
Symptoms and diagnosis of prostatitis

Prostatitis – is an inflammatory process, localized in the tissues of the prostate gland, accompanied by pain syndrome, the appearance of strange discharge from the urethra and rectum, urinary and sexual function.

In recent years, the cases increasingly recorded in young patients, not just under the age of 50, although early prostate pathology was considered “Mature.”

How to determine prostatitis independently and under a doctor’s care? It must be done in time to avoid serious consequences that could result from the disease. Especially for men who want to learn more about the first symptoms of prostatitis and methods for early detection of pathology and written in this article.


The first signs of prostatitis in men can for a long time unnoticed, this is mainly manifested in the chronic form of the disease. However, the acute form in some cases may be asymptomatic, more often in young people. For example, in the pathology caused by infection with sexually transmitted infection.

Leading a promiscuous sexual life, the young man might notice strange discharge from the urethra with a mixture of filamentous mucous patches, but not to play it either alone on drink a course of antibiotics. Acute inflammatory process in this case will be repaid, but the pathogen remains in the body in a latent (dormant), continuing to act on prostate tissue, causing them to lose.

Signs of asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis can be detected and men in adulthood, when the disease has reached chronic form. It mostly happens during routine examination by a urologist and laboratory examination of scrapings taken from the surface of the urethra

Learn about asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate gland can during surgery:

  • when conducting a needle biopsy of the inflammatory process in the prostate is detected in 45% of patients;
  • during transrectally resection of the pathology detected in 95% of cases;
  • the surgical removal of the prostate or part of the disease can be detected in 98-100% of cases.

If asymptomatic prostatitis was discovered during laboratory studies, the doctor makes a diagnosis based on the increased number of leukocytes and bacteria that is excreted in the urine. These indicators are the main signs of asymptomatic prostatitis and cause for a complete examination of the patient – how to diagnose inflammation of the prostate gland in detail will be explained later.

Signs the acute form of prostatitis

What is prostatitis in men, which occurs in acute infectious-inflammatory form? As a rule, to put the diagnosis of acute inflammation of the prostate gland for physicians does not pose any particular problems due to the presence of obvious signs.

Acute prostatitis manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • chills and febrile phenomena;
  • the increased body temperature different indicators obtained in the measurement in the armpit and anus – the difference is 0,2–0,5 on;
  • pain in the perineum, scrotum and groin, which radiates to the lower back and the anus;
  • frequent urination and increased urge to him in the evening and at night, even when you empty the bladder;
  • signs of dysuria – pain during urination, burning sensation and cramps in the urethra;
  • leakage of urine drip or thin stream until fully fluid retention;
  • signs of intoxication – headache, feeling of weakness, weakness, and aches throughout the body;
  • frequent constipation – there are the cause of the inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the prostate, which compresses the opening of the anus and does not fully empty the bowel.

Such manifestations of acute prostatitis require urgent diagnosis in order to avoid dangerous complications. Rectal examination in acute form of disease, are rare because of the pain in prostatitis in men at this period quite intense.

If you have the opportunity to test hardware, and it does not cause the patient expressed discomfort, the doctor detects enlarged and edematous lobe of the prostate

The acute form of the disease provokes the allocation of colorless or white-yellow mucus from the urethral channel, as well as the appearance of blood droplets in the semen. If the 1 signs of disease arise as a result of infectious-inflammatory process, as being of the patient is critical – this condition requires immediate hospitalization. Acute inflammation of the prostate gland can become the starting mechanism for the ascending infection of the urogenital system (cystitis, pyelonephritis) or blood poisoning (sepsis).

Symptoms of acute forms depending on the stage

Symptoms of prostatitis in men, which manifest themselves in an acute form, is not always straightforward and the same for all.

Typical symptoms may vary and depend on the stage of the disease (count three):

  • Catarrhal. It is considered the initial stage of prostatitis and is characterized by the appearance of aching pain in the perineum and groin. The temperature remains within normal levels or may slightly increase. The main signs of inflammation are frequent urge to urinate even if the bladder has been recently emptied. At this stage, you may perform a rectal examination of the prostate, which reveals an increase in one or both lobes of the gland with a little soreness and swelling.
  • The follicular. Is characterized by vivid intensity of painful sensations, swelling of the secretory lobes of the prostate and the formation of cystic cavities filled with dense contents. Urination becomes more difficult and is accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra. For the follicular stage is characterized by constipation, the patient also complains of a feeling of incomplete bowel apirogennost is due to compression of the rectum enlarged prostate gland. The urine becomes turbid precipitate, it contains a large number of white blood cells and inclusions Muco-purulent character.
  • Parenchymal. At this stage, every manifestation of prostatitis is particularly bright due to involvement in the inflammatory process of the lung tissue. The pain is felt not only in the perineum and groin but radiates to the back and abdomen. Due to heavy discomfort during urination and defecation the patient have constipation and bloating, you develop signs of reactive inflammatory process in the rectum, manifested by secretion of mucus from the anus. Due to severe pain a man lies, pursing his feet under him to relieve the feeling. The temperature rises, the syndrome of hyperthermia is accompanied by toxicity – chills, fever, thirst and dryness of the mucous membranes.

