion of the cups, the symptoms may be completely absent. If a long time, there were no pathological changes, for several years, sometimes tens, the patient may not be aware of the presence of pathology.

Heraklitos both kidneys can lead to certain complications, namely:

  • increases the pressure on the urethra;
  • pathogens infect the kidney tissue;
  • venous outflow is enhanced;
  • starts the active redistribution of blood flow, as a result increasing blood flow to the kidneys.

To relieve pain use NSAIDs in the form of suppositories

When you double-extension may occur obstruction of the urinary tract. It can cause of the renin-angiotensin system to work, which affects the blood pressure.

Therapeutic measures

To cure this pathology by using drugs, and also possible to use national recipes. Perhaps the use of surgical intervention, but only in the case when heraklitos combined with urolithiasis or abnormalities of the urogenital system.

The use of drugs

Medicament for treatment of enlargement of the cups of the kidney, is used with the aim of eliminating the symptoms of disease. In the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They include: Dikloberl, Diklak, Voltaren, Indomethacin.

Folk recipe

Traditional methods are most often used with prophylactic purpose, it is very rare for treatment.

In the presence of extensions in the Cup the renal pelvis area, to restore the use of infusions and decoctions from medicinal plant raw material, namely:

  • A decoction of leaves of bilberry: to prepare it you’ll need 2 tbsp. l. leaves and 200 ml of freshly boiled water.
  • A decoction of the herb bearberry: 1 tbsp of raw materials must be mixed with 200 ml of boiling water.

You can find medicines which include medicinal plants: Phytolysin, Trinitron, Kanefron, Uronefron Zistan.
Before using popular recipes should consult with your doctor


Surgical method of treatment is used when there are issues associated with the outflow of urine. It is necessary to restore the patency of the urethra, it is possible to use extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the presence of stones of small size. To avoid such health problems, you should carefully listen to the body in a timely manner to pass the necessary examinations, and also to lead a healthy lifestyle. At observance of these simple rules of kidney problems can be avoided.

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