What are the signs of a suppurative prostatitis, which occurs if the three stages the patient is not taking measures and do not seek help to the doctor? The last stage of acute inflammatory-infectious prostatitis is the formation of a purulent abscess in the tissues of the gland.

This condition is dangerous to health and life, and therefore requires urgent hospitalization, opening the abscess and carrying out of antibacterial therapy, to prevent blood poisoning and other serious complications. The patient complains of high fever and acute pain that radiates into the kidneys, retention of urine and defecation. From the anus actively secreted Muco-purulent contents.

The symptoms of congestive forms of the disease

The disease stagnant prostatitis in the form of also called congestive. It occurs because of a sedentary lifestyle, irregular sexual activity, long exposure, bad habits, age and hormonal changes, and also because of concomitant diseases of the urogenital area.

What symptoms happen when congestive prostatitis:

  • pain in the perineum and groin aching and pulling of nature, which intensified at night and after lengthy sitting (standing) work;
  • more frequent urges to run to the toilet in a weak stream of urine, burning sensation, and small pains during urination – sometimes these symptoms are so weak that the patient does not pay attention to them;
  • compression of the intestine and the feeling stuck there a foreign object – in spite of the emptying of the rectum, the man is still something interferes, he again and again tries to go to the toilet, but to no avail;
  • signs painful erections that occur at night that are not random – could be tackled only by sexual intercourse or going to the toilet;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • loss of normal erectile function;
  • premature ejaculation, or, conversely, a long intercourse;
  • erased orgasm – absence of thrill during ejaculation.

Indirect signs that help to diagnose the disease, considered the expansion of large veins in the lower extremities, the appearance of severe small the network of capillaries on the skin of the scrotum, and sometimes worsening of hemorrhoids.

Changes are observed on the part of the emotional state the man becomes irritable, sleeps badly, feels increased fatigue and weakness. Signs of an inflamed prostate can be seen on photos and pictures, located on the site dedicated to this disease.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The chronic form of the disease in men develops as a result of a long course of the infection or because of the extensive stagnant phenomena in the pelvis.

Patient years could not know of the existing problem, since chronic prostatitis is often asymptomatic, and to guess about the presence of pathology is possible only on a number of unspoken signs:

  • a feeling of discomfort in the groin, growing after prolonged physical exertion, but also because of stagnant or sedentary work;
  • painful urination that bother more at night;
  • feeling of incomplete bladder apirogennost, especially if the urine flows in a thin stream or drops;
  • reduction in the duration of intimate acts.
  • the lack of libido or noticeable decrease;
  • loss of morning spontaneous erection;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • nagging pain in the head of the penis which manifested after the sexual intercourse and go away on their own after 20-30 minutes.

If a man for a long time does not pay attention to such symptoms and do not seek help to the urologist, the consequences can be sad.

Chronic or congestive inflammatory process in the pelvis may cause infertility, impotence and problems in the urogenital sphere (development of pyelonephritis, recurrent cystitis, inflammation of the seminal vesicles – vesicles).

A correct and complete diagnosis of prostatitis in men is the key to successful treatment, as this disease requires prompt therapy to avoid serious complications

Diagnosis of the disease

The list of diagnostic methods recommended for the diagnosis of prostatitis, described below. The doctor can complete it at their discretion of other hardware and laboratory methods, if indicated.

Rectal examination of the prostate

Digital rectal examination is the most informative method for diagnosis of prostatitis, which is based on the feeling of the gland with the index finger introduced in the anus of the patient. Despite the fact that the method of examination was invented in ancient times, it has not lost relevance, because it allows you to get the specific information that is not available when performing hardware diagnostic methods.

A man is in knee-elbow position or lies on her side and pulls legs to the stomach. The doctor inserts a gloved finger which is pre-treated with vaseline in the anus, obtaining data not only about the condition of the prostate, but also colon, the presence or absence of signs of hemorrhoids, fissures and tumors, the tone of the sphincter.

Then the doctor examines the prostate gland. It is located at a distance of 3-4 cm from the entrance to the anus has the shape of a conker. In the middle is the furrow that divides the prostate into two shares. Normal consistency of the gland dense, uniform surface, elastic, the prostate needs to have clear boundaries, and the mucous tissue of the intestine above it to be mobile. In acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate has been enlarged in one or both lobes, swollen, painful.

In the presence of purulent raspravleny tissue, the surface of the gland sometimes becomes soft. This information is necessary for setting the correct diagnosis as to the form and stage of disease, also during a digital rectal examination, a sample prostate secretion for laboratory analysis.

Ultrasound of the prostate

Ultrasound examination of the prostate allows to estimate the change in its size and shape, consistency, increase or decrease in echogenicity.

This procedure is considered mandatory in the diagnosis of prostatitis and is carried out in several ways:

  • transabdominal study is conducted externally through the abdominal wall;
  • external research through the crotch region;
  • transrectal examination is carried out through the opening of the anus;
  • transurethral intracavitary – when this type of survey sensor is inserted into the opening of the urethral channel.

Selection of methods of conducting ultrasound examination of the prostate is done by the physician and depends on clinical symptoms of the individual patient

If a man feels expressed painful sensations at which it is impossible to conduct a digital rectal examination and enter the ultrasound sensor of the apparatus into the rectum, it shows the external option through a crotch or the anterior abdominal wall.

Analysis of prostate secretion.

This analysis is included in the program of inspection for suspected prostatitis. Such a simple but informative method allows the physician to judge the presence of problems and to assess the degree of change.

Normally, the results of the study of prostate juice show:

  • the volume of the evolved secret should be between 0.5 to 2 ml, if the quantity more or less – it is a clear sign of inflammation;
  • color – transparent or white;
  • the absence of macrophages suggests that the inflammatory process is not running;
  • the lack of red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, fungi, E. coli, Trichomonas and gonorrhea also indicate that inflammation of the prostate no.

Also the study evaluated the density of secretions, acidity and the amount of lecithin granules. To prepare for testing, the man during the week, should refrain from excessive exercise and sexual intercourse, a visit to the hot baths, drinking alcohol, and before the survey to do an enema.

If stimulation of the gland had no effect, and the secret of the analysis has not been collected is the first portion of urine, in which there is a small amount of juice of a prostate. The collected material is transferred to the lab.

Analysis of the flora of the urethra

Smear for the detection of pathogens in the hole urethral channel necessary for the detection not only of prostatitis, but also infectious agents that provoke his development (Ureaplasma, chlamydia, gonorrhea). This analysis is recommended for men who applied to the doctor with complaints of itching and burning in the orifice of the urethra, pain during intercourse and urination, and strange discharge.

Before you gather material, the man should abandon medication (the week before the study), to refrain from sexual intercourse (two days), not to go to the toilet for two hours before taking a smear and conduct hygiene the night before, but not before the trip to the doctor. In laboratory studies the presence or absence of leukocytes in the smear, squamous epithelium, other organisms, except the sticks, which are a normal part of the flora and also yeast-like fungi, Trichomonas and gonococci.


Urine analysis allows to obtain data on the state of the genitourinary system, the chemical and physical properties of the liquid, the presence or absence of sludge, mucous or purulent patches.

When the diagnosis of prostatitis there are three types of tests:

  • General;
  • PAP – binding to detect changes in the tissues of the prostate and eliminating cancerous tumors;
  • bacteriological – identifies pathogens of bacterial infections, is performed tranportion method (urine collected in three different container in the morning), then conduct the inoculation of a nutrient medium.

Highly informative method of investigation in the diagnosis of prostatitis

Study the color of the urine, its density, transparency, and pH is the number of urobilin, protein, erythrocytes and leucocytes. Before the examination it is necessary to exclude alcohol intake, physical activity, use of medication and vegetables, which are able to change the color of urine.

A blood test

Blood is a biological fluid, in the study providing data about pathological changes in any organs and systems. If the diagnosis of prostatitis is conducted at an early stage of the disease, the blood test is considered a mandatory part of the screening programme.

The study of blood is performed in three forms:

  • Shared – blood on an empty stomach, before analysis excluding alcohol intake and fatty foods. Estimated indicators of leukocytes, including stab, ESR, and hemoglobin.
  • Biochemical is a comprehensive blood test that gives information about its chemical composition (content of cholesterol, protein, glucose, urea, bilirubin and other substances).
  • The PSA test – definition of prostate-specific antigen. The research is needed for patients who may develop malignant tumors in the gland. If the result shows a PSA level above the norm, it does not necessarily indicate cancer, this often occurs in patients older than 60-70 years.

The study of blood does doctor, on their basis, it shall decide on the appointment of certain drugs, comparing the results with other survey techniques.


The normal fluid must maintain a high viscosity even within 2-3 hours after collection and the semen volume should be 1-1. 5 ml In infectious and congestive prostatitis the volume of the resulting material is reduced to 1 ml and below, and change the pH level below 7.2 and above 7.8 is also talking about the presence of the inflammatory process.

A semen analysis is also considered as an informative method of detecting inflammatory processes in the prostate gland

Additional confirmation of prostatitis is the change in color of semen from white to pink, reddish or yellow. In the presence in the ejaculate of pathogenic microorganisms, mucous patches and epithelial cells also draws conclusions about the bacterial form of the disease. As became clear, overt symptoms of prostatitis may not be available for a long time or manifest themselves very poorly that many men find a reason to delay a visit to the doctor-urologist.

Late diagnosis of inflammation of the prostate gland as a result of lost time leads to the imposition of long, complex and often expensive treatment. Therefore, to avoid the serious complications that threaten the prostatitis, long and costly therapy, doctors recommend that men pay attention to even dimly expressed suspicious symptoms and to seek help as early as possible.

